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Copyright 1998-2024, Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

The Southern California OS/2 User Group

SCOUG OS/2 For You - February 1997

BBS Files

If you haven't taken a look at CES BBS in a while, this list should encourage you to do so. These are just a few of the many many files on the BBS that OS/2 users could find useful.
Filename Description
CUOS206.ZIP CU-SeeMe is a video conferencing program originally developed for the MAC and PC (Windows) platforms by Cornell University. It lets you see live video transmissions over the Internet.
FTPBR14.ZIP Browser v1.4, feature rich TCP/IP FTP client for OS/2 Warp.
HFS002.ZIP HFS/2 is a program which lets OS/2 users read and write files on diskettes formatted with the Hierarchical File System used by Macintosh computers.
HMAKEO29.ZIP HyperMake (MakeIPF) 2.9 for OS/2 HTML and IPF builder. Your input is a more simple and intelligent ASCII format. Generates a number of HTML files from one source file, creates content and index.
MR2I122.ZIP MR/2 ICE v1.22: Internet Email Client. 32-bit multi-threaded.
REXXALGO.ZIP RexxAlgo 1.30 - some useful REXX algorithms.

The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

Copyright 1997 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG is a trademark of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.