07-28-99 19:06:06 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC30\#scoug.log) 07-28-99 19:06:09 Hey, Dave. 07-28-99 19:06:10 There he is 07-28-99 19:06:15 hello, all! 07-28-99 19:06:27 Yes, we are going overboard. My problems start when we find out that we have more people coming than the amount of facilities we have reserved. 07-28-99 19:06:34 ...um, i use the tere "all" loosely 07-28-99 19:06:56 * Sector thinks the facilities need to be expanded 07-28-99 19:06:59 On the fingers of one hand. 07-28-99 19:07:21 Guilty of overbooking? 07-28-99 19:07:23 Would Sector like to donate another $1K for more facilities???? 07-28-99 19:07:44 You mean we don't get it for free? 07-28-99 19:07:52 OVERbooked? 07-28-99 19:08:00 Sure, I'll send you 1K... 07-28-99 19:08:05 WEW 07-28-99 19:08:14 When you through a no cost to attend to everyone, you never know how many people will show up. 07-28-99 19:08:35 Probably why others charge. 07-28-99 19:08:40 Have you signed up to come (and present)? 07-28-99 19:08:50 Both. 07-28-99 19:09:01 Even volunteered. 07-28-99 19:09:28 Sector, That $1K did have a dollar sign in front of it, to be paid in US dollars!! 07-28-99 19:09:43 So much for pesos. 07-28-99 19:09:51 Or lira. 07-28-99 19:10:22 I expect it will be a big success 07-28-99 19:10:25 I'll donate 1K of memory 07-28-99 19:10:35 Yours or mine? 07-28-99 19:11:07 Dave, did you get a message from Bob Chapman? 07-28-99 19:11:12 *** nnnn (raennnn@slip129-37-51-237.ca.us.ibm.net) has joined #scoug [19:11:12] 07-28-99 19:11:24 haven't checked mail today. Checking now... 07-28-99 19:11:53 We are having trouble with our tcpip configuration with our dsl connection. 07-28-99 19:12:20 *** nnnn has left #scoug [19:12:20] 07-28-99 19:13:31 It ought to make sense to someone. 07-28-99 19:13:54 *** kerry (trixer@noc.suntrix.com) has joined #scoug [19:13:54] 07-28-99 19:14:00 scuse me 07-28-99 19:14:02 *** kerry has left #scoug [19:14:02] 07-28-99 19:14:06 It "almost" works. 07-28-99 19:14:14 Must be bad breath. 07-28-99 19:14:42 These guys must be looking for someplace private to meet. 07-28-99 19:15:28 8 seconds must be close to the record. 07-28-99 19:15:47 If he comes back, let's offer him a prize. 07-28-99 19:15:49 Ummm, kerry (aka trixer) is one of the two principles involved with Suntrix.com (where this IRC network comes from) 07-28-99 19:16:07 *** rollin (rwhite@cc228605-a.slbch1.occa.home.com) has joined #scoug [19:16:07] 07-28-99 19:16:17 Umm, NickFun joined and left #wallops earlier in 3 seconds 07-28-99 19:16:47 I don't want to discuss my lovelife. 07-28-99 19:17:17 maybe kerry had us bookmarked. 07-28-99 19:17:28 * Sector que's DaveWgt 07-28-99 19:17:32 At least not overbooked. 07-28-99 19:18:07 Nah, kerry seems to be wandering around, he was in #voice for 5 seconds as well 07-28-99 19:18:35 Nust be wanting to see if anyone from AOL is present. 07-28-99 19:18:41 Good news for Rollin, Argyros Forum rm 206B has 7 electrical outlets, 2 lan ports and two double doors. How about that! 07-28-99 19:18:59 Easier ways to do that, no need to join a channel to find that out 07-28-99 19:19:06 What will we do with the extra doors? 07-28-99 19:19:14 Steve, great. Do you have dimensions? 07-28-99 19:19:24 * Sector wants four quadruple doors 07-28-99 19:19:31 Does he! 07-28-99 19:19:32 Rollin, I have the dimensions. 07-28-99 19:20:05 Is that the room in which we are going to hold the network benchmarks? 07-28-99 19:20:15 is this an additional room or a replacement? 07-28-99 19:21:17 IT's a change. It will be the exhibit room. 07-28-99 19:21:37 Rollin, I have been invited to lunch tomorrow. Will give you the plot plan then. But we have to figure out a way to decide on the lunch location in less than a half hour without it being BK. 07-28-99 19:21:42 Does that mean we are now underbooked? 07-28-99 19:22:10 Overbooked! 07-28-99 19:22:24 You sure sound happy about it. 07-28-99 19:22:39 It makes all of the hard work much more rewarding. 07-28-99 19:22:47 Lynn, the exhibit room is where the server maddness will be. 07-28-99 19:23:03 Just how made do we have in mind? 07-28-99 19:23:17 But I better be carefull, I am not in charge of that planning effort. Better let the chairman speak. 07-28-99 19:23:18 made -> mad 07-28-99 19:23:53 We'll see. Actually the part of Server MAdness we're having the most trouble with is to make it compelling for non network nuts..... 07-28-99 19:24:10 We might enjoy seeing 32 different server functions on OS/2, but the average user could care less. 07-28-99 19:24:28 I would agree with the average user. 07-28-99 19:24:51 we've been discussing benchmarks lately, if we can set up some form of competition, that would be interesting to most people 07-28-99 19:24:52 But it could/should be interesting to them. We just need to make it sizzle a little. 07-28-99 19:25:09 Whose or which benchmarks are we using? 07-28-99 19:25:39 Ziff Davis published a flyoff between NT and Linux servers recently, they have an OS2 version of the test. We could run that 07-28-99 19:25:53 On another subject to Rollin. The Sundial web server responsiveness was the pits around 2pm this afternoon. 07-28-99 19:25:56 that would make it a head-to-head race 07-28-99 19:26:12 scoug has been slow for several days 07-28-99 19:26:30 I know. Unfortunately I wasn't around to analyize the situation. 07-28-99 19:26:35 Pings were taking anyware from 1700 to 4500+ ms to respond. 07-28-99 19:26:58 I'll bet IBM already ran the ZD benchmarks. I wonder if they indicate we're comparable? 07-28-99 19:26:59 Normally they should be under 100ms. 07-28-99 19:27:16 Dave, why the interest in head-to-head? 07-28-99 19:27:33 I can wait for pings. http calls are more important, though 07-28-99 19:27:50 head-to-head = competition = excitement = "sizzle" 07-28-99 19:28:20 doing a benchmark that only compares you to yourself isn't very interesting -- to anyone 07-28-99 19:28:21 I should have said that the pings to the Sundial web server should be under 400ms end to end. 07-28-99 19:29:10 Ahh, I just figured out my Network SIG topic for August. 07-28-99 19:29:13 Well, we differ on that point. Again maybe I'm not anyone. 07-28-99 19:30:28 steves - "ping"? 07-28-99 19:31:10 "August topic - Ping timing" That'll pack them in... 07-28-99 19:31:21 What does Dave mean "ping?" 07-28-99 19:31:52 you were talking about ping, then you said you know what your aug topic it. 07-28-99 19:32:17 just trying to break your "code" 07-28-99 19:32:32 The topic will be "Getting ready for WEW" or something like that. 07-28-99 19:33:12 How about "Getting ready for ping?" 07-28-99 19:33:15 ah. I've been trying to get some discussion on that topic here for a month. approximately zero participation 07-28-99 19:33:28 *** StevenL (steve53@pool0787.cvx10-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net) has joined #scoug [19:33:28] 07-28-99 19:33:28 How about pinging WEW? 07-28-99 19:33:53 Ah, another visitor 07-28-99 19:34:15 Yep. 07-28-99 19:34:15 So far all local. 07-28-99 19:34:41 we'll have irc running all day. we can offer a prize for the visitor with the longest ping 07-28-99 19:34:53 (more contests) 07-28-99 19:35:15 Try the shortest. 07-28-99 19:35:16 Just route your ping around the world a few times... 07-28-99 19:35:40 I can see it now, "my ping is longer then your ping" 07-28-99 19:35:42 we want to encourage international participation 07-28-99 19:36:18 Peter, our marketing guy, can make a big thing of that 07-28-99 19:36:20 An international ping contest. 07-28-99 19:37:10 sector can we run scripts on irc channels, and ping visitors when the conect and log their id and ping rate? 07-28-99 19:37:40 edit the logon script to display the longest ping so far 07-28-99 19:37:46 You ping-a me, I ping-a you, and everyone goes crazy. 07-28-99 19:38:20 ping is probably approximately proportional to distance from server? 07-28-99 19:38:25 maybe not 07-28-99 19:38:28 You could make a REXX script that would interface with GTIRC and ping everyone who logs into the channel, of course you could then have REXX same the information to a file 07-28-99 19:38:45 from my client? 07-28-99 19:38:52 Yup 07-28-99 19:39:12 There are some sample 07-28-99 19:39:23 this is interesting. I need to learn to do that 07-28-99 19:39:28 REXX scripts that come with GTIRC, one is an autogreet that could be changed to an auto ping 07-28-99 19:39:32 I want to lash rsynth into gtirc 07-28-99 19:39:36 *** CTCP PING (StevenL) (#scoug) 07-28-99 19:40:09 Now you've done it. 07-28-99 19:40:22 * Sector wonders what he did 07-28-99 19:41:23 Who pinged StevenL? 07-28-99 19:41:40 i never noticed the scripts in the directory. reading them now. 07-28-99 19:41:52 * Sector was returning the favor 07-28-99 19:41:58 The man does a lot of online reading. 07-28-99 19:45:39 yes, the rexxmessage looks like the ticket. 07-28-99 19:45:54 Welcome back, Dave. 07-28-99 19:46:09 sample function included. need to adapt that to rsynth 07-28-99 19:46:27 I'll have it whipped by next Wednesday, will post the script on the web page! 07-28-99 19:47:01 Do we have any other business? 07-28-99 19:47:25 no, I regret I don't have an agenda tonight 07-28-99 19:47:55 Well, do you have a tcpip expert in the house? 07-28-99 19:48:05 lmaxson you.ll be up Saturday morning? 07-28-99 19:48:15 Yes,' 07-28-99 19:48:17 * Sector wonders what the "Agenda for July 28th, 7-8PM PDT:" is doing on the webpage then... 07-28-99 19:48:39 best laid plans... 07-28-99 19:48:42 Which webpage. 07-28-99 19:48:43 * StevenL Sector is really picky :) 07-28-99 19:48:48 THE web page 07-28-99 19:48:55 * Sector pick pick pick 07-28-99 19:48:56 www.scoug.com/chat 07-28-99 19:48:57 * Sector picks on StevenL 07-28-99 19:49:36 oh, no, we were talking about the meeting page. I think that's www.scoug.com/internet/meeting.html 07-28-99 19:49:38 http://www.scoug.com/internet/meeting.html 07-28-99 19:50:14 everything interesting is linked from the chat page, though 07-28-99 19:50:35 including lmaxson's warpicity overview. We gonna add more on that? 07-28-99 19:50:42 * Sector wonders where the uninteresting stuff is linked from 07-28-99 19:50:58 efnet? 07-28-99 19:51:56 I've been connecting to calif2 lately, since I paid for gtirc and don't have to enter the address every time anymore 07-28-99 19:52:04 interesting login message 07-28-99 19:52:21 "we're not effnet 07-28-99 19:52:57 What more on Warpicity would you want? 07-28-99 19:53:00 That would be the MOTD (Message Of The Day) file not that it's actually changed since the day it was put up... 07-28-99 19:53:28 ... maybe it's grown? It's REEEALLL long 07-28-99 19:53:57 I have another article appearing in the August VOICE newsletter in preparation for the Aug.28th session. 07-28-99 19:54:15 I want to start turning up the marketing heat, build us up for Expo 07-28-99 19:54:16 Yeah, it is kinda long... 07-28-99 19:54:43 gtirc seems kind of slow rendering the text 07-28-99 19:54:45 The marketing heat on Warpicity? 07-28-99 19:55:03 ALL the irc activities 07-28-99 19:55:23 I'm gonna get some trinkets, start a raffle 07-28-99 19:55:44 How many of us will be able to tie in to IRC while at WEW? 07-28-99 19:55:47 maybe start actually preparing some content 07-28-99 19:55:59 Dave has been talking aobut raffle's for months now... 07-28-99 19:56:09 we haven't stress tested the net afaik 07-28-99 19:56:10 Is raffles his dog? 07-28-99 19:56:31 i'm guessing webbnet can handle hundreds? 07-28-99 19:56:44 hundreds, no problem 07-28-99 19:57:04 Partly depends on how may systems we have connected to the internet at WEW. 07-28-99 19:57:05 Then what does the numbers at the start when you log on mean? 07-28-99 19:57:06 Just don't put them all on the same server... 07-28-99 19:57:20 have any of you seen the frequent recent "press releases" weve been sending for Expo? 07-28-99 19:57:31 Sector, how many users can one server handle? 07-28-99 19:57:40 How can you miss them. 07-28-99 19:58:05 We pitched the saturday speakup pretty good, seemed to me. Prime time. Only 27 max 07-28-99 19:58:27 oohhh - we can get a celebrity 07-28-99 19:58:37 It's getting towards 8. Need to leave. 07-28-99 19:58:47 Depends on the servers connection, the calif2 server for example only has a 33.6k link (possibly that could change soon) but with the low bandwidth of IRC it can still handle a fair amount 07-28-99 19:58:49 thanks for coming. See you sat 07-28-99 19:59:05 See you Sat. 07-28-99 19:59:11 Bye 07-28-99 19:59:12 *** lmaxson has left #scoug [19:59:12] 07-28-99 19:59:12 what does one connect take, a few BPS? 07-28-99 19:59:25 Heck if I know 07-28-99 19:59:57 we're a real narrow band process, so i suspect the choke is in the server, not I/O 07-28-99 20:00:33 theres a topic. "IRC Stress Test - see if we can break sector's server" 07-28-99 20:01:26 do you see a detectable cpu load when we get another connect? 07-28-99 20:01:43 * Sector wonders if DaveWgt knows what a K-line is... 07-28-99 20:01:48 or when we submit text? 07-28-99 20:01:55 Couldn't tell, that CPU is running at 100% all the time 07-28-99 20:02:15 we should all try typing 3 or 4 lines, count to 3 and send simultaneously, see if it registers on the meter 07-28-99 20:03:59 no, what's kline 07-28-99 20:04:11 I have a friend named jerry kline 07-28-99 20:05:18 It can be added to the ircd.conf file to restrict access (ie: a k-line could be put in so nobody in the *.lax-ca.concentric.net could get on the server) 07-28-99 20:05:36 * Sector had a teacher named Susan Kline (a number of years back) 07-28-99 20:06:00 ah. I've never run an irc server. have one, have to try it sometime 07-28-99 20:06:25 ... and I have several isp's! 07-28-99 20:06:39 the ircd.conf file can handle multiple k-lines... 07-28-99 20:07:05 what's the "k" 07-28-99 20:07:17 k=kill 07-28-99 20:07:30 ah. 07-28-99 20:08:13 Dave, one of the topic subjects you have listed on the web page is Time Zone Utilities. Please provide a description of what Time Zone Utilities are and what they do. 07-28-99 20:08:33 I'm using two - both freeware 07-28-99 20:09:25 IBM's pmworld puts up a world map, and you can select locations and display a little clock for each 07-28-99 20:09:42 you have an ini file to program size, colors, add locations, etc 07-28-99 20:10:13 handy when we try to figure times in remote locales 07-28-99 20:10:44 another nice one but a little rough around the edges is World Clock. 07-28-99 20:10:51 Is that the Mike Cowlishaw REXX world globe program? 07-28-99 20:11:07 It is a single window with text entries with cities and times 07-28-99 20:11:28 I've heard of the globe program, dl'd it, haven't run it yet 07-28-99 20:11:43 i understand it shows you where the sun is 07-28-99 20:11:56 what I need is a program that says where the tides are 07-28-99 20:12:07 I've only found a tide calcularot for Mac 07-28-99 20:12:41 world clock has a lot of promise, currently at ver .96. 07-28-99 20:13:00 author told me last week we'll have an update "real soon" 07-28-99 20:13:25 pmworld is on hobbes 07-28-99 20:15:20 world clock is at http://members.tripod.com/~Goran_Ivankovic/ 07-28-99 20:15:44 ROLLIN, Sundial web server is having lousy response right NOW!!! 07-28-99 20:16:19 world clock is still at the june version. Worth a look unless you need to add a city. 07-28-99 20:16:56 Rollin, and it is all coming from the server, not the routing. 07-28-99 20:17:00 currently 13:16 29th in Sydney 07-28-99 20:19:29 yes, pmglobe is colishaw's program 07-28-99 20:19:32 For Rollin incase he is busy doing other things, the NOW time was 20:15. 07-28-99 20:20:02 But where, was that Sydney time? 07-28-99 20:20:28 Got it Steve, thanks. 07-28-99 20:20:42 You awoke! 07-28-99 20:21:03 He heard the bellowing 07-28-99 20:24:32 * Sector clears out the sleeping gas 07-28-99 20:26:16 I walked away from the computer. I'm analyizing the logs right now. 07-28-99 20:26:51 * Sector handcuffs rollin to the computer 07-28-99 20:26:54 Melanie just came home. brb. 07-28-99 20:26:57 Now whats everyone elses excuse? 07-28-99 20:27:11 i'm working 07-28-99 20:30:22 I am back. 07-28-99 20:30:36 Is Melanie with you? 07-28-99 20:32:17 She has just come into the computer room and is standing in back of me at the moment. 07-28-99 20:32:47 Keeping an eye on you 07-28-99 20:32:53 Yep. 07-28-99 20:36:42 * Sector tries to shake everyone awake 07-28-99 20:37:40 I think we ran out of steam. Type to everyone later. 07-28-99 20:38:09 * Sector pumps steam into the channel 07-28-99 20:39:24 Bye 07-28-99 20:39:32 *** SteveS has left #scoug [20:39:32] 07-28-99 20:40:05 *** Signoff: rollin (Leaving) [20:40:05] 07-28-99 20:40:17 Is the ship sinking? 07-28-99 20:42:54 wow. small crew. 07-28-99 20:43:05 maybe we should call it quits for tonight 07-28-99 20:43:09 So it would seem 07-28-99 20:43:23 thanks for coming. see ya! 07-28-99 20:43:34 *** Log Terminated.