SCOUG OS/2 For You - December 1997
The President's Message
Warpstock a Success!
It seems like so long ago, but it's only been a month since Warpstock. I'm very pleased that the event was a success. I would like to take a moment to thank the many many people who helped contribute to that success.
I'll start with the Warpstock Steering Committee which consisted of Paul Hethmon (Chairman), Mark Abramowitz, Larry Finkelstein, Judy McDermott, Esther Schindler, Paul Wirtz, Tim Weaver, and me. This small group of people planned the details of Warpstock, big and small. (You'll note that 3 of the 8 are SCOUG board members.)
The SCOUG OS/2 History Museum was the talk of the weekend. The Museum was the result of dedication and a lot of hard work from Carla Hanzlik, Steve Schiffman, Melanie Chernoy, and Terry Warren. They began preparing weeks ahead of time, collecting and organizing all of the OS/2 junk that makes up the OS/2 museum. Remember, there is no permanent location for the museum - everything that was at the Open House had to be re-collected and reorganized!
Terry Warren, Steve Schiffman, Dave Wilson, and Randell Flint all stepped in toward the last moment to give informative presentations. With their help we were able to maintain the published schedule and expand it. Kim Cheung gave talks on his specialties, REXX and computer telephony integration. Dave Watson also gave his talk on Netscape Plug-ins - we conned him into agreeing early on. And I did a couple of sessions as well.
Paul Wirtz and Mark Abramowitz deserve a special nod. Because they were two of the key local members of the Steering Committee, they ended up doing a lot of the local foot work. They also served as co-chairmen of the exhibit area. Steve Schiffman (who wasn't on the committee) also did a fair share of trekking hither and yon to help with the site logistics.
And a special thanks to Carla Hanzlik for all of her help and reality checks. Nearly every detail of Warpstock had input from Carla that improved it significantly. Without her and the rest of the Sundial staff, I never would have made it through Warpstock.
But all that aside, by far my biggest thanks goes to SCOUG. So many members pitched in to help with every aspect of the event - from little nit-picky things to really major tasks. Tony Butka, Greg George, Stuart Lanis... the list of SCOUG volunteers goes on and on. (Check it out on our Web site.) I was so proud. You guys were really great!
More to come!
Warpstock is not over - those that attended will receive a CD containing all of the presentation materials, demos from vendors, and other goodies. We're trying to make arrangements for non-attendees to purchase the CD too.
We're also starting discussions for the possibility of next year's Warpstock. Give your feedback to a board member! Maybe you think it was all a waste of SCOUG's time? Maybe you think it was perfect and shouldn't be changed a bit. Hopefully, you fall somewhere in the middle. While you're at it - since it's similarly related - what are your feelings on having another Open House next summer? Please voice your opinions to a SCOUG board member or email me at
Editor's Note: While he is not one to toot his own horn, I want to make sure that Rollin's contributions to Warpstock are recognized. He did more planning, more preparation, more running around, more real work than anyone else involved. Seriously, he may not have been the chairman for the event, but he was the cornerstone and driving force that pulled it off.
Happy Holidays, SCOUG!
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 1997 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
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