05-30-101 19:08:08 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 05-30-101 19:08:12 Good evening. 05-30-101 19:08:18 Hi StevenL 05-30-101 19:08:33 *** dallas (dallas@nas-28-156.la.navipath.net) has joined #scoug [19:08:33] 05-30-101 19:08:41 Hi dallas 05-30-101 19:09:05 hello people 05-30-101 19:09:11 Hi all. 05-30-101 19:09:23 Hey, is Sector really here? 05-30-101 19:09:38 Virtually 05-30-101 19:09:48 :-) 05-30-101 19:10:15 *Sector* Wake up. You've been pinged. 05-30-101 19:11:03 Well, Chip are the comp.os.os2.programmer.misc threads strange enough for you? 05-30-101 19:11:26 StevenL, yes :-) 05-30-101 19:11:58 * Sector is present and accounted for 05-30-101 19:12:13 Hey, did you get the log from the previous session or shall I send it along¨ 05-30-101 19:12:36 StevenL, I haven't checked the Programmers threads, just the Misc. ones. 05-30-101 19:13:14 Oh, that's right. Les's thread was cross-posted. 05-30-101 19:13:32 Sector, no I didn't. Please send. 05-30-101 19:15:03 I can send mine also 05-30-101 19:17:04 OK, I'll take two. 05-30-101 19:18:45 Here in the East, I'm watching the 6'ers warm up for the Lakers. 05-30-101 19:19:02 Wrong team? 05-30-101 19:19:30 Yeah, right now the Bucks are a bit warmer by about 10 points :-) 05-30-101 19:19:33 No I guess you are right. The game has started... 05-30-101 19:19:36 I'm taping. 05-30-101 19:20:27 Where will this year's riot be? On the East coast or the West coast? 05-30-101 19:21:57 I suspect the LA police will actually do the work they are paid for this time. :-) 05-30-101 19:23:15 And we'll read all about it here :-) 05-30-101 19:24:53 News sells. 05-30-101 19:25:29 StevenL, last week dallas gave me a good explanation on Xfree86 vs Xwindows. Les Bell gives/gave a good explanation of PM and WPS on one of his pages, that remains/remained early today. 05-30-101 19:25:42 That was one of the Q's in the log... 05-30-101 19:26:22 And the question was? 05-30-101 19:26:51 I was just asking general Q's about EMX... 05-30-101 19:27:11 And? 05-30-101 19:27:36 Another Q was how to tell which INF file the resulting answer may have come from when one does a search, all libraries... 05-30-101 19:28:15 This one we got stuck on. 05-30-101 19:28:58 You can't do it from view. You can do it with newview, if it doesn't crash... 05-30-101 19:29:33 A lot of the keywords are defined in *.NDX files (i.e. epmkwrd.ndx)... 05-30-101 19:29:47 These can be useful for cross referencing. 05-30-101 19:30:15 Other than that it's a brute force job using command line tools. 05-30-101 19:31:40 Well, there is "usually" enough of an explanation that you can figure out which file is answering, usually. I just wondered about the rest... 05-30-101 19:32:34 I think I mentioned before that when a term is used here I'm not familiar with, I'll go to the Assistance Center and try to find it. 05-30-101 19:32:41 Nothing simple is available. 05-30-101 19:32:42 OK. 05-30-101 19:32:56 Okay. 05-30-101 19:35:11 Did you get to see the eCS demo last weekend? 05-30-101 19:35:26 Yep. 05-30-101 19:36:04 Sure sounded good from the e-mail group. 05-30-101 19:36:57 It was interesting. Kim always is... 05-30-101 19:37:15 I don't know that I agree with how hard they are working to hide the OS/2 heritage... 05-30-101 19:37:24 Only time will tell who's right about that. 05-30-101 19:38:55 dallas was telling me a little bit about Linux last week. Kinda sounds like it has some OS/2 heritage as well... 05-30-101 19:39:34 There's only some many ways to design on OS... 05-30-101 19:39:39 The all share some ideas. 05-30-101 19:39:43 BTW, I don't want to hog the questions here, I do notice that dallas and Sector are present also. 05-30-101 19:39:46 The -> They. 05-30-101 19:39:58 Oh, don't mind me 05-30-101 19:40:01 They rarely ask questions... 05-30-101 19:40:14 Also, they are not afraid to pipe up, as the say in unix-land. 05-30-101 19:40:50 Okay. 05-30-101 19:44:25 dallas, I checked at Hobbes, and your source is correct. If you do a search from /pub for EMX, you get a ton of stuff. 05-30-101 19:47:23 yep. 05-30-101 19:49:48 *** #scoug Mode change: +o StevenL 05-30-101 19:54:17 sure 05-30-101 19:55:30 I think, from looking at the file, you want a "time" returned also, but it does not do so. 05-30-101 19:56:29 What line? 103? 05-30-101 19:56:35 I've got to log off for a bit .... hopefully not long 05-30-101 19:56:39 See ya. 05-30-101 19:56:39 *** dallas has left #scoug [19:56:39] 05-30-101 19:58:40 Don't know what line. Just under the do while LENGTH(BUFFER). 05-30-101 20:03:33 That's it... 05-30-101 20:03:41 Hold on let me test. 05-30-101 20:08:53 It's there. Why do you say it isn't? 05-30-101 20:09:09 Here's a raw line: 05-30-101 20:09:11 VZ 54.00 -0.53 5/30/2001 4:04PM 54.00 54.33 53.65 3397200 05-30-101 20:10:16 I'm not getting the time, everything else is okay. I don't get it in that sequence either. 05-30-101 20:10:59 Here's what I get: ADPT",5/21/2001,1399400,9.27,8.79,9.26,+0.46 05-30-101 20:11:23 *** dallas (dallas@nas-28-113.la.navipath.net) has joined #scoug [20:11:23] 05-30-101 20:11:45 hello again 05-30-101 20:12:02 Welcome back dallas 05-30-101 20:12:16 had to call my employer for a minute 05-30-101 20:12:59 Odd. Did you change the URL? 05-30-101 20:15:02 Not that I know of. I just tried it as received. Now, I'm not sure I understand URL, I mean I know what that means in Web context but let me look at the file for a sec... 05-30-101 20:15:06 huh? 05-30-101 20:15:12 ok 05-30-101 20:17:49 Chip, change line 153 to read: 05-30-101 20:17:49 05-30-101 20:17:51 Opt.fDebug = 1 05-30-101 20:18:02 Then you will see the raw data. 05-30-101 20:18:06 You mean the statement HOSTNAME = 'quote.yahoo.com' and under it PORT = 80, didn't change anything there. 05-30-101 20:19:43 I'll bet you put spaces in the STOCKS = statment. 05-30-101 20:20:40 They symbols must be separated by + characters and the string may not contain spaces. 05-30-101 20:20:47 They -> The. 05-30-101 20:28:41 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 05-30-101 20:28:51 Something hung up on me. 05-30-101 20:28:57 Do you write REXX in the Enhanced Editor, or how do you get line numbers? I like line numbers, but don't know how to get them "automatically" in the OS/2 Editor, other than manually. 05-30-101 20:29:14 No, I use something called PrEditor... 05-30-101 20:29:25 You can configure EPM to show the current line number. 05-30-101 20:29:33 I've gotta go now. 05-30-101 20:29:33 05-30-101 20:29:37 See you next week. 05-30-101 20:29:37 05-30-101 20:29:40 Bye all. 05-30-101 20:29:43 cu 05-30-101 20:29:50 Nite and thanks.