Contact: Rollin White ( 1-562-596-5121 office Friday, August 27, 1999 Press Release - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ____________________________________________________________ Bill Schindler XML Double-Session At Warp Expo West !! XML is the new, future language of the web, and Warp Expo West presents you with two XML lectures to put you ahead of the competition and save you hours of study time. Bill Schindler is a renowned computer language and compiler code optimization expert. In these two lectures he will show you what XML can do, discuss the web applications that XML will allow you to create, and demonstrate how you can write XML quickly to make your web pages come alive in ways that HTML simply is not capable. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is dynamic. It allows you to create your own "tags" so you aren't restricted to the ones defined in some specification. These new tags are included in your web documents, and the new browsers (he'll present the OS/2 XML browsers and tools in the lectures) use these tags to put your web pages on the screen. Sets of predefined XML tags called DTDs are already being created for your use, including SVG (vector graphics), business-oriented data exchange, new word processor formats, XSLT (data transformations), RDF (web-based metadata), even technical arenas such as mathematics and molecule descriptions. Schindler is well-versed in language development and optimization, and in these two XML lectures will show and teach you exactly what you need to start writing XML. "And I'll show real examples," he says, "such as how XML can give OS/2's drag-and-drop a major increase in intelligence." In session one, "Why XML Is Important", you'll be given the new goals that your web pages can now attain by using XML. You'll see how XML can give you better web pages faster, you'll be given ways to organize your information for better displays, and you'll get ideas to convince management that you and XML can deliver a web presence that beats the competition. In session two, "An Introduction To XML", you'll learn the technical aspects of coding web pages using XML, what decisions you'll have to make for fast XML designs, the tricks you'll need for organizing the pages, and how to parse and validate your XML documents so there won't be surprises later. Bill Schindler is a well-recognized OS/2 contributor. He's the Editor In Chief of _Extended Attributes_ (the award-winning OS/2 magazine from POSSI, the Phoenix OS/2 Society), author of Teach Yourself REXX In 21 Days, programmer of the Smack! OS/2 labeling program, and has a wide background in compilers and code optimization. Bill is currently incorporating XML into Smack! as its standard file format. XML is the future and you _will_ need this information to stay up-to-date as OS/2 grows. Join us and learn the future -- at Warp Expo West! - - - Warp Expo West is free and will be held on September 18 near Disneyland in sunny Southern California. All the info is at Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group. # # # # # To change your email address or remove your name from this distribution list, contact