*** Snapshot of #scoug at 01-31-100 19:25:31 *** *** DaveW (dwatson@ts005d38.lax-ca.concen tric.net) has joined #scoug [19:07:56] *** Names on #scoug: DaveW StevenL Blackbird SteveS Hoss Sector lmaxson Monitor @SCOUGbot *** #scoug Mode is (+ ) Just needed you ok before I screw up my system ...that's all....lol Hi DaveW hello DaveW BB, you have my permission. *** Ironhead (Tom@p60.amax1.dialup.sfo1.flas h.net) has joined #scoug [19:08:39] Hi Ironhead wow, they're talking about monitor problems on voice... * Sector doesnt' think Blackbird's system can handle anything... they were talkin tennis earlier... I'm a bit confused as to what it's base requirerments are actually....mpts fixkit wrx8620 or ...something else but since you are not into 4.1 jet I guess it makes no difference *** dallas (dallas@ip176.phoenix8.az.pub-i p.psi.net) has joined #scoug [19:11:03] You need to have the 32 bit MPTS stack installed. hello people Hi dallas Hi Dallas. hey, dallas has a phoenix address That MPTS fix will create the 32-bit stack that is needed for the TCP/IP 4.1 level * Sector has 4.00e and 6.200? installed at the moment though I've also had 4.1 installed BB, the readme should explain the prerequisites DaveW: what's the excitement about? After the MPTS fix for 32-bit stack, the IP updates are independent of anything else I believe. What version of unzip is the best.....4.2 or 5.32 or what???? I prefer 5.32. Why? What is 5.32 doing that previous version is not able to handle? The last time I was trying to fix my desktop...you had suggested that I not use 5.32 because of some issue>>??? It handles HPFS case-insensitivity better. BB, that was 5.40 I suggested that you avoid. Just checked and I have been using 5.1 for years. * Sector is using 5.32 None of them have problems unzipping. It's just wildcard matching that confuses pre-5.32 versions. 5.40 can't unshrink. ok i should have started this different(IF I HAD REMEMBERED IT CORRECTLY).....which is better 5.32 or 5.4??? don't use 5.4!! :) *** PeterSkye (pskye@pool0187.cvx8-bradley.di alup.earthlink.net) has joined #scoug [19:18:31] Hi PeterSkye so is ZIP 2.3 ok ( the very latest version) instead of 2.2 or was it 2.1????? hello PeterSkye I would like to report a success from last weeks Help Desk On-line. Hi Sector Hi Peter. Hiya Hoss Hi Mr. Levine :) Mr.? I had asked about how to completely remove System Commander because I was having problems using a hard drive that hade SC zapped. Good it's always nice to have a success Would you prefer a different title? SteveS, yes. Mr. is SO formal. There may have been more than one problem and as I attempted to address each I created a different one. I'd prefer a title-free zone. OK. I'll just use the dot. Hiya . Levine. SteveS, did you get it zapped yet? hello Mr. Skye. Dallas! What's cookin'? Oh no. Not another DOT business. At least it's COM-free. StevenL asked if I had the BIOS set for greater than 1G drive. I'll buy How about Steve53@levine.com ? PS: my noofles, tuna and broccoli Since this was a SCSI drive, the adapter controls how the drive is used. Dallas: No muffins ??? no muffins, yes! To much other chatter. I stop. Sorry everybody else. I'll pay attention. me to. Sheesh SteveS. SteveS, so how did you have it set up? Ok. *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC30\#scoug.log) 01-31-100 19:25:03 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC30\#scoug.log) 01-31-100 19:25:31 *** Snapshot taken to: D:\APPS\GTIRC30\scoug1-31 01-31-100 19:25:52 When I had the drive on my other system with configurable adapter, I did the SCSI low level format option when nothing was succeeding. 01-31-100 19:26:29 OK. 01-31-100 19:26:37 The low level option does not really low level format the drive, it just rewrites control info. 01-31-100 19:26:38 What adapter? 2940? 01-31-100 19:26:54 Adapter is Tekram. 01-31-100 19:26:59 Huh? This is SCSI. It should be a real low level. 01-31-100 19:27:07 390U? 01-31-100 19:27:27 Yes a 390UW. 01-31-100 19:27:48 OK. And the other adapter? 01-31-100 19:27:49 Low level is not a real low level, even on IDE BIOS. 01-31-100 19:28:46 Used to be you couldn't even do a low level on IDE's... 01-31-100 19:28:56 When I put the drive back in the original computer, it still would not work properly. Found the docs and discovered the >1G option. Changed it and the drive would boot up and is now working. 01-31-100 19:29:52 Makes sense... 01-31-100 19:30:00 Sector. Correct and you still cannot. Even though there might be a bios option to low level, the drive does not honor the request with drives made in the last 6 or more years. 01-31-100 19:30:09 Most of the Warp drivers now assume the >1GB is turned on... 01-31-100 19:30:52 This is a change from warp base and caused a few folks heartburn when it happened. 01-31-100 19:31:19 The original computers Adaptec 1522 adapter had that option turned off. The drive was working fine until the software was zapped by someone. The computer was not mine.... 01-31-100 19:32:09 I possibly upset everything when I did the low level format from the controller that did have the >1G turned on. 01-31-100 19:33:37 Odd. I would think that would fix it. 01-31-100 19:34:21 So would I... 01-31-100 19:34:57 Sounds more like it got reformatted with 1GB off. 01-31-100 19:35:02 No, I took the drive to translation mode when the original was had wired to be in non translation mode. 01-31-100 19:35:22 had=>hard 01-31-100 19:35:23 Oh, I see. 01-31-100 19:35:54 I guess the Warp driver is smart enough to know the card does not support >1GB translation. 01-31-100 19:36:04 This issue had not previously crossed my mind because the drive was a 1G drive. 01-31-100 19:36:56 So do you turn on or not translation for a 1G drive!! One controller was set one way, the other the other way.... 01-31-100 19:37:44 Depends. If you do, you limit your controller choice. 01-31-100 19:40:42 Does anybody else have any problems or better yet any problems/issues that they have solved during the past week/month? 01-31-100 19:40:50 OK, question. What are my options for telephone answering under OS/2 ? 01-31-100 19:41:02 FaxWorks supports it 01-31-100 19:41:07 Faxworks. 01-31-100 19:41:13 Faxwork/2. 01-31-100 19:41:30 does it do voicemail? 01-31-100 19:41:36 Yes. 01-31-100 19:41:39 Looks unanimous. How's the quality of the sound? 01-31-100 19:41:49 ducky 01-31-100 19:41:51 Dunno, I haven't set it up. 01-31-100 19:41:51 Does three answers make it a selection for you? 01-31-100 19:41:58 Dave: Thanks. :> 01-31-100 19:42:07 * Sector hasn't actually used it 01-31-100 19:42:22 Keller supplies a bunch of voice scripts... 01-31-100 19:42:27 I reviewed Faxworks with Abramowitz about three years ago. It did voice back then. 01-31-100 19:42:29 It's got a full REXX interface... 01-31-100 19:42:46 Just curious what else might be available. I suddenly have need of such an item. 01-31-100 19:42:52 It also will send email fax's. 01-31-100 19:43:19 I wrote the review. Mark ran off with the free CD. Guess I'll buy it. 01-31-100 19:43:40 The version on the bonus pak might get you started. 01-31-100 19:43:57 BTW, Faxworks no longer sells it... 01-31-100 19:44:09 I need full-function software. 01-31-100 19:44:10 You buy it direct from Keller Group and they will support it... 01-31-100 19:44:20 StevenL: Faxworks no longer sells _what_? 01-31-100 19:44:44 Global Village no longer sells the OS/2 version... 01-31-100 19:44:52 Oh, got it. Yes, I was at their site a couple of days ago. 01-31-100 19:44:53 There's some history here... 01-31-100 19:45:01 Global Village was a bunch of idiots. 01-31-100 19:45:10 Keller is not. 01-31-100 19:45:26 No, Keller (Mark Ahlstrom) is great. 01-31-100 19:45:37 Global Village were distributors with all that that implies. 01-31-100 19:45:47 Global neglected to issue the license notifications and had the worst support imaginable. 01-31-100 19:45:53 global village supports mac. 01-31-100 19:45:54 Is there a way to specify which hosts can connect to wa warp 3 connect box? 01-31-100 19:46:13 Worse yet, they knew little, if anything about the product. 01-31-100 19:46:35 Hoss, which protocol? TCP/IP or Peer? 01-31-100 19:46:40 What modem do I buy to use with Faxworks? I'd like high-quality voice. 01-31-100 19:46:51 Check the PMFax readme. 01-31-100 19:46:59 No recommendations? 01-31-100 19:47:00 TCP/IP. 01-31-100 19:47:01 PMFax is the current name of the product. 01-31-100 19:47:13 Hoss, read up on the HOST's file. 01-31-100 19:47:26 Also, define "connect". 01-31-100 19:47:39 innards are all made in taiwan or someplace aren't they? 01-31-100 19:48:03 Innards of what? PMFax? 01-31-100 19:48:06 :) 01-31-100 19:48:08 Probably. I'll ask Keller for a recommendation. 01-31-100 19:48:15 INTERCOM http://www.ixworlworld.com/ic/ 01-31-100 19:48:20 my experience has been they're all pretty much the same. (modems) 01-31-100 19:48:35 These days, that's pretty much true... 01-31-100 19:48:42 connect means telnet.. in... 01-31-100 19:48:52 All you are paying for is better or worse QA on the assembly process. 01-31-100 19:49:04 oops http://www.ixworld.com/ic/ 01-31-100 19:49:06 but i havent used voice much 01-31-100 19:49:07 Are there any _external_ voice/fax modems? 01-31-100 19:49:11 Hoss, that usually means a firewall. 01-31-100 19:49:17 *** rollin (~rwhite@cc228605-a.slbch1.occa.home.com) has joined #scoug [19:49:17] 01-31-100 19:49:22 Hi rollin 01-31-100 19:49:23 i have a sporster 01-31-100 19:49:24 You might want to look at Injoy. 01-31-100 19:49:24 Hi Rollin, 01-31-100 19:49:27 Hi Rollin. 01-31-100 19:49:30 Hello! 01-31-100 19:49:32 StevenL that what I was thinkiin... firewall. 01-31-100 19:49:38 I actually have a problem today :) 01-31-100 19:49:47 Go for it. 01-31-100 19:49:48 Sportster's are fine. We've got them all over the world. Most work pretty well. 01-31-100 19:49:49 you're in the right place 01-31-100 19:49:54 hello rollin 01-31-100 19:50:09 SL: Yes, I have several Sportsters. 01-31-100 19:50:11 The problem is with a network card. I know I've seen this problem before, but can't remember the solution. 01-31-100 19:50:19 When I start the computer, everything loads fine. 01-31-100 19:50:20 i also have a global village 01-31-100 19:50:28 If I start a ping, then it pings fine. 01-31-100 19:50:35 I've got 2 Courier V-everythings.... 01-31-100 19:50:45 I've had them forever... 01-31-100 19:50:46 The minute I start the requester, the pings start behaving wierd. 01-31-100 19:50:53 Like since before Sportster's existed. 01-31-100 19:51:06 Every five seconds or so, the last five packets all respond suddenly. 01-31-100 19:51:11 SL: Thanks. 01-31-100 19:51:17 RW: We're listening. :) 01-31-100 19:51:32 the requester starts, but isn't able to do anything meaningful... p 01-31-100 19:51:51 presumably because it's packets are being mixed up too. 01-31-100 19:52:14 Is this a new install? 01-31-100 19:52:38 Yes, but I've played with the installation a lot. 01-31-100 19:52:51 I also have several similar computers and it happens on all of them. 01-31-100 19:53:04 LinkSys network card. It does not happen with the 3com. 01-31-100 19:53:05 Hummm... Same FP level? 01-31-100 19:53:16 Independant of FP level. 01-31-100 19:53:17 * Sector has had three Courier's (still got two of them) work well 01-31-100 19:53:23 Could it be something like EARLYRX? 01-31-100 19:53:30 What is earlyrx? 01-31-100 19:53:55 Check the protocol.ini settings for the linksys... 01-31-100 19:54:14 It has virtually no parameters, slot number, media type, and ethernet address. 01-31-100 19:54:18 Some adapters allow TX and RX to start earlier than standand... 01-31-100 19:54:48 If the adapter supports it, you will see it in the NIF. 01-31-100 19:54:56 No, nothing like that in the NIF. 01-31-100 19:55:08 OK. 01-31-100 19:55:24 What order did you bind the protocols to the adapter? 01-31-100 19:55:46 I tried swapping it. MPTS seems to always put NETBIOS first, but I manually changed it. 01-31-100 19:56:24 I usually put NETBIOS first too... 01-31-100 19:56:42 Sometimes, I can get the problem not to happen, usually after a cold boot. 01-31-100 19:56:47 Any possibitiles that you are running out of NETBIOS resources? 01-31-100 19:56:54 I've tried playing with the busmastering settings in the BIOS. 01-31-100 19:57:17 StevenL, possibly, but I don't think so. I've tried upping them. The other wierd thing is that if you stop the requester, the problem persists. 01-31-100 19:57:21 How about PCI slot. 3COM's can get unhappy if not in slot 1. 01-31-100 19:57:29 It's like it's hosing the LinkSys driver. 01-31-100 19:57:36 Sounds like. 01-31-100 19:57:43 I've tried all thre PCI slots, but all slots are unfortunately shared with ISA. 01-31-100 19:58:08 Shared? Is the linksys IRQ shared? 01-31-100 19:58:25 No, when I run their diags, it reports a good IRQ. 01-31-100 19:58:38 But that's under DOS. Correct? 01-31-100 19:58:51 Under DOS or undes DOS in OS/2. 01-31-100 19:59:27 It is following the BIOS's setting of which IRQs are available. IOW, if it's on 5, and I make 5 unavailable, it will grab the next available say 9. 01-31-100 19:59:32 Have you tried backleveling drivers? 01-31-100 19:59:57 No, I haven't. I will do that. Although I'm using current drivers on all other systems with LinkSys cards. 01-31-100 20:00:10 What different about this box? 01-31-100 20:00:16 Motherboard? 01-31-100 20:00:25 IBM PC 365, where the others are generally clones. 01-31-100 20:00:48 I'm not familiar with those. 01-31-100 20:01:06 You say the problem goes away with a 3COM card? 01-31-100 20:01:08 "standard" IBM's with latest BIOSs updates. 01-31-100 20:01:10 Yes. 01-31-100 20:01:23 Sorta says it's the Linksys. 01-31-100 20:01:28 In the past when I had this problem it was on a clone, so I don't think it's exclusive to the IBMs. 01-31-100 20:01:57 Have you compared protocol.ini's, with a working system? 01-31-100 20:02:01 I think it maybe a BIOS setting, but I've played with all that make sense. 01-31-100 20:02:13 No, but that's next. 01-31-100 20:02:24 Also, with PCI there's not much that you can do in the BIOS. 01-31-100 20:02:30 It will allways be the setting that does not make sense that needs changing.... 01-31-100 20:02:38 I thought it might be busmastering vs non busmastering, etc. 01-31-100 20:02:39 There is that. 01-31-100 20:03:09 I don't think the NIC's do busmastering, in general... 01-31-100 20:03:19 I thought most were memory mapped. 01-31-100 20:03:56 LinkSys do, and the README says it needs to be in a BM slot. 01-31-100 20:04:13 Learn new stuff all the time. 01-31-100 20:04:33 Which slot is a BM slot? How can you tell? 01-31-100 20:04:45 Rollin, Which Linksys PCI card are you having the problem with? The original Linksys or the newer brand called Home & Small Office Network Card? 01-31-100 20:04:50 You usually can't :) Some motherboards document it, but most don't. 01-31-100 20:05:05 The newer EtherFast 10/100 with WOL connection. 01-31-100 20:05:15 Not the SOHO. 01-31-100 20:06:31 Ok, I was hoping one of you had seen this AND had a better memory than I. 01-31-100 20:06:43 I'll be back in a few minutes... 01-31-100 20:06:51 I had a problem trying to use the SOHO version in WSeB SMP. Seems that the driver was not SMP capable. 01-31-100 20:06:57 * Sector hasn't run into it 01-31-100 20:07:34 Not SMP capable? That's odd. 01-31-100 20:07:52 The kernel is supposed to take care of that. 01-31-100 20:08:14 All drivers run on the first processor only. That's due to hardware. 01-31-100 20:08:29 Right. 01-31-100 20:08:49 That's on purpose. 01-31-100 20:09:26 And I've not heard of a different driver model for SMP, 'though I'm about 3 months behind on my reading. 01-31-100 20:10:06 So the driver must have a bug that just doesn't show up on non-SMP. 01-31-100 20:10:30 There are some changes, but the goal, as I understand it, was to allow all 16-bit drivers to run unchanged. 01-31-100 20:10:43 Yep. 01-31-100 20:13:11 Next question: What are my options for a search engine to work with Apache? 01-31-100 20:13:43 as in like a cgi... 01-31-100 20:13:44 Good question. I'd like to know. 01-31-100 20:13:49 Rollin? 01-31-100 20:13:51 or to access a database... 01-31-100 20:13:52 Yes, a cgi. 01-31-100 20:14:10 or files... or the web.... 01-31-100 20:14:24 Hoss: To search all the pages on the website. 01-31-100 20:14:44 I could preindex all the pages and create a database, ... 01-31-100 20:14:55 but I'm really not up-to-speed on what's available. 01-31-100 20:15:10 We use swish. Great back-end, not so good front-end, but it's written in REXX, so it's right up PEter's alley. 01-31-100 20:15:16 Take something like Lexus. You can search for two terms that are "within 20 words of each other". 01-31-100 20:15:27 Now how the heck do you write good code for THAT? 01-31-100 20:15:29 There's a java implementation of a simple query search but I can't remember the name of it offhand... 01-31-100 20:15:51 It searches the meta tags... 01-31-100 20:16:04 Rollin: Anything written in REXX, I'd like to meet it in an alley. With my baseball bat. 01-31-100 20:16:43 Where do I find SWISH? If it's not huge, I could recode it in PL/I. :))) 01-31-100 20:16:53 I think it's on Hobbes. 01-31-100 20:17:02 I'm going there now. Thanks. 01-31-100 20:17:17 http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-browse?sh=1&dir=//pub/os2/apps/internet/www/util 01-31-100 20:17:34 ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/apps/internet/www/util/swishe131a.zip 01-31-100 20:17:41 goswish5.zip 314414 1999/06/15 GoSWISH ver 1.48: A web indexing system 01-31-100 20:17:44 I haven't touched ours in 3-4 years. 01-31-100 20:18:50 Talking about going places Peter, did you find the gas station before going to San Diego last Thursday? 01-31-100 20:18:58 Thanks all. GoSwish is 1999, SWISH is 1996. And then there's a SwishE "Simple Web Indexing System for Humans". 01-31-100 20:19:14 Peter, just recode them all. 01-31-100 20:19:15 I think they are all based on the same code. 01-31-100 20:19:19 SteveS: Yes, I found it with no problem. Prices were 131.9 and 132.9. :) 01-31-100 20:19:35 The files are small. I'll look at all of them. Thanks. 01-31-100 20:19:49 SL: Maybe. :) 01-31-100 20:20:38 Peter, then you did not find the ARCO stations. They are at 125.9 for regular. I can not believe that that Toyota truck would need more octaine then regular. 01-31-100 20:21:16 SS: Those _were_ the two Arco stations, exactly where you said they'd be. And the price was 1 cent different between them. 01-31-100 20:21:45 So you have to use the medium grade gas? 01-31-100 20:21:49 Brookhurst and Slater. 01-31-100 20:21:58 No, the cheapest stuff. 01-31-100 20:22:21 (I usually don't buy Arco. Don't care for the additives. Usually use Union 76.) 01-31-100 20:22:46 The cheapist was at 123.9 or 125.9, not 131.. 01-31-100 20:22:58 Well, it was when _I_ was there! :))) 01-31-100 20:23:30 I figured, "Steve Schiffman wouldn't steer me wrong, I better buy my gas here". :))) 01-31-100 20:23:37 I think you must have used the medium grade pump... 01-31-100 20:23:55 No, that was even higher. 01-31-100 20:24:13 It is just gas guys. There are much bigger world problems to solve :) 01-31-100 20:24:39 Yeah, like my new office. 900 square feet and I've got to get my systems online. 01-31-100 20:24:40 Anyone in here heard about Lotus' new product called Raven? 01-31-100 20:24:53 Not me 01-31-100 20:24:55 I'm 1,400 feet from the CO so I get full-speed DSL. 01-31-100 20:25:01 What's Raven? 01-31-100 20:25:32 A new business office that is not in your house? 01-31-100 20:25:34 It's a new app from Lotus that supposedly does some neat tasks for information /data minig for workgroups.... 01-31-100 20:25:43 Not in my house. Correct. 01-31-100 20:25:50 What "neat apps"? 01-31-100 20:26:02 Back to Brand Blvd? 01-31-100 20:26:13 No, closer to the house. :) 01-31-100 20:26:38 Can somebody compare MS' Active Directory to Banyan's StreetTalk? What's different? 01-31-100 20:27:06 Streettalk's been working for 12 years or so. Less bugs. 01-31-100 20:27:17 SL: LOL 01-31-100 20:27:41 And what's equivalent for Warp (3) Server or Warp (4) Server e-Business (which I still have to get installed)? 01-31-100 20:27:49 Active Directory is promise-ware targeted as NDS. 01-31-100 20:28:05 WSeB has SecureWay. 01-31-100 20:28:09 Unfortunately the Information WEelkly article didn't get too specific... 01-31-100 20:28:26 Aahh ... SecureWay. 01-31-100 20:28:28 I think that's the right name. 01-31-100 20:28:48 What's Novell's similar product? 01-31-100 20:28:51 NDS. 01-31-100 20:29:02 Thankee. 01-31-100 20:29:07 At the moment, it's the market leader. 01-31-100 20:29:33 I don't think Streettalk is making many new sales. 01-31-100 20:29:56 SL: I think you're very right on that one. 01-31-100 20:31:41 By the way, DSL repeaters are coming (so you can be umpteen thousand feet from the C.O.) 01-31-100 20:31:47 I'm scanning the DevCon catalog and SecureWay seems to cover more that just directory services. 01-31-100 20:31:47 Saw an announcement today for one. 01-31-100 20:32:00 Cool. It had to happen. 01-31-100 20:34:37 Where did you see the announcement? 01-31-100 20:34:40 Have to have DSL around in the first place to be able to use it though... 01-31-100 20:35:17 This will make it more widely available. 01-31-100 20:35:33 Electronic Engineering Times. 01-31-100 20:35:41 The wire's there. The transcievers just can't handle the distance yet. 01-31-100 20:35:53 That's limiting deployment.... 01-31-100 20:36:26 T1's have repeaters. The service providers were screaming that they were losing DSL customers because there weren't repeaters ... 01-31-100 20:36:28 * Sector is just within the distance limit but not offered around here 01-31-100 20:37:03 It's a numbers game. You are not in a densely populated area... 01-31-100 20:37:11 Not enough customers to force installation. 01-31-100 20:37:16 Sector: Where you be at? 01-31-100 20:37:17 This will change. 01-31-100 20:37:24 Twentynine Palms, CA 01-31-100 20:37:25 DSL providers don't know what they're doing yet. Someone took out an ad on the local bus benchs for DSL and we're in the "barely close enough" region. 01-31-100 20:37:25 Between DSL and HDTV are progressing rapidly.... 01-31-100 20:37:36 cut betweeen, 01-31-100 20:38:52 Yes. rollin. it's new technology that was put to market faster than many of the the older ones for instance.... there are many wrinkles to iron out. 01-31-100 20:38:55 Sector: You've been to DSLREPORTS, yes? 01-31-100 20:38:59 http://dslreports.com/r3/dsl/prequal 01-31-100 20:39:36 Nope, haven't been there 01-31-100 20:41:49 Gee, it's quiet. Did everybody go to DSLReports? 01-31-100 20:42:07 not me. Telco doesn't offer it here. 01-31-100 20:42:08 Who knows 01-31-100 20:42:14 I did. Told me what I already knew :) 01-31-100 20:42:19 Same here... It's offered in some areas but not here 01-31-100 20:42:26 me also... 01-31-100 20:42:34 I didn't go there though... 01-31-100 20:42:44 LOL 01-31-100 20:42:58 Just barely offered in Rollin's area!!! 01-31-100 20:43:26 I work for fo BellSouth... and I live in alltell area .. I am all too familiar with the pitfals.. of DSL. 01-31-100 20:43:37 We hook up an extra dixie cup to extend our DSL range. 01-31-100 20:43:38 Just for the fun of it: 01-31-100 20:43:52 No we cannot locate DSL service at present. 01-31-100 20:46:01 *** Signoff: rollin (Leaving) [20:46:01] 01-31-100 20:46:38 *** rollin (rwhite@cc228605-a.slbch1.occa.home.com) has joined #scoug [20:46:38] 01-31-100 20:46:51 Hi rollin 01-31-100 20:47:03 Better connection¨ 01-31-100 20:47:09 Sorry for not responding.....was on the phone for the last 1 1/2 boy is my ear sore... 01-31-100 20:47:54 hrs 01-31-100 20:48:17 - is that a fresh dixie cup? 01-31-100 20:48:35 Igot cable btw....just incase antone needs reminding.....lol 01-31-100 20:48:59 * Sector knew that 01-31-100 20:50:00 anyone else on cable?????§¨¨¨¨ 01-31-100 20:50:19 Yep. 01-31-100 20:50:28 not i. 01-31-100 20:50:51 rollon>>>@home system???? 01-31-100 20:50:54 Not I. Will probably go with DSL. 01-31-100 20:51:00 Yes, @home. 01-31-100 20:51:01 Yup rollin is @home 01-31-100 20:51:09 Abraxas is also using @home 01-31-100 20:51:24 I'm @home as well 01-31-100 20:52:03 road runner in my neighborhood. i fear they charge for multiple computers 01-31-100 20:52:50 I guess it still depends on your cable provider as well....they are all different....mine is very good 01-31-100 20:52:51 They all do, if they catch you. 01-31-100 20:54:12 i'm trapped though - 20k' to CO 01-31-100 20:54:35 How can that be in the middle of OC? 01-31-100 20:54:38 When I first got my connection I asked about multiple computers.....they had no idea as to how or what...etc.....now they know and charge $10.00 for each computer 01-31-100 20:55:40 they want to avoid having you set up an isp 01-31-100 20:56:03 Yep. 01-31-100 20:56:12 Or slowing down your neighbors' connections ... 01-31-100 20:56:21 doesn't matter i just want a computer close to where i am 01-31-100 20:56:26 I don't think they will complain much if you do NAT quietly. 01-31-100 20:56:32 multiple computers, one user at a time 01-31-100 20:56:55 i look forward to tweaking the local cable monopoly 01-31-100 20:57:08 I use Injoy for the other connection....no probs 01-31-100 20:58:08 but then again it's not on very much either 01-31-100 20:58:21 DaveW: By chance, is your backyard neighbor real close to a different C.O.? Are you on the edge of your C.O.'s area? 01-31-100 20:59:37 *** DSOMber1 (~DSOMber1@cuscon4163.tstt.net.tt) has joined #scoug [20:59:37] 01-31-100 20:59:45 Hello all. 01-31-100 20:59:47 Hi DSOMber1 01-31-100 21:00:04 Rollin, you have any insite about Abramowitz's comment about Warpstock, Inc.? 01-31-100 21:00:04 Well howdy. 01-31-100 21:02:07 Yes, I was curious about that too (MA that is). 01-31-100 21:03:14 ok time for me to head off.....sorry I missed what was happening....maybe better luck Wednesday 01-31-100 21:03:20 I had lunch with MA about that. You want a private email? 01-31-100 21:03:26 So long Blackbird 01-31-100 21:03:29 yes. 01-31-100 21:03:30 Yep. 01-31-100 21:03:34 nite all 01-31-100 21:03:36 Bye Blackbird. 01-31-100 21:03:52 Peter, yes. 01-31-100 21:03:54 *** Blackbird has left #scoug [21:03:54] 01-31-100 21:04:33 SL: Will do. Give me a few minutes to word it "properly". SS? 01-31-100 21:04:52 i hope they can resolve it 01-31-100 21:04:59 I replied with a yup a couple lines up. 01-31-100 21:05:07 err I'd appreciate not bein left out of that loop. 01-31-100 21:05:15 See it. Thanks. :) 01-31-100 21:05:31 Hoss, I'll send you a separate email. :) 01-31-100 21:05:37 ok. 01-31-100 21:05:49 But hossy, what's your email? 01-31-100 21:06:33 secretary@os2voice.org 01-31-100 21:07:00 Okay. 01-31-100 21:07:09 that's the easiest one to remember... 01-31-100 21:07:36 :) 01-31-100 21:10:05 the posts from the current leaders seemed not to take the post lightly and responded very quickly... 01-31-100 21:10:24 I'd rather do this off-line ... 01-31-100 21:11:24 I do indee understand that. 01-31-100 21:11:30 indeed even... 01-31-100 21:12:31 and I agree. 01-31-100 21:20:37 Time to go. Besides, I'm writing a couple of emails here. :) 01-31-100 21:20:40 anymore in the rumopur mill about the IBM move to make the next fixpack a client... ? 01-31-100 21:20:53 Ok, bye PeterSkye 01-31-100 21:21:02 * Sector hasn't heard anything new on that 01-31-100 21:21:08 Bye Sector. 01-31-100 21:21:18 *** PeterSkye has left #scoug [21:21:18] 01-31-100 21:21:19 PeterSkye: I am sure you'll do a fine job on the composing. 01-31-100 21:21:36 * Sector adjusts Hoss's timming 01-31-100 21:23:39 oh well.. It won't do any good... 01-31-100 21:23:44 he's gone. 01-31-100 21:24:04 It hasn't worked before either... 01-31-100 21:24:25 true enough. 01-31-100 21:25:17 Time for me to go to. Bye. 01-31-100 21:26:15 latrez 01-31-100 21:26:24 *** SteveS has left #scoug [21:26:24] 01-31-100 21:26:46 And another jumps ship 01-31-100 21:27:05 stevenL have you had an opportunity to revisit the WD suject? 01-31-100 21:27:19 subject even... 01-31-100 21:34:02 *** Signoff: rollin (Leaving) [21:34:02] 01-31-100 21:34:34 Another one bites the dust. 01-31-100 21:34:44 i have to mosey, too. interesting to hear the intrugue... 01-31-100 21:34:45 Yup 01-31-100 21:34:53 Ok, so long DaveW 01-31-100 21:35:01 latrez 01-31-100 21:35:19 see you next time!