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The Southern California OS/2 User Group

SCOUG Open House: Presentation Descriptions


The opening is a brief session for SCOUG to welcome all of the Open House attendees. Any last minute changes will be announced.

BOF - Birds Of a Feather

Birds Of a Feather sessions are informal gatherings of attendees with similar interests. The topics for each BOF will be based solely on the interests of the attendees. BOF sessions are a great opportunity to discuss specific issues in a less formal environment and more interactive environment.

Beginners Guide to Installing Video Drivers

Presented by Mark Abramowitz

As video drivers are updated and as video cards are updated and replaced, users sometimes need to take the potentially daunting step of installing new drivers. Rather than panic, attend this session to learn how to painlessly install and upgrade your OS/2 video drivers. This session is especially tailored to the beginner user, and the presentation will be conducted by a non-technical user, who once panicked himself!

Building your SOHO Network

Presented by Steve Schiffman

Using the tools included in Warp, it's easy to build your own small network. We'll look at what hardware is necessary and how to configure the software to make the most of your resources.

Coming Attractions: Speculations (and Some Facts) About the Future of OS/2

Presented by Randell Flint

With the upcoming release of WorkSpace-On-Demand 2.0 this fall and the planned release of the next version of Warp Server (code-named Aurora) in the first half of next year, we will be seeing the largest wave of new OS/2 enhancements since the release of Warp 4 almost two years ago. Add to this the pending availability of Netscape 4 and the potential of the Win32-OS/2 project and the future could prove to be very exciting indeed.

In this jam-packed half hour, we'll take a look at what *is* known about these and other developments. Then we'll do a bit of informed speculation about what it all means to the "ordinary" OS/2 user and the future of Warp as a desktop operating environment in the new millennium.

Demystifying Inkjet Printing

Presented by Don Baker

Don Baker of Paper, Paper, Paper fame will uncover the secrets of printing with inkjet printers. He will review the types of inkjets, what paper is available, and how to chose the right media for the job. He'll also reveal tips and secrets to improve your printing quality

Java I

Presented by Terry Warren

The Java programming language and development class libraries have created a revolution in application development on diverse platforms ranging from small embedded systems (such as credit cards) to large mainframe computers.

This presentation provides an overview of the Java language and development kit including its history, primary components, strengths and weaknesses, and, in general, how it achieves the promise of "write once, run anywhere". It also discusses the current status of the OS/2 implementation and takes a look at OS/2-based tools for Java development.

Java II

Presented by Terry Warren

The Java development environment has matured quickly and methodically over the past 24 months from the initial limited capabilities of its version 1.0 to the greatly expanded functionality of the soon to be released version 1.2. Based on a recent survey, it is now the second most popular development language (behind C) for new PC-based applications.

In this presentation, we will look at how Java is being used in the real world. This will include an overview of the types of development which are currently well-suited to Java implementations as well as those which are not. Several representative Java applications will be demonstrated and, based on the current trends for Java utilization, some predictions will be made regarding its future in both a technical and political context and what role OS/2 can play in that future.

Network Computing For The Rest Of Us

Presented by Kim Cheung

With IBM retreating to their little "Enterprise" corner, it's hard for the rest of us to get upbeat on their "Network Computing" crusade. This is most unfortunate because "Network Computing" is indeed a revolutionary concept that opens up a lot of new applications, and new market. TouchVoice was one of the few ISVs that get invited to one of the first training boot camps on this topic. Since then, we have successfully integrated "Network Computing" technology into all of our products. In this presentation, you will witness some of the "about to be released" products which utilizes the "Network Computing" technology - including, among other things - a 100,000 phone line phone switch!

The Internet - A Very Warped Place!

Presented by Dave Watson

The internet is quickly becoming the touchstone of our culture. Commerce, entertainment, communications -- all these and more are available to you in this rapidly growing medium with the click of a mouse! OS/2 was the first operating system to offer an integrated solution for connecting us to this vibrant community, and it remains an effective tool for this purpose.

This presentation will take you from the fundamentals of how the internet works, how you get set up your system, and how you get connected; through the primary tools you need for mail, news, chat, and the web; to advanced techniques for information searches, spam management and essential utilities.

Netscape Plug-ins

Presented by Dave Watson

Web browsers sprang into being just a few years ago as slim, trim tools for interpreting a simple communications protocol to display published pages of information. Publishers, being a creative lot, quickly moved beyond the confines of simple text and images to documents with a rich variety of multimedia features. Browsers quickly expanded from a few hundred kilobytes to the behemoths which today approach a hundred megabytes and handle most everything short of brushing your teeth. Netscape recognized that not everyone needs or wants every feature which is remotely possible to encounter and created a method for customizing browsers to meet specialized needs by plugging in additional features.

Today there are hundreds of plug-ins available, some native to Warp, some coded for Win16 and adaptable to Warp, some for Windows only. How do you decide what you need, and how to find and use them? This presentation will describe how Netscape plug-ins work, how to find them, and how to get them running.

REXX Libraries

Presented by Gary Granat

REXX is one of the scripting languages included with OS/2. Its most commonly described function is to provide a 'better BATCH language'.

However, REXX is also a very capable programming language in its own right. It is delivered replete with a number of very useful functions that make many programming tasks simple. One of the strengths is that the language can be fairly easily extended with additional function libraries.

This presentation briefly explores the REXX native built-in functions. It then discusses some of the additional functions available through the REXXUTIL library, which is delivered as a part of OS/2. Finally, it looks at two commercial libraries and how these extend the REXX language in different ways.

Setting Up Your Web Site: Logical and Visual Organization of Web Sites

Presented by Virginia Hetrick

In this presentation, you'll learn about the principles that Dr. Hetrick believes are most important in setting up your Web site, whether it is a large site for your business or a small personal site. The talk will be illustrated by live examples drawn from real Web sites. Finally, she'll take several pages and show you various ways to present the same information poorly and well.

Setting Up Your Web Site: Internet Connection Secure Server aka The Domino GO Server

Presented by Virginia Hetrick

In this session, Dr. Hetrick will take you through setting up the ICSS which is now marketed by IBM as the Domino GO server. The setup process is very simple; but, for a person unfamiliar with the terminology, it may look extremely daunting. For most situations, unless there are particularly strange security requirements, the entire setup process can be accomplished in less than a half hour. Come watch the fur fly as we actually set up a server during this session and watch it work!

Setting Up Your Web Site: Graphic Objects on the Web

Presented by Virginia Hetrick

You know from surfing the Web that the quality of graphic objects out there is VERY uneven. During this session, you'll learn what issues define the good, the bad, and the ugly of graphics on the Web as well as how to make sure the graphics on your own Web site look good and load fast.


Presented by Peter Skye

The well-known Win32-OS/2 project that converts Windows 95 and Windows NT program executables to OS/2 executables will be covered from the technical side during this quick-look-behind-the-scenes presentation. The formats of the two different executable (.EXE) files, PE and LX, will be examined to see what the conversion of a program executable from Windows 95 to OS/2 actually entails, and the current status of the project will be discussed.

WPS Add Ons

Presented by Paul Wirtz

One of the advantages of OS/2 is that you can work the way you want to. Drag and drop, pop-up menus, menus bars, command-line or a double-click - use the way that works best for you.

The WPS has a lot of flexibility and is designed to allow extensions. We will demo some of the shareware you can add to your desktop to help make it easier for you to do your work.