08-23-100 19:02:45 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 08-23-100 19:02:48 Hello all. 08-23-100 19:09:08 Hi. 08-23-100 19:09:41 Dallas stepped away for a bit. His message came just before you logged in. 08-23-100 19:10:27 Did he have a question, or is he just hanging out? 08-23-100 19:11:17 Dallas has not posted a question yet. 08-23-100 19:12:58 I'm just hanging out. 08-23-100 19:16:12 So are we all... 08-23-100 19:16:25 Maybe Gary G will show up and we can work on his thinkpad... 08-23-100 19:16:54 I posted the directions to get VAJava installed to scoug-help, for whoever was looking for it. 08-23-100 19:17:52 I saw that VAJava posting, but did not understand what you were responding to. 08-23-100 19:19:06 Is this the personal version of VAJava that you are referring to? 08-23-100 19:20:46 And is there any magical reason that you chose the directory path name to store the downloaded file in? 08-23-100 19:23:27 Yes, it is. 08-23-100 19:23:38 No, no special reason... 08-23-100 19:23:51 Thank you for clarifying. 08-23-100 19:23:58 However, some of that is built in. 08-23-100 19:24:49 Next question to both of you, why have you both chosen to use the main Webbnet server in FL instead of using the Calif server, irc.ca.webbnet.org? 08-23-100 19:25:32 Me, because it happens to be first in my list... 08-23-100 19:25:51 Probably because the CA was causing problems at one time... 08-23-100 19:25:53 Let me check. 08-23-100 19:25:55 brb. 08-23-100 19:26:13 If we stay on the same server, it decreases the possible problems. 08-23-100 19:26:29 Only for us. :-) 08-23-100 19:26:39 Yep.... 08-23-100 19:26:52 I've had more than one split caused by CA going down. 08-23-100 19:27:08 For Dallas, at the Help Desk Monday night, Tony Butka brought in his BOOK computer. 08-23-100 19:27:27 FL seems to stay up unless it's hurracane season, which is coming soon. 08-23-100 19:28:40 It was not powering up, but that problem was solved. I am not sure anyone know why it is now working, but they disconnected every cable/power connection and put it back together. Then it worked! 08-23-100 19:29:39 StevenL, but since we are a small group, it makes more sense to all be on the CA server. Then splits will not be a problem as we are all in one place. 08-23-100 19:30:11 OK, if we get a split, I will move. How's that? 08-23-100 19:30:45 Don't forget, we did the one thing Tony had not yet done. 08-23-100 19:30:48 Tony had a BC? what happened? 08-23-100 19:31:25 Yes. We fixed it. It works. 08-23-100 19:31:30 OK. But then again, sometimes you do not know a split has occurred until the lack of messages starts making you wonder if everyone has taken a pit break all at the same time. 08-23-100 19:31:34 what was your reactions? 08-23-100 19:31:52 was it difficult/cramped to work on? 08-23-100 19:31:58 What did you do that Tony did not do? 08-23-100 19:32:08 If you think something's wrong, just troubleshoot it. 08-23-100 19:32:09 where did he get it? 08-23-100 19:32:22 I swapped in another CPU... 08-23-100 19:32:34 This worked, so we swapping the old CPU back in... 08-23-100 19:32:38 It worked too. 08-23-100 19:32:47 Must have been a bad connection. 08-23-100 19:33:21 There's not much roon in the box for the fan... 08-23-100 19:34:03 I wouldn't be surprised if something was pushing on the fan with the box closed up and that moved the CPU enough to be a problem. 08-23-100 19:34:18 It was either that or dirty contacts. 08-23-100 19:35:17 I kind of expect the things to be cramped. 08-23-100 19:36:04 Compact computer chassies are cramped. 08-23-100 19:36:17 Cramped is an understatement... 08-23-100 19:36:36 I expect the vibration to break the IDC cables quickly... 08-23-100 19:36:58 What was vibrating? 08-23-100 19:37:00 They are shoved up against the edges and corners and have little strain relief. 08-23-100 19:37:04 The fan. 08-23-100 19:37:16 The fans, more correctly. 08-23-100 19:37:17 Fans should not vibrate!! 08-23-100 19:37:29 Where there two fans? 08-23-100 19:37:30 Sure they do. Just not that much. 08-23-100 19:37:40 Maybe not... 08-23-100 19:37:46 Now I'm not so sure. 08-23-100 19:38:49 I would think that the hard drive might have a harmonic vibration. 08-23-100 19:39:00 Yep, that too. 08-23-100 19:39:10 Everything vibrates... 08-23-100 19:39:23 Unless, it's a absolute zero, that is. 08-23-100 19:41:02 Solved two of my problems this afternoon. 08-23-100 19:41:12 Which ones? 08-23-100 19:42:50 I have a primary machine with Warp 4 that has an additional partition with a minimal partition with Warp Server on it for alternate boot/maintenance purposes. 08-23-100 19:43:13 WS or WSeB? 08-23-100 19:44:25 The networking connection was failing on the Warp Server. I had earlier (months ago) removed the token ring card and inserted an ethernet card, but never updated the Warp Server MPTS config. 08-23-100 19:44:34 Warp Server, not WSeB. 08-23-100 19:45:41 I needed the WS partition to bring up networking because my Warp 4 partition networking was locking up the system on startup. So I was using the WS partition to bring up requester to be able to transfer files to the servers. 08-23-100 19:46:43 When I configured in the 3Com 509B card, I was getting a failure to load the device driver. After a short while I decided to boot DOS from diskette and run the 3Com diagnostics. 08-23-100 19:48:06 Diagnostics said there was a failure of the 3C509B card to load registers. No wonder why the device driver was failing to load, displaying a message that it could not find the adapter. 08-23-100 19:48:50 Replaced the 3Com ISA adapter with an Intel Pro/100+ Management PCI adapter. 08-23-100 19:50:13 Used the IBMFE device driver (IBM OEM'd this card from Intel) to configure MPTS. Next boot everything was working on the Warp Server partition. 08-23-100 19:51:27 That was easy. 08-23-100 19:51:48 Port/irq conflict or dead card? 08-23-100 19:52:19 Went back to Warp 4 to also update MPTS to reflect the current network card. Thought I would give networking startup a try. For quite some time, as soon as I would start peer, the system would freeze up. This time, requester started and everything is now fine!!! 08-23-100 19:55:16 Duh? 08-23-100 19:55:21 The 3Com 509B card was not dead, just a failure to load its registers. Some parts of the diag tests work, but a couple failed. No port/irq conflict that I know of. port=300 (default), irq=11. Now with the PCI adapter, I do not have to worry so much about that. It is sitting shared on irq 10 with the scsi and video adapter controllers. 08-23-100 19:56:17 What memory address was the 3com using? 08-23-100 19:56:25 This can be a problem for some ISA cards. 08-23-100 19:56:49 No memory address. port=300, this is a port I/O card. 08-23-100 19:56:50 Also, I stay away from 300. To many cards use it. 08-23-100 19:57:17 Are you sure? Most ISA NIC's use a memory window. 08-23-100 19:57:42 I have always thought that port 300 was mostly used for network cards. 08-23-100 19:58:04 And DAC and ADC and some game cards. etc. etc. 08-23-100 19:58:29 You work with some adapters that I do not deal with... 08-23-100 19:58:39 Yep... 08-23-100 19:58:59 At one time 300 was defined as the proto card address. 08-23-100 19:59:08 No memory is used in network cards if the RPL PROM is NOT used, I believe. 08-23-100 20:00:08 Perhaps, but my old Intel EE16 had one defined and I don't recall it being just for RIPL... 08-23-100 20:00:36 As I recall, you could not turn it off... 08-23-100 20:01:02 I suspect is was used as to buffer packets... 08-23-100 20:01:11 (off-subject: when's BOD meeting?) 08-23-100 20:02:02 I think it is only for the PROM, which most network cards do not have installed. I have only found them built in on my Madge token ring adapters and on some of the IBM ethernet adapters. 08-23-100 20:02:32 *** ziggy (iwaki@1Cust183.tnt19.lax3.da.uu.net) has joined #scoug [20:02:32] 08-23-100 20:02:34 BOD meeting on thursday, Aug 31st. 08-23-100 20:03:20 Hi ziggy. 08-23-100 20:03:26 Hi Ziggy. 08-23-100 20:04:18 Hi, everyone! 08-23-100 20:04:32 What's going on? 08-23-100 20:05:13 hello ziggy 08-23-100 20:05:27 thanks SteveS. 08-23-100 20:05:32 Hi, Dallas! 08-23-100 20:07:47 brb, need to go make my salad for dinner. 08-23-100 20:09:07 Ziggy, it's been quiet. 08-23-100 20:10:58 Yeah. 08-23-100 20:19:03 i'm back with salad in hand. 08-23-100 20:20:10 What kind of salad dressing do you use? 08-23-100 20:20:40 The same one that came with the salad at the SCOUG picnic. 08-23-100 20:21:50 Leftovers are good. ;-) 08-23-100 20:22:27 This was it for the salad. Throwing the rest of it out now. 08-23-100 20:22:54 I like thousand island myself. By the way that was good food at the picnic. I especially liked the beandip and chocolate cake. 08-23-100 20:34:51 Anything else to talk about tonight? 08-23-100 20:35:05 Don't think so. Almost dinner time for me. 08-23-100 20:36:07 Well, it's one of those slow nights. 08-23-100 20:37:40 Think I'll call it a night. 08-23-100 20:37:50 So long. 08-23-100 20:38:03 *** ziggy has left #scoug [20:38:03] 08-23-100 20:42:03 Am I the only one to notice the watcom getting opensourced? 08-23-100 20:42:52 No. 08-23-100 20:43:06 Is actually old news... 08-23-100 20:43:34 It was announced that it would happen a couple of months ago on one the developer lists... 08-23-100 20:43:43 It's taken til now to formalize it... 08-23-100 20:44:01 Now, it will take a while to package it up for distribution... 08-23-100 20:44:05 This is a good thing. 08-23-100 20:45:27 so I would think. 08-23-100 20:45:30 Who has VX-Rexx now? 08-23-100 20:45:58 at one time there was another port of gcc to OS/2. why was it abandoned? 08-23-100 20:50:36 Still owned by Watcom... 08-23-100 20:51:02 However, someone will ask about opensourcing it now, I'm sure.... 08-23-100 20:51:13 Do you mean pgcc or egcs? 08-23-100 20:51:55 not sure about the distictions, some years back is all I can say now, distinct from emx. 08-23-100 20:52:20 it was just gcc as I feebly recall 08-23-100 20:55:03 I'd have to check, but I thin egcs is available or OS/2. 08-23-100 20:55:09 thin -> think 08-23-100 20:55:25 or -> for 08-23-100 20:55:34 Thx. 08-23-100 20:56:11 Well, it's dinner time, so I'm outta here. 08-23-100 20:56:22 cu 08-23-100 20:56:26 Bye, Bye from me as well. 08-23-100 20:56:40 Nite all.