05-24-99 19:20:04 OS/2 & Linux 05-24-99 19:22:26 steves, sure. I thought I was drafted. Waiting for instructions. 05-24-99 19:22:47 Dave, are you intown this week? 05-24-99 19:25:05 Technical software question for Steven Levine. After installing Java 1.1.7 what do you do to remove Java 1.0.2? 05-24-99 19:25:54 Try the Installed Features 05-24-99 19:26:07 Good answer. Give him some details... 05-24-99 19:27:15 SteveS, open up \OS2\Install\Installed Features using the drives object... 05-24-99 19:27:39 Find the Java 1.0.2 object. Open it. Select uninstall. etc... 05-24-99 19:28:20 Oh yeah, be sure you have switched your Netscapes to use 1.1.7 first. 05-24-99 19:29:00 *** rollin (rwhite@cc228605-a.slbch1.occa.home.com) has joined #scoug [19:29:00] 05-24-99 19:29:07 Hi rollin. 05-24-99 19:29:10 *** Signoff: Sector (Connection reset by peer) [19:29:10] 05-24-99 19:29:15 Hello. 05-24-99 19:29:48 No one's typing. Don't know why... 05-24-99 19:30:00 I think 102 is all in the javaos2 folder, isn't it? 05-24-99 19:30:14 Just delete it. 05-24-99 19:30:19 There's more to it than just the files. 05-24-99 19:30:46 Go through your config.sys first, make sure your path to the new directory comes first. 05-24-99 19:30:49 *** PING (SteveS): 1 Seconds 05-24-99 19:30:57 ...before 102, that is. 05-24-99 19:31:00 Sheesh, that's the hard way . 05-24-99 19:31:23 does uninstall do a clean job? 05-24-99 19:31:37 I'm always reluctant to uninstall things. 05-24-99 19:31:38 Like most OS/2 tools, usually. 05-24-99 19:32:01 Why? You can always brute force it if it fails. 05-24-99 19:32:22 *** Sector (andreww@01-032.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:32:22] 05-24-99 19:32:33 Also, a good backup makes everything easier. 05-24-99 19:32:56 Ok. I will first look for the uninstall. Ahh, now I realize why I did not see it. Was not looking in the correct place. 05-24-99 19:33:13 I was wondering where you went 05-24-99 19:33:24 SteveS that is. 05-24-99 19:33:30 Lost modem connection (unable to retrain) 05-24-99 19:33:40 I was on the phone with Fry's first, then with Sheridan George. 05-24-99 19:33:43 I figured that. 05-24-99 19:33:46 just buy more disk. no, not worried about the uninstall, just worried I'll need it later. 05-24-99 19:34:13 I have rooms full of stuff because I tend to think the same way :). 05-24-99 19:34:26 That is why I was on the phone to Fry's, trying to find our if another store had the laptop harddrive in stock.... 05-24-99 19:34:42 *** chicken (java@omax1.dyn67.ky.us.dynasty.net) has joined #SCOUG [19:34:42] 05-24-99 19:34:52 To Rollin, I did not buy and CD-R media at the ACP swapmeet Sunday. 05-24-99 19:34:58 Speaking of Fry's did anyone buy one of the 18GB IDE drive yet? 05-24-99 19:35:05 hi everyone 05-24-99 19:35:13 Welcome back. 05-24-99 19:35:21 no. I have a 10 G waiting for installation. 05-24-99 19:35:26 #SCOUG Sector H* andreww@01-032.015.popsite.net (Andrew James Alan Welty) 05-24-99 19:35:36 I bought a 1.3G disk for $10 at ACP yesterday... 05-24-99 19:35:36 #SCOUG chicken H java@omax1.dyn67.ky.us.dynasty.net ( 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG chicken H java@omax1.dyn67.ky.us.dynasty.net ( 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG Sector H* andreww@01-032.015.popsite.net (Andrew James Alan Welty) 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG rollin H rwhite@cc228605-a.slbch1.occa.home.com (Rollin from Sundial) 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG delii H Dallasii@user21.kincyb.com (Dallas_Downey_CA) 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG DaveWgt H dwatson@ts001d44.lax-ca.concentric.net (Dave Watson) 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG StevenL H steve53@pool204-cvx.ds38-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net (Steven Levine) 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG SteveS H schiffman@slip-32-100-155-110.ca.us.ibm.net (Steve Schiffman) 05-24-99 19:35:50 #SCOUG SCOUGbot H@ ~scougbot@ (Information Bot) 05-24-99 19:35:51 make me feel bad. 05-24-99 19:35:55 The 36 GB IBM drive was ony 1600 dollars. 05-24-99 19:36:01 Welcome back chicken. 05-24-99 19:36:11 It seems to work. I'm batting about 500 for used disks 05-24-99 19:36:26 Dave, yeah, but does it work???? 05-24-99 19:36:28 The 36 must have been SCSI at that price. 05-24-99 19:36:48 Sorry about that delay there, asking a question that was already answered.... 05-24-99 19:37:29 sorry got to go bye 05-24-99 19:37:38 If you must :). 05-24-99 19:37:51 SteveS, did you find the Install Object? 05-24-99 19:37:53 come back, Monday and Wednesday, same time 05-24-99 19:38:17 Dave, what's your network problem? 05-24-99 19:38:28 *** Signoff: chicken (chicken) [19:38:28] 05-24-99 19:39:13 I tried to install peer, after following the setups, endless reboots, no network 05-24-99 19:39:48 What happens if you type NET START PEER from the command line? 05-24-99 19:40:07 SteveL, no and yes. No on this system, Yes on the server. 05-24-99 19:40:23 Also, do you mean nothing's visible or something crashes? 05-24-99 19:40:50 SteveS, huh? 05-24-99 19:40:59 net2102: The NETWKSTA.200 requester driver is not installed. 05-24-99 19:41:15 The folder was there, but no objects within it. But not to worry. I do not need to remove it from this system. Am building a new system and just wanted to go straight to Java 1.1.7. 05-24-99 19:41:26 Dave, the install failed. Did you shorten the CONFIG.SYS lines to 256 characters? 05-24-99 19:41:57 no 05-24-99 19:41:59 SteveS, you will get 1.0.2 install by default. 05-24-99 19:42:19 Correct, that is why I want to get it removed. 05-24-99 19:42:54 I plan to go back through the install again. Doing "almost" the same thing again usually works 05-24-99 19:42:57 I also installed 1.1.7 on the SCOUG server, now the raffle signin program no longer works! 05-24-99 19:43:24 Good reason to keep 102 05-24-99 19:43:35 SteveS, sounds like it's using a 1.0.2 specific something. 05-24-99 19:43:42 you can switch between them 05-24-99 19:43:47 Got three weeks to make it work. 05-24-99 19:44:00 How do you switch? 05-24-99 19:44:30 SteveS, set up a .CMD with the appropriate CLASSPATH before starting the Java app... 05-24-99 19:44:48 Dave's idea is true for NetScape. Not so true for Java apps. 05-24-99 19:44:50 Ahh, that must be it. 05-24-99 19:45:15 You may also need a BEGINLIBPATH etc. 05-24-99 19:45:37 java will run whichever version is in your path. 05-24-99 19:45:39 Don't know for sure. This is really a rollin question. 05-24-99 19:46:05 Netscape has it's own path, in the java props 05-24-99 19:46:05 It will run the 1st unless you take steps. 05-24-99 19:46:06 I have command files that run the Java apps and now recall that I hardcodes some path/libpath/classpath set statements. I will check that now. 05-24-99 19:46:11 What doesn't run about the program? What's the first and last error you get? 05-24-99 19:46:28 That's true for 4.04. It's different for 2.02. 05-24-99 19:46:51 Hi rollin. Got your attention :). 05-24-99 19:47:07 I'm flipping between windows, and computers :) 05-24-99 19:47:19 SteveS says Java 1.1.7 broke the raffle program. 05-24-99 19:47:33 Is Rollin asking what happened when I tried running the raffle signin programs? 05-24-99 19:47:38 Yes. 05-24-99 19:48:18 just put javaos2 in your path before the new directory. 05-24-99 19:48:28 should work same as before 05-24-99 19:48:33 If you have taken this month's survey, be sure to visit www.scoug.com; the survey will be changing soon. 05-24-99 19:48:34 Since the programs are setup as network objects, I do not see what is happening behind the scenes. I think I tried running the applet from the command line, but do not remember the results. 05-24-99 19:49:14 It's probably a classpath issue. The best bet is to run them manually so you can caputure the output and deal with the errors. 05-24-99 19:50:08 what the os2 world needs is a nice little app to start java programs. 05-24-99 19:50:10 DaveW, good point. I believe that 1.1.7 is now in the paths ahead of the javaos2. There may be something in the .cmd files that I need to twidle. 05-24-99 19:50:50 maybe if you change the classpath in your startup file to match the new java directory it will work. 05-24-99 19:51:07 Rollin can confirm, but I don't think the DLL' 05-24-99 19:51:15 with the old classpath statement, if you just change the order of the java paths it should work same as before 05-24-99 19:51:25 s conflict. Just classpaths. 05-24-99 19:51:58 Dave, what are you looking for in a Java launcher? 05-24-99 19:52:14 * SteveS is away at the other computer for a while. 05-24-99 19:52:48 yess 05-24-99 19:53:31 Is the classpath something Java specific, or something new with OS/2 4.0? 05-24-99 19:53:56 It's a java concept. 05-24-99 19:56:21 running java.exe looks for a classpath environment. 05-24-99 19:59:24 CLASSPATH serves the same purpose for Java .CLASS files as LIBPATH does for .DLL's. 05-24-99 20:00:20 CLASSPATH can point to .CLASS files, zip files full of .CLASS files and .JAR files full of .CLASS files. 05-24-99 20:00:32 except libpath is global, classpath seems to be app by app 05-24-99 20:01:17 You can do the same thing with LIBPATH. 05-24-99 20:01:37 (i.e. see SET BEGINLIBPATH) 05-24-99 20:02:21 I don't think I've seen an app that fiddles with libpath at runtime, don't think I've seen a java app that does NOT 05-24-99 20:02:56 I am back. Found out on the server that the classpath was not updated. No reference to the 1.1.7 directories, thought the libpath was updated. 05-24-99 20:03:28 There's lots of apps the set a private LIBPATH to find there .DLL's. It's an OS/2 API. I can look it up if you are intested. 05-24-99 20:03:45 Can one of you that is running 1.1.7 paste in a classpath here for me to understand what it should contain? 05-24-99 20:03:50 SteveS, that makes sense. 05-24-99 20:05:23 Dave seems to feel that with 1.1.7, the style is for the app to be responsible for it's CLASSPATH requirements. 05-24-99 20:05:24 SET CLASSPATH=K:\javaos2\lib\jempc110.zip;.\. 05-24-99 20:06:26 Sector, that is for java 1.0.2, not 1.1.7 unless you pointed the update to install over your original java. 05-24-99 20:06:27 Sector, that will work. With the latest NS4.04 which is most folks only Java app, you don't even need the .\.. 05-24-99 20:07:08 * Sector doesn't have Java 1.0.2 installed only 1.1.7 05-24-99 20:07:43 Well, then his CLASSPATH is oversized . 05-24-99 20:11:33 I just booted another machine which has 117 (this one doesn't) 05-24-99 20:11:53 cp c:\java11\lib\classes.zip 05-24-99 20:12:35 I just checked this computer which also has 1.1.7 and it looks the same 05-24-99 20:13:12 Sector, maybe the 1.0.2 uninstall does not clean up CLASSPATH. Does the directory exist? 05-24-99 20:13:29 I have a parameter string in my startup icon for JStreet, which has this and some other stuff. 05-24-99 20:13:40 ... the other stuff might be important, depending on your app 05-24-99 20:14:24 No javaos2 directory on this one, though the other computer has it 05-24-99 20:14:51 what dir is you java in? 05-24-99 20:15:31 Sector, javaos2 is the top level 1.0.2 directory. 05-24-99 20:15:50 Dave, who me? 05-24-99 20:16:05 Java11 (as is normal for 1.1.x) 05-24-99 20:16:29 * StevenL Hard to change too :). 05-24-99 20:16:31 Dave, your classpath is what I was expecting. Thanks. 05-24-99 20:17:01 Sector, do you set your cp in config.sys, or in the app script? 05-24-99 20:17:42 My main java app is J-Street Mailer, which has a full cp as follows, in the icon properties: 05-24-99 20:18:10 Individualy 05-24-99 20:18:15 program is (path) jre.exe 05-24-99 20:19:54 parms is: -cp c:\apps\jstrt\innoval.jar;c:\java11\lib\classes.zip;innoval.mailer.jstreet 05-24-99 20:20:59 wait - theres a space between ; and innoval 05-24-99 20:21:48 important that you not have spaces between the classpath items. 05-24-99 20:24:21 Jstreet needs its own classes as well as the java117 classes 05-24-99 20:25:20 ----- 05-24-99 20:25:40 one person has been pressing to improve our marketing for IRC forums 05-24-99 20:25:50 Wants us to have more "show" 05-24-99 20:25:51 * Sector presses 05-24-99 20:26:36 Show & Tell? 05-24-99 20:27:17 this person figures our attendance is low because our members don't like to party. Need some glitz to get them enthusiastic 05-24-99 20:27:39 * SteveS changes server classpath set statement. Now a server shutdown and restart to see what happens. 05-24-99 20:27:52 luck 05-24-99 20:28:10 Luck? 05-24-99 20:28:46 as in good luck. But of course, luck has nothing to do with it. 05-24-99 20:29:00 Like to party? I'm listening to some Jazz...... 05-24-99 20:29:03 Just correct spelling!! 05-24-99 20:30:10 oh, btw this person went to my irc overview page with the mid music file, got an error. Anybody else had probs? 05-24-99 20:30:31 he's on 202, has midi plugin listed 05-24-99 20:31:00 I'll try. brb... 05-24-99 20:31:34 this person complained that the info in the overview was dated, didn't think to look at the irc main page, nor the newsletter. 05-24-99 20:32:08 I'm going to get the irc page linked directly from scoug, instead of forcing visitors through the isig page 05-24-99 20:32:22 Probably go ahead and port the whole site to scoug. 05-24-99 20:32:24 Midi worked here. I know if you don't have MMOS/2 setup, the MIDI plugin will give strange errors. 05-24-99 20:33:16 Another topic. I bought a new audio card recently. Was hunting for ESS based sound chips as that is what I already have. Could not find another one with the es1888 or was that an es1688 chip. Got a pnp es1869, but could not locate device driver for it on the IBM device drivers page. Today I decided to to the the ESS web site. By golly I found that they had produced an es1869 OS/2 device driver back in July of 1997. Really nice that IBM can 05-24-99 20:33:17 his eror is "could not load plugin ... midi..." 05-24-99 20:33:17 *** Signoff: delii (Read error: 0 (Success)) [20:33:17] 05-24-99 20:34:22 and see what happens. 05-24-99 20:34:27 *** delii (Dallasii@user21.kincyb.com) has joined #scoug [20:34:27] 05-24-99 20:34:37 My message must have been to big for Dalles.....' 05-24-99 20:35:06 That's Dall*a*s... for whatever reason my client dropped out. 05-24-99 20:35:28 Umm, VOICE Speakups aren't usually Tuesday (typically Monday when there is one). 05-24-99 20:35:31 It plays here. Took forever to start for some reason. 05-24-99 20:35:40 Picky, picky... 05-24-99 20:35:54 I have had good luck with ess chips. Setting up a new system with i/o magic sound card, haven't gotten os2 to talk to it yet. 05-24-99 20:36:33 Took me even longer to find the page. Maybe that's why the turnout of SCOUG members is low. 05-24-99 20:36:57 I don't think there is a device driver for those I/O Magice sound cards. 05-24-99 20:37:29 What's the sound chip? 05-24-99 20:38:14 When I looked at them, the chip set was one I never heard of before and labels cover all the other boards I could see. 05-24-99 20:39:40 You could try the Crystal drivers. Worst case, it will not work. 05-24-99 20:41:42 negatory! I just went to iomaagic.com, they have os2 drivers for the magicsound16! 05-24-99 20:42:07 too bad IBM didn't put them on the driver site. 05-24-99 20:43:49 we shold consider putting tips on searching for drivers on the warpdoctor site. 05-24-99 20:44:04 How are they doing selecting a DB? 05-24-99 20:44:15 That shold be a good idea 05-24-99 20:44:20 What is DB? 05-24-99 20:44:27 Database. 05-24-99 20:44:29 DataBase 05-24-99 20:44:55 /@echo off 05-24-99 20:46:36 looks like they're interested in db2 05-24-99 20:47:04 Someone suggest mySQL would be a more cost effective solution. 05-24-99 20:49:39 SteveS, the IOMagic card sure looks like a SoundBlaster clone. 05-24-99 20:49:55 anyone know about PAP & PPP? 05-24-99 20:50:04 What about it? 05-24-99 20:50:09 I know a little. 05-24-99 20:50:30 how do I set up to use PAP when making the PPP connection? 05-24-99 20:50:31 Many of the sound cards do clone Sound Blaster. 05-24-99 20:50:45 Just leave the script blan. 05-24-99 20:50:50 Dial Other Internet Providers? 05-24-99 20:50:55 Just leave the script blank. Yes. 05-24-99 20:51:10 Nope, NONE goes in there. 05-24-99 20:51:19 There must be more to it. 05-24-99 20:51:22 For PAP? 05-24-99 20:51:28 Yup 05-24-99 20:51:35 yes, PAP 05-24-99 20:51:37 What is PAP? 05-24-99 20:51:43 Hit me in the memory. 05-24-99 20:51:48 Authentication protocal 05-24-99 20:51:55 * Sector hit's StevenL's memory 05-24-99 20:51:58 P(something) Authentication Protocol 05-24-99 20:51:59 Thx. 05-24-99 20:52:11 Password I believe. 05-24-99 20:52:48 PAP happens after the script. There are three options for authenticating the connection, no security, CHAP and PAP. From the user's standpoint, you really can't tell the difference. 05-24-99 20:52:48 Dallas, I recall your messages. What's your current status? 05-24-99 20:52:52 So, your ISP 05-24-99 20:52:53 Is this for 4.0's dialer? 05-24-99 20:53:05 Yes. 05-24-99 20:53:07 changes shouldn't have made a difference, except possibly to your script. 05-24-99 20:53:24 For DOIP with PAP/CHAP should have the Login Sequence set to the default of NONE 05-24-99 20:53:33 Rollin, it's there a mutant that DOIP does not support? MS only? 05-24-99 20:53:43 it's -> isn't 05-24-99 20:53:57 I'm logging in as usual, with no PAP. They tell me that there is a way to usePAP, but i never figured it out. 05-24-99 20:54:31 What happens when you connect, do you get an error? Have you stepped through the login sequence with a term program to make sure that hasn't changed? 05-24-99 20:54:51 StevenL, yes but it's not PPP. The RAS can be made not to work with OS/2. 05-24-99 20:55:11 A term program may not help if using PAP/CHAP (you may just get garbage). 05-24-99 20:55:25 there is a point that use to provide the switch between PPP and BBS connection. 05-24-99 20:55:28 Right, but I want to make sure everything up to the PAP still works. 05-24-99 20:56:00 Besides, I'm sure Dallas can pickup speaking PPP pretty quick :) 05-24-99 20:56:15 now, it is between PPPwith PAP and BBS. I go the BBS route, and put in 'PPP:userid' to start a non-PAP ppp connection. 05-24-99 20:56:55 When it asks for userid. 05-24-99 20:57:04 then the PPP non-PAP starts. 05-24-99 20:57:07 The only difference PAP makes is in the login 05-24-99 20:57:35 yeah., but I'd like to learn how to use it. 05-24-99 20:58:08 What happens if you enter just PPP? 05-24-99 20:58:08 I found out about this when my old PPP login scripts quit working a few months back. 05-24-99 20:58:33 what do you mean 'enter just PPP'? 05-24-99 20:59:54 If you mean take the first branch, for the PAP/PPP, I don't recall the details, the scripts quit working....now I take the second branch, to BBS and use the nonPAP PPP connection option. 05-24-99 21:01:08 Type PPP and press enter. 05-24-99 21:02:40 It was a few months back when this came up. Sat. their system crashed and I thought maybe they were tightening the PAP noose. :-) Is 'PPP' at the first option what you mean? I think it requires a ^x to go to BBS, but maybe I can try PPP. 05-24-99 21:03:31 I really depends on how they are set up. Rollin is probably better on the details. 05-24-99 21:03:39 I -> It 05-24-99 21:03:39 As I recall, what use to work was similar to what LAFN uses, enter userid & password. 05-24-99 21:04:01 to start a PPP connection. 05-24-99 21:04:34 I can't even spell pap. Got my sound card installed, gotta reboot see if it works. See you Wednesday. 05-24-99 21:04:44 *** DaveWgt has left #scoug [21:04:44] 05-24-99 21:04:46 Bye 05-24-99 21:04:58 Dave is quick. 05-24-99 21:04:59 Is there some see ya 05-24-99 21:05:19 Gatta go my self. 05-24-99 21:05:21 It's hard to offer suggestions without knowing exactly how their login sequence is setup. The short answer is PAP should work. 05-24-99 21:05:36 *** SteveS has left #scoug [21:05:35] 05-24-99 21:06:07 We're losing em 05-24-99 21:06:41 Is there any files needed at my end? I talked to one person who seemed to think it had something to do with a userid on my computer. 05-24-99 21:07:09 The standard DOIP should work. 05-24-99 21:07:25 DOIP? 05-24-99 21:07:32 Normally a PAP connection exchanges the authentication information as part of the LCP, and doesn't need anything else 05-24-99 21:07:36 Dial Other Internet Providers 05-24-99 21:08:14 I'll back up and try that. I usually use some ReXX or Kermit scripts to make the connection. 05-24-99 21:08:26 Dallas, from the command line do a "tcphelp ppp". This will give you the options for the security files that can exist. However, they do not apply to PAP, CHAP. 05-24-99 21:08:33 Maybe I'm getting to complicated at my end. 05-24-99 21:09:00 Glossary: PPP=Point to Point Protocal, PAP=Password Authentication Protocal, DOIP=Dial Other Internet Providers, LCP=Link Control Protocal 05-24-99 21:09:35 tcphelp? I don't seem to have that. 05-24-99 21:10:43 tell me about this authentication information. that is one thing I'm foggy about. 05-24-99 21:10:58 I think it's "viewhelp tcpcr.hlp" 05-24-99 21:11:11 Note: Linux does use an /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file, maybe thats what the person was thinking about? OS/2 just has the information in your DOIP entry 05-24-99 21:11:20 I'm going to call it a night. Good luck and keep us posted. 05-24-99 21:11:22 *** Signoff: rollin (Leaving) [21:11:22] 05-24-99 21:11:31 see ya 05-24-99 21:11:33 3 down 3 to go 05-24-99 21:11:59 Dallas, you can do view tcpcr ppp if you don't have tcphelp... 05-24-99 21:12:13 Any idea what is in that file? I think there are options for the ppp.exe for PAP, but I don't know how to use them. 05-24-99 21:12:20 tcphelp is a simple .CMD file that does the same thing. 05-24-99 21:12:59 The ppp help explains the secrets file sorta... 05-24-99 21:13:13 I think both parties have to agree on the secrets. 05-24-99 21:13:18 Your id and secret (probably your userid and password) are what it contains 05-24-99 21:13:39 * Sector has an /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file 05-24-99 21:13:42 any idea on the format? 05-24-99 21:14:00 hang on while I hunt for the .inf file 05-24-99 21:14:13 In my case (Linux) "userid * Password" 05-24-99 21:14:17 Reading the manual... It appears that PPP/CHAP uses secrets. 05-24-99 21:15:09 No secrets file on this OS/2 system. 05-24-99 21:15:28 What's the man page say about secrets? 05-24-99 21:15:43 I've got PAP in use on another system with DOIP, never needed to add any files 05-24-99 21:16:08 No manual entry for secrets 05-24-99 21:16:21 It's most likely covered under the entry for PPP 05-24-99 21:16:41 Authentication 05-24-99 21:16:42 The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) secrets 05-24-99 21:16:42 files can be set up to restrict the set of IP addresses which individual users may access. The default behavior of 05-24-99 21:16:42 PPP is to agree to authenticate if requested, and to not require authentication from the peer. However, PPP will 05-24-99 21:16:42 not agree to authenticate itself with a particular protocol if it has no secrets which could be used to do so. 05-24-99 21:16:42 Authentication is based on secr 05-24-99 21:16:53 ch are selected from secrets files which include $ETC/pap.sct for PAP, 05-24-99 21:16:53 and $ETC/chap.sct for CHAP. Both secrets files have the same format, and both can store secrets for several 05-24-99 21:16:54 combinations of server (authenticating peer) and client (peer being authenticated). Note that PPP can be both a 05-24-99 21:16:54 server and client, and that different protocols can be used in the two directions if desired. 05-24-99 21:16:54 A secrets file is parsed into words similar to the options file. A secret is specified by a line containing at l 05-24-99 21:16:54 three words, in the order client, server, secret. Any following words on the same line are taken to be a list of 05-24-99 21:16:54 acceptable IP addresses for that client. If there are only three words on the line, it is assumed that any IP 05-24-99 21:16:54 address is allowed. 05-24-99 21:16:54 To disallow all IP addresses, use the hyphen (-) character. If the secret starts with an @ character, what 05-24-99 21:16:54 follows is assumed to be the name of a file from which to read the secret. An asterisk (*) character as the 05-24-99 21:16:54 client or server name matches any n 05-24-99 21:16:55 ldcard). When selecting a secret, PPP takes the best match; that is, 05-24-99 21:16:55 the match with the fewest wildcards. 05-24-99 21:16:55 A secrets file contains both secrets for use in authenticating other hosts, plus secrets which can be used for 05-24-99 21:16:55 authenticating ourselves to others. Which secret to use is chosen based on the names of the host (the 'local 05-24-99 21:16:55 name') and its peer (the 'remote name'). 05-24-99 21:16:56 05-24-99 21:16:57 05-24-99 21:16:58 05-24-99 21:16:58 05-24-99 21:16:58 05-24-99 21:17:09 I think I should just try the DOIP thing. maybe it will generat a file in the correct format, or just take care of it. I didn't find any *.inf for ppp, I just have what looks like a unix man page for it. 05-24-99 21:17:14 Hint: search for secret in the TCP/IP help. 05-24-99 21:17:50 You will not. Try view \tcp\help\tcpcr.hlp 05-24-99 21:18:26 That is after you correct my typing :(. 05-24-99 21:18:49 * Sector corrects StevenL's typing (there takes care of that) 05-24-99 21:20:00 I can't find such a file on my system right now. 05-24-99 21:20:17 OK. Set by step 05-24-99 21:20:21 cd \tcpip 05-24-99 21:20:24 cd \help 05-24-99 21:20:29 dir tcp*.hlp 05-24-99 21:20:48 Err, better take that slash of of \help... 05-24-99 21:20:57 Thx. 05-24-99 21:21:10 not there. 05-24-99 21:21:16 dir *.hlp 05-24-99 21:21:18 Unless you want it to find help from the root directory that is ;> 05-24-99 21:21:39 Dallas, did you understand Sector's correction? 05-24-99 21:21:55 What directory are you in? 05-24-99 21:22:05 let me digest the stuff you put here, in my session log, and study the ppp man page again. 05-24-99 21:22:27 Chicken. Or was that the other guy? 05-24-99 21:22:34 e:/tcp, did a 'dir tcp*.* /s /p' 05-24-99 21:23:16 You should be in e:\tcpip\help 05-24-99 21:23:18 this is as far as I think we can get till I try some more specific things. 05-24-99 21:24:00 OK, just kidding. I'm going to get another call from Verona soon anyway. 05-24-99 21:24:40 went there too. . Let me get some food ( :-) ) and look that over about the secrets file and the man page. 05-24-99 21:24:57 Hey, bring me some food while your at it 05-24-99 21:25:23 What is it, DCC, to get it to you? 05-24-99 21:25:49 /FCC ;> 05-24-99 21:26:36 Thanks for the suggestions, I gotta go now too. I won't be here this Wedns., be at the SM Perl UG meeting... 05-24-99 21:26:45 I'd like to go there myself. Unfortunately, I'll only get there my modem for now. 05-24-99 21:27:02 &gotoPerl; 05-24-99 21:27:05 They are on Wed. this one time. 05-24-99 21:27:09 Hope you get it to work 05-24-99 21:27:40 See ya Wed, Dallas. 05-24-99 21:27:49 thanks. I think I just need to correlate what SteveL (I think it was ) posposted about the secrets file with the man page. 05-24-99 21:28:03 it scrolled off my screen too quick. :-) 05-24-99 21:28:13 There's lots more. Do you want me to email the page? 05-24-99 21:28:22 sure. 05-24-99 21:28:26 OK. 05-24-99 21:28:27 * Sector though he said he wasn't going to be hwere Wedns. 05-24-99 21:28:38 can't hurt, might explain what I need to know. 05-24-99 21:29:09 I think part of the problem is that ppp.exe just has that man page on my syste3m. 05-24-99 21:29:09 Just putting NONE in the Login Sequence should do it. 05-24-99 21:29:24 You're still going to know what your ISP wants. 05-24-99 21:29:58 It's taken from the USERid and Password fields already there. 05-24-99 21:30:17 I'll try that, among other things. OK, got it. 05-24-99 21:30:40 I'm getting hungry, gotta go. Thanks 05-24-99 21:30:49 * Sector knows what his ISP wants (money) 05-24-99 21:30:51 *** delii has left #scoug [21:30:51] 05-24-99 21:30:59 4 down 2 to go 05-24-99 21:31:23 Did you set up your secrets file or was it just there? 05-24-99 21:31:48 My papa-secrets file is on Linux, with the OS/2 DOIP I never had to setup any files 05-24-99 21:31:59 papa=pap 05-24-99 21:32:48 Had fun with it original, the ISP neglected to mention anywhere that they used PAP, so I was trying it without 05-24-99 21:32:49 I have nothing on OS/2, but it can be used. The odd part is that the password get's sent in clear text. 05-24-99 21:33:02 That's with DOIP. 05-24-99 21:33:22 Same for pop and smtp logins. 05-24-99 21:33:34 Clear text when using PAP? 05-24-99 21:34:06 Well, when using PPPDIAL.CMD as my login script. I may need to tweak it. 05-24-99 21:34:34 * Sector never needed any login scripts for DOIP 05-24-99 21:35:04 I used to use NONE, but PPPDIAL does redial and multiple number so it's handy. 05-24-99 21:36:09 Have you ever checked your logins to see if the passwords are encoded? 05-24-99 21:36:15 That could have been handy awhile back, but since I seldom use DOIP (just on the one computer which isn't connected in with the others). 05-24-99 21:36:23 Nope, never did check em 05-24-99 21:37:07 I use DOIP a lot, since the laptops goes places with me. 05-24-99 21:37:42 DOIP's fine, but since my primary modem is connected to a Linux system, not much use there. 05-24-99 21:38:36 True enough. What do you use for NAT? Injoy? 05-24-99 21:38:50 No need, Linux takes care of it 05-24-99 21:39:01 What about the OS/2 side? 05-24-99 21:39:22 With the modem on the Linux system, it handles all the aliasing 05-24-99 21:39:37 Forget it, I'm being dumb. I know the answer. 05-24-99 21:39:59 Clearing memory banks 05-24-99 21:40:19 Early altzheimers. 05-24-99 21:40:42 What did you say¨ 05-24-99 21:40:57 Think it's time to go off an see if FP10 breaks MR2/ICE for me. 05-24-99 21:41:22 Me never got that brave, I stuck with fp9 on the MR/2 system 05-24-99 21:41:37 I did put fp10 on another system and lost access to the floppy drivers from OS/2 05-24-99 21:42:39 I put FP10 on the test partition this morning and MR2/ICE seemed to be OK. I'll check the floppy. I can restore in 10 minutes so it's not a big deal as long as the problems show up quickly. 05-24-99 21:43:13 PC-Dos reads the floppies fine so I know it's not a hardware problem 05-24-99 21:43:40 That is an odd failure and not one I've heard of for FP10. 05-24-99 21:44:31 They where working fine prior to that (no fixpacks), I did try copying the ibm1flpy over from another system, no help 05-24-99 21:45:01 I'll let you know what happens here. 05-24-99 21:45:08 Ok 05-24-99 21:45:49 ibm1flpy has been update, but I think it was long before fp10. brb. 05-24-99 21:47:02 It was FP9 or earlier. 05-24-99 21:47:28 See you Wed maybe. 05-24-99 21:47:35 Sounds good 05-24-99 21:47:39 Bye 05-24-99 21:47:47 So long