05-23-101 18:04:19 *** Log Activated #scoug (E:\COMM\GTIRC\#scoug.log) 05-23-101 18:04:39 * lynn thought he could. 05-23-101 18:25:54 *** lynn has left #scoug [18:25:54] 05-23-101 18:48:43 *** Blackbird (poznan@h24-79-140-81.ed.shawcable.net) has joined #scoug [18:48:43] 05-23-101 18:48:51 Hi Sector 05-23-101 18:49:55 Hello Blackbird 05-23-101 18:49:57 Do I dare enter the Voice chat.....???? 05-23-101 18:50:22 Sure, not an official chat anyways. 05-23-101 18:50:37 ok 05-23-101 18:51:49 so have you stored up lots of cash....working so had on Wednesday nights...???? 05-23-101 18:52:49 is that finished ...now that I see you here... 05-23-101 18:53:11 Was forced to switch hours at work... Was on nights, now I'm on days 05-23-101 18:53:38 Did you prefer the nights...??? 05-23-101 18:54:22 wow...I have quite an effect on these chat sessions... 05-23-101 18:55:41 *** dallas (dallas@nas-28-123.la.navipath.net) has joined #scoug [18:55:41] 05-23-101 18:55:52 howdy folks 05-23-101 18:56:02 howwdie 05-23-101 18:57:34 StevenL is not going to be here tonight. 05-23-101 19:01:39 ( a deathly silence fills the channel ) 05-23-101 19:03:09 *** Chip (Chip@43-143.pm4-1.chambersburg.supernet.com) has joined #scoug [19:03:09] 05-23-101 19:03:24 Hi all 05-23-101 19:04:04 Hi there Chip 05-23-101 19:04:07 hello chip 05-23-101 19:05:08 Isn't this exciting. 05-23-101 19:06:12 me logging the session? 05-23-101 19:06:52 Just trying to be funny, I was speaking of the silence here :-) 05-23-101 19:07:14 I just announced the bad news, StevenL will not be here tonight. 05-23-101 19:07:29 wait until you've been here awhile....it's really silent... 05-23-101 19:07:58 StevenL, is he okay? 05-23-101 19:09:31 Who's gonna answer questions then? 05-23-101 19:09:41 according to the email he posted to SCOUG-BOD, he had some personal things to attend to. Didn't sound too bad. I don't presume to fill his place, but he asked for someone to log what came up. 05-23-101 19:10:16 Good, thanks dallas. 05-23-101 19:10:42 I'm good for some bluff. 05-23-101 19:11:03 actually I'm working in another window. 05-23-101 19:11:54 Yeh, me too, are we gonna play poker? I assumed you were busy, you usually have a couple things going at the same time. 05-23-101 19:12:39 Blackbird, have you got your system in order? 05-23-101 19:13:34 maybe if the people say what their problems are, I can take a guess, and pass the logs over to StevenL, he can email suggestions when he gets around to it. 05-23-101 19:14:35 That's probably a good idea... 05-23-101 19:14:36 * Sector is also logging 05-23-101 19:15:33 good to back me up Sector. 05-23-101 19:15:41 I think my Q's tonite are pretty simple anyway... 05-23-101 19:16:04 Chip...my system is working....but not complete yet... 05-23-101 19:16:13 first, your e-mail address, for the record, Chip. 05-23-101 19:16:30 *never* heard Blackbird say "my system is working" before... 05-23-101 19:16:30 *** never :No such nick/channel 05-23-101 19:16:43 StevenL has that dallas. 05-23-101 19:16:44 * Sector has never heard Blackbird say "my system is working" before... 05-23-101 19:17:11 * Blackbird has never said it before...:) 05-23-101 19:17:27 But it does from time to time.....:) 05-23-101 19:18:33 I have a couple of M$ user friends I e-mail with. When I get a msg from them it always in duplicate, plus their is always an attachment, the attachment is the same as the message itself. Anyone else have this ? 05-23-101 19:19:22 So, for every 1 msg, I actually get 4x the bites. Iritating. 05-23-101 19:19:30 Sounds familiar, seems to have happened to me on occasion 05-23-101 19:19:56 I think you have to look at the source. 05-23-101 19:21:06 Yeh :-), it's a conspiracy, M$ WANTS YOUR SPACE :-) 05-23-101 19:22:01 In the newsgroups, when they speak of FUD, what are they talking about? 05-23-101 19:22:10 They have to make sure everyone understands, they can send attachments. 05-23-101 19:22:55 I have Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt about answering that queston, Chip. 05-23-101 19:23:11 queston -> question 05-23-101 19:23:37 Ah Hah, okay, now I see it, thanks. 05-23-101 19:23:58 Is one copy of the message in HTML? can you tell? 05-23-101 19:24:15 Hold on... 05-23-101 19:24:51 Yep, the attachment is in HTML. 05-23-101 19:26:42 but the two copies in main message body are not? 05-23-101 19:27:01 Correct. 05-23-101 19:29:04 typicly, where are their accounts? hotmail? msn.com? 05-23-101 19:30:38 The 2 I've noticed most, one is with AOL and the other JUNO. 05-23-101 19:31:17 both of those use special e-mail clients don't they? 05-23-101 19:32:08 dallas, I don't know the answer to that... 05-23-101 19:32:23 but I think one is using Explorer. 05-23-101 19:34:48 I still think something is misconfigured at their end, it's not really your problem, but theirs. 05-23-101 19:35:13 Could be at least one of them is typing the message in Word HTML and sending it from there, I guess. Yes, I agree, it's probably their problem... 05-23-101 19:37:13 I'd like some cute way to tell them to fix it. No biggy, but thanks. 05-23-101 19:38:11 Report them to the e-mail KGB. They have ways. 05-23-101 19:39:46 :-) Well, after a while, when you think about 4x the necessary space it does kinda get on your mind. So, yes, KGB sounds real good. 05-23-101 19:41:38 Hope you don't mind these Q's. I do save them in a txt file for these sessions... 05-23-101 19:41:43 All that wasted bandwidth 05-23-101 19:41:46 This one might be a little harder though... 05-23-101 19:41:46 Report them to California Gov. Gray Davis, they are wasting electricity. 05-23-101 19:41:47 I'm saving them myself for StevenL. 05-23-101 19:41:47 Is he in the KGB too ! 05-23-101 19:41:47 *** Sunny*=+sunny@toybox.suntrix.com 05-23-101 19:41:47 *** mandie*=+~judymc@ 05-23-101 19:41:47 *** madodel*=+~madodel@OS2-rocks.msns.str.ptd.net 05-23-101 19:41:47 *** Sunny*=+sunny@toybox.suntrix.com 05-23-101 19:41:47 *** madodel1*=+madodel@os2-rocks-1.msns.str.ptd.net 05-23-101 19:41:47 *** USERHOST No information available 05-23-101 19:42:37 I don't want to veer too far into politics, so I won't answer that question. 05-23-101 19:43:15 Hi Sector, you got my vote over at VOICE. That's cause you've helped me here many times also. :-) 05-23-101 19:43:18 *** Ironhead (Tom@ip-111-122-204.stockton.navipath.net) has joined #scoug [19:43:18] 05-23-101 19:43:44 Well, I use the Assistance Center often. I've DL'd many INF files and put them in there... 05-23-101 19:44:35 Sometimes if I'm trying to find, say, something in REXX, I'll look one of those INF books... 05-23-101 19:45:12 welcome Ironhead. 05-23-101 19:45:30 Then, if I need to do a search in an INF book and I get a negative response, I'll hit "try all libraries", and usually find what I need... 05-23-101 19:45:55 Hi dallas 05-23-101 19:46:22 StevenL will not be here tonight due to personal activities, so I'm playing Eliza and logging things for StevenL to look at and possibly email answers in to people when he gets round to it. 05-23-101 19:46:45 What I'm trying to find out is this. If I've done an all libraries search, I get tons of subjects to look under. When I find what I need, "How can I tell which INF book it is in?" 05-23-101 19:48:11 Was that question understandable ? 05-23-101 19:48:12 yes, I understood it. 05-23-101 19:49:20 give me something to try hunting for, an example, and I'll try 05-23-101 19:49:29 BBIAB 05-23-101 19:52:00 Okay. Click Assistance Center, Information, Reference and Commands, REXX Informaton... 05-23-101 19:54:57 Now Search for SockLoadFuncs, the All Sections button should be checked by default. You should result in a "Cannot find search text"... 05-23-101 19:56:01 Now, just click on the All Libraries button in the search box and do the search again...this time you'll get a window full of answers... 05-23-101 19:58:24 hangon while I try it....... 05-23-101 19:58:41 Obviously, these results came from another INF file. In this case I know some came from the TCP/IP REXX Sockets API Reference book. But there have been other times when I'll get a window with much scrolling needed to see all the results... 05-23-101 19:59:06 meaning the returns are from many INF's. 05-23-101 20:00:12 I might have figured this out...hold on... 05-23-101 20:01:39 Nope, didn't work. 05-23-101 20:09:03 got it. 05-23-101 20:09:18 Sector, how come I never got any campaign literature from you? 05-23-101 20:09:35 I can't reproduce your results. probably my older system. 05-23-101 20:10:42 Older system ? ... older than mine :-) 05-23-101 20:11:49 at least in level of technology, probably so. 05-23-101 20:12:37 dallas, what part of the country are you in? I don't wanna keep you up all nite. 05-23-101 20:13:25 I'm gonna be up all night anyway. But in So. CA along with StevenL 05-23-101 20:13:31 and Sector for that matter. 05-23-101 20:13:45 it kills the inf viewer been doing that since last fix pac 05-23-101 20:14:53 What kills it, Ironhead? Just the FP? 05-23-101 20:15:16 I'm still at FP8. 05-23-101 20:15:39 doing a full library search 05-23-101 20:15:58 Okay, thanks. 05-23-101 20:16:59 Are you talking about FP15 and/or MCP? 05-23-101 20:18:10 FP 14 ? but I think it may have started befor and I never knew it 05-23-101 20:18:42 Okay, thanks. 05-23-101 20:18:57 *** Sandman (sanddoc46@lbv-ca5b-144.rasserver.net) has joined #scoug [20:18:57] 05-23-101 20:19:09 Last Q, for me anyway... 05-23-101 20:19:14 hey 05-23-101 20:19:16 sometimes it hangs the system. I think it may just need a fresh install. 05-23-101 20:19:45 Hi Sandman. 05-23-101 20:20:22 What is Xfree as opposed to what I have now? 05-23-101 20:21:33 howdy Sandman 05-23-101 20:21:35 hi Chip 05-23-101 20:21:49 hi Blackbird 05-23-101 20:22:42 hey dallas 05-23-101 20:31:03 StevenL, who usually handles this helpdesk session is out for personal reasons tonight, so I'm just logging discussion so he can answer at his convenience, or take it up next week 05-23-101 20:35:48 ic, hope everything is well with him 05-23-101 20:36:18 I have many problems related to my laptop, but have exhausted myself today trying to fix them 05-23-101 20:38:36 Not at all, no let's go main. 05-23-101 20:39:25 X-window is the graphics stuff for UNIX 05-23-101 20:39:51 XFree is an open source clone of it 05-23-101 20:40:40 that has been ported to other OS's as well - OS/2, and I understand Windows etc. 05-23-101 20:41:02 Tim Katz gave a demo about a year ago of the OS/2 port at the main SCOUG meeting 05-23-101 20:41:32 anyone here know Tim? 05-23-101 20:41:57 Not I. 05-23-101 20:42:28 Why would you use it with OS/2? 05-23-101 20:43:19 just to use ports of all the UNIX stuff. just like you'd use EMX to get access to command line UNIX utilities under OS/2 05-23-101 20:44:28 Sorry, a lot of this is beyond me. 05-23-101 20:45:24 Motif, it's clone Lesstif, and diriviatives, Qt (and therefore KDE) are all dirivative , literally, from OS/2 PM. IBM donated code & documentation to the Open Software Foundation, for the developement of Motif. 05-23-101 20:46:03 It shouldn't be. Tim demo'd some of the UNIX stuff that has been ported to OS/2 05-23-101 20:46:54 OS/2 has the abillty to run a lot of the UNIX stuff if it's just compiled for it 05-23-101 20:47:02 with EMX 05-23-101 20:48:15 the tricky stuff for porting from UNIX to OS/2-EMX are things that involvve multitasking, becuase the models are so different. 05-23-101 20:48:34 At least that's what I gather from docmentation I've read. 05-23-101 20:48:59 So do most OS/2 users install EMX? 05-23-101 20:50:10 That I don't really know, but I recall Bill Schindler saying over half the uploads to Hobbes lately are EMX ports 05-23-101 20:51:25 the main thing for a user is to dump the DLLs into directory where they are in the right path, and you can just use precompiled stuff 05-23-101 20:52:34 anything else? 05-23-101 20:53:39 Sorry dallas, actually the only thing I know about EMX was that it was required for Weget, the program that restarted disrupted downloads. 05-23-101 20:54:16 So I never actually installed EMX or Weget. 05-23-101 20:55:08 is it Wcget or Wget? 05-23-101 20:55:38 I heard the term 'emulation layer' a few weeks ago. A good discription of EMX 05-23-101 20:56:01 :-), can't remember myself but I think you know what I'm talking about. 05-23-101 20:56:02 is a multiplexed a shared irq ? 05-23-101 20:56:32 it's just some DLLs with translations / supplemental routines, that allows 05-23-101 20:57:09 OS/2 to run UNIX stuff, oh, and a port of the gcc compiler. 05-23-101 20:59:10 Okay, thanks. dallas, I'll look into all this during the week. See if I can learn some more. Your description was really a help... 05-23-101 20:59:28 I gotta go now, and I think Sandman had a question there. 05-23-101 20:59:33 Bye Chip 05-23-101 21:00:01 Have good evening everyone, and thanks again. Until next time... 05-23-101 21:00:06 cu chip. glad to help. 05-23-101 21:01:01 *** Chip has left #scoug [21:01:01] 05-23-101 21:09:29 take care dallas, im off 05-23-101 21:09:31 *** Signoff: Sandman (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [21:09:31] 05-23-101 22:01:19 *** Signoff: Ironhead (So Long-Farewll-Goodbye .gz.) [22:01:19] 05-23-101 22:12:35 I'm cuttin out people. 05-23-101 22:12:49 *** dallas has left #scoug [22:12:49] 05-23-101 23:20:19 *** Blackbird has left #scoug [23:20:19]