Contact: Rollin White ( 1-562-596-5121 office Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Press Release - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ____________________________________________________________ The OS/2 Topics At Warp Expo West No matter what your interests, no matter what your needs, you'll miss important information if you miss Warp Expo West. Take a look at some of what you'll get on show day, September 18: MULTIMEDIA AND GRAPHICS: An entire OS/2-based home entertainment center -- video capture and playback, audio, editing, CD audio transfers to your hard drive and back again, format conversions -- on stage with multimedia expert Jerry Rash, and he'll show you the utilities to use (including the free ones), the drivers you'll need, and how to set up the OS/2-based multimedia system of your dreams! And Don Baker, the expert on inkjet printing, will show you how to get images that look like photographs (we've seen him do it!) from your inkjet printer. ROUNDTABLE: The roundtable discussion titled "IBM: The New Strategy To Control The Worldwide Desktop" with Peter Coffee of PC Week, Esther Schindler of Sm@rt Reseller and Alan Zeichick of Camden Associates (and OS/2 Magazine's former Editor-In-Chief) is guaranteed to give you an eye-opening insight into the good things and bad that lie ahead for OS/2. These three careers filled with experience and insight will fill the auditorium with crucial information you'll need for planning your OS/2 future. NETWORKING: Networking guru Steve Schiffman will present "Designing Your Home Network", including connecting your machines together, installing the drivers, the available software (some of it free), and using just one internet connection to service all of your networked machines. Then Hugh Dashbach and Michael Elliott will showcase Linux And OS/2, a demonstration of how to make these two very different operating systems work seamlessly together. WEB SITES: Two XML sessions by Bill Schindler, Editor of OS/2 Extended Attributes, will bring you quickly up to speed on this new language of the internet and get you started on writing your own XML pages. Plus Web Site Management and Netscape Composer Development seminars from Dr. Virginia Hetrick cover the problems that web site administrators face, the solutions, management of growth, and the fast-track approach to creating great looking web pages using the free Netscape Composer. DATABASES: Relational databases from the basics to the exotic are thoroughly covered by Randell Flint, President of Sundial Systems. Use the knowledge you gain at this seminar to design your own relational database systems and expand the ones you work with now. IBM: Flying in from Austin, Texas is Steven King, IBM's Development Manager for Network Computing, plus other IBMers including Dennis Sposato of the Rapid Deployment Team. Steven will show IBM's new Warp Server for e-Business, TCP/IP enhancements, Domino and Java server improvements, WorkSpace On-Demand server-managed clients plus the Windows32 feature for WorkSpace On-Demand, and Warp Server features like the Journaling File System, the Logical Volume Manager, WebSphere, NT Server management, and products from IBM's Network Computing Software Division covering XML, Java, SecureWay, Year2000 and a wide variety of other important subjects. Dennis will present the new Pre-Execution Services features including dynamic MAC addressing, remotely controlled boot manager, and booting to the LAN without a boot chip on the network card. BIG GAMES: Warped Jeopardy! Matching wits with the OS/2 elite on a stage of dreams, this real-life show will be hosted by the talented President of a major OS/2 software house. Reserved seating is free, and it's first-come first-served. SERVERS: Web Server Performance and Scalability by Robert Chapman of the Institute of Advanced Development Strategies covers what you need to know about response times, file I/O and communication bottlenecks, the constraints of the operating system, platform issues, the effect on performance of various programs including Active Server Pages and Dynamic HTML, and the new Application Server architectures. JAVA: Ron Lamb, a Software Developer for Cisco Systems, teaches two Java classes covering the JDK, language concepts, the tools and resources you can use, the differences between the Java versions, new Java2 features, performance, design decisions, development of server-based Java applications, and this year's JavaOne Conference. ADVOCACY: Come listen to Lynn Maxson, whose Warpicity project (complete with specialized smart tools like his Developer's Assistant) replaces the current development cycle and drives ideas straight to machine code. Kernels, drivers and application programs all flow from his methodolgy, and you'll learn the current project status at this most important lecture. COMMUNICATIONS: Dave Watson covers visual internet-based communications like CUSeeMe down through instant messaging, chat, newsgroups and mail lists, all OS/2 based and all used today in business, government, education and home office. MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING: Researchers like Ben Archer and Michael "Rocky" Rakijas need powerful tools when they work, and they use Octave for signal analysis, curve fitting and the rest of their daily number crunching. Fast solutions and tricks of the trade are covered in this vital seminar. PROGRAMMING: Plenty of programming topics await you, including Melanie Chernoy's REXX Programming Potpourri covering everything from REXX basics through stem variables, parsing, and using VREXX2 to add windows, dialogs and menus to your REXX programs. Developer Stan Shantar then shows you how to push the limit with his two sessions on Using REXX And C Together, carefully explaining the exact methods (many undocumented) you can use to allow each language to do what it does best. And international consultant Steven Levine presents "How To Write a Workplace Shell Class" including how to subclass existing desktop objects so you can leverage the Workplace Shell's functionality into your own programs, how to build your own Workplace Shell objects, and a full plate of development and debugging techniques. Every one of these seminars is free, and you don't want to miss this all-inclusive day. We have the presentations you want - at Warp Expo West! - - - Warp Expo West admission is free. The show will be held on September 18 near Disneyland in sunny Southern California. All the info is at Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group. # # # # # To change your email address or remove your name from this distribution list, contact