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Copyright 1998-2024, Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

The Southern California OS/2 User Group

SCOUG OS/2 For You - March 1997

We Meet on the Ides of March

How fitting! While we aren't expecting anything dire, it is time to give a thumbs up or down to the board of director candidates.

Don't be late - Voting comes first

The March 15th general meeting is when SCOUG holds its annual elections. You'll find information about the positions with statements from many of the candidates later in this newsletter. Additional nominations will be accepted at the meeting prior to the voting for each office.

Act 2: SCOUG conquers the Web

Intermixed with the elections you'll get a preview of changes you'll soon be seeing in SCOUG's Web site. Designed to truly put information at your fingertips, the SCOUG Resource Guide will put SCOUG a step ahead of all other OS/2 Internet sites.

There will be time for Q&A after the presentation, and then come the SIGs:

General Interest - will discuss small networks and go over the networking software included with Warp.

Networking - starts a joint project with the Programming SIG to develop and implement a client/server version of the SCOUG raffle program. The first phase will be to utilize VX-REXX clients to communicate with a database server where the SCOUG mem- bership information resides. The project objectives and design will be developed and implementation plan specs will be created.

Programming - will look at a couple of advanced Object REXX concepts - concurrency model and class servers for SOM and DSOM. The group will also discuss the proposed joint project with the networking SIG.

If you can't make it, vote by proxy

If you aren't voting in person, get in touch with Terry Warren, SCOUG's current Secretary, before the meeting. He'll want a signed and dated statement of either who should cast your votes or who you are voting for. Questions? Contact Terry at 714-633- 5467 or

The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

Copyright 1997 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG is a trademark of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.