List of Presentation Pages

Click a page name to view that presentation page.

How to Write a Workplace Shell Class
Why write a WPS class?
Why did I write a WPS class?
WPS Architecture
Relationship to Presentation Manager
Structure of a WPS Object
SOM Fundamentals
Using the SOM Compiler
SOM Compiler Outputs
Coding Your Class
Coding Support Tools
Compiling, Linking and Testing
Debugging Your Class - Tools
Debugging Your Class - Tools
Debugging Techniques
IDL Overview
IDL - Include directives
IDL - Interface declarations
IDL - Implementation
IDL - Class Interface Pass Thru
IDL - Class Interface Method Modifiers
IDL - Metaclass Interface
IDL - Metaclass Implementation
IDL - Metaclass Class Method Modifiers
Sample Log Output
Documentation and Resources
Code Samples
Advanced WPS Objects
The future of WPS and SOM