03-21-101 18:58:50 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 03-21-101 18:59:28 Hi Dallas. 03-21-101 18:59:53 *** Chip (Chip@42-154.pm4-1.chambersburg.supernet.com) has joined #scoug [18:59:53] 03-21-101 19:00:15 Good evening 03-21-101 19:00:57 Hi Chip. 03-21-101 19:01:11 StevenL, have you any experience with Indelible Blue's "WarpUP" ? 03-21-101 19:01:24 Yes. 03-21-101 19:01:37 Good? 03-21-101 19:02:07 Yes. 03-21-101 19:02:46 hello StevenL, chip 03-21-101 19:02:50 Glad to hear that. Sounds as though it may be the easiest form of updating for my needs. 03-21-101 19:02:59 Hi dallas 03-21-101 19:04:09 If all you want is FP15 and updated componets, it makes it pretty easy. 03-21-101 19:04:25 componets -> components. 03-21-101 19:04:26 I'm picking up a used HP, Pent II, 350 tomorrow.... 03-21-101 19:04:57 Then I'll have something to go online with in the event of update problems... 03-21-101 19:05:23 I'll need to wipe M$ off when I get it and install OS/2. 03-21-101 19:05:55 Yes. That will be easy. :-) 03-21-101 19:06:06 How big is the hard drive? 03-21-101 19:06:21 5 gig... 03-21-101 19:06:43 But of course I intend to add another of about the same size. 03-21-101 19:06:50 Make sure to update IBM1S506.ADD on the install floppies... 03-21-101 19:07:06 The directions are probably in the WarpUP readme's. 03-21-101 19:07:45 Okay, thanks. 03-21-101 19:08:08 Gotta another Q... 03-21-101 19:08:51 The modem in the new box is onboard and I don't know if it's a win-modem, any easy way to tell? 03-21-101 19:11:29 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 03-21-101 19:11:33 Wrong button. 03-21-101 19:11:56 Easiest way to check the modem is to look at the driver size... 03-21-101 19:12:11 If it's big, it's probably a winmodem... 03-21-101 19:12:48 If it's has a lucent chipset, you might be able to use the lucent beta driver from the DDPak Online. 03-21-101 19:13:37 Okay, thanks again. 03-21-101 19:21:52 *** Blackbird (poznan@h24-79-140-81.ed.shawcable.net) has joined #scoug [19:21:52] 03-21-101 19:22:04 Oh, StevenL, another Q... 03-21-101 19:22:09 Hi Blackbird 03-21-101 19:22:11 Hey there CHip 03-21-101 19:22:42 Hi steven....you still have power for tonight....:) 03-21-101 19:22:45 StevenL, I've mentioned before that my present system is SCSI, and we talked about backing up stuff... 03-21-101 19:23:19 I think once you mentioned that one option would be to install a large IDE drive and use it for that purpose... 03-21-101 19:23:40 Will BIOS allow me to do that? 03-21-101 19:24:47 Hi BB. 03-21-101 19:24:51 I'm back. 03-21-101 19:25:21 Chip, that should be no problem... 03-21-101 19:25:34 You might want to consider getting one of the removable trays... 03-21-101 19:26:01 That way you can get the drive out of the box and protect it from dieing when the box dies. 03-21-101 19:27:58 StevenL, as I read BIOS instructions, I will be asked the Master/Slave question, and I thought that may mess up my boot partition somehow. 03-21-101 19:28:02 i've a friend back in Austin, TX that's a big enthusiasts for the trays 03-21-101 19:28:43 Steven...you were away due to a blackout....:) 03-21-101 19:31:20 Nah, just tweaking some REXX code. 03-21-101 19:31:48 You'll want the drive to be a master since it's the only drive... 03-21-101 19:31:50 sure....sure....you expect me to beleive that....:) :) :) 03-21-101 19:32:12 Also, you'll want to disable it in the BIOS to avoid changing drive letters. 03-21-101 19:32:49 I am getting tired of "Re: Antwort: " messing up the message sort order. 03-21-101 19:33:05 StevenL, so it will automatically fall in line with my chain of drives/letters ? And I suppose it will end up next to last just before my CD drive ? 03-21-101 19:33:36 Sorry you answered my question before I could type it :-) 03-21-101 19:34:37 He gets like that sometimes....lol 03-21-101 19:34:43 but how will I identify it? 03-21-101 19:35:13 thats what I was wondering as well 03-21-101 19:35:20 Will it show up anywhere, if so, where? From the command line only? 03-21-101 19:36:50 I think he is trying to say that the BOOT order should be to the SCSI drive and not the ide drive....is this waht you are talking about Steven 03-21-101 19:36:54 When you load IBM1S506 it will assign a drive letter... 03-21-101 19:37:14 Your SCSI drive will remain C: since its driver will load first... 03-21-101 19:37:41 The IDE drive will get the next letter after the last SCSI drive letter... 03-21-101 19:37:45 The CD will follow... 03-21-101 19:38:06 However, I recommend using RESERVEDRIVELETTER to control the CD drive letter placment. 03-21-101 19:38:28 BB, that will work too. 03-21-101 19:38:57 Also, if you have LVM from MCP or eCS you could control the drive letters that way too. 03-21-101 19:39:20 Is that an OS/2 config.sys command? 03-21-101 19:39:33 LVM ??? 03-21-101 19:39:44 Logical volume manager 03-21-101 19:40:45 I don't see RESERVEDRIVELETTER in the OS/2 Command reference INF. 03-21-101 19:45:49 Are we still live ? 03-21-101 19:45:58 Yep. Let me find it for you. 03-21-101 19:45:58 yes! 03-21-101 19:46:12 Okay :-) 03-21-101 19:46:13 RESERVEDRIVELETTER=H 03-21-101 19:46:19 Works for me. 03-21-101 19:46:55 It's not in the cmd ref because it was added by a FP... 03-21-101 19:46:56 Okay, I don't see that here, but them I'm still at FP8. I'm writing it down. 03-21-101 19:46:58 It's in the readme. 03-21-101 19:47:01 for the FP 03-21-101 19:47:31 Chip ...it may be one of those undocumented commands...:-) 03-21-101 19:47:46 There, you did it again, before I could type the question. They'll be makin a movie about you sometime :-) 03-21-101 19:49:07 And how did you know it would be "H" ? Cause that's exactly what it will be.... 03-21-101 19:49:17 You're scaring me. 03-21-101 19:49:30 do do do do...do do do do... 03-21-101 19:49:47 ALIENS!!! 03-21-101 19:50:06 they must have taken him over....:) 03-21-101 19:52:06 Well then, if such is the case... 03-21-101 19:52:34 My old "dead" computer with 2 IDE's full of data... 03-21-101 19:53:42 Spring break is coming up next week....the wife is a teacher...so were off to the mountain house on Friday and wont be back till next Sunday...will type with you the following week... 03-21-101 19:53:43 I could just take them and put them in this box one at a time and copy the files to one of my SCSI drives.. NO? Everything here is already HPFS and those old IDE's are also. 03-21-101 19:53:47 Mine is H. :-) 03-21-101 19:54:03 Actually the CD is assigned the next letter... 03-21-101 19:54:14 The H is the last letter to reserve. 03-21-101 19:54:43 Well, BB, have fun. 03-21-101 19:55:08 Yes, BB, enjoy the family together. 03-21-101 19:55:25 Will try....sometimes it's hard....:) 03-21-101 19:56:00 Just me and the misses....will have a house full of others dropping in 03-21-101 19:56:06 5 03-21-101 19:57:54 6 03-21-101 19:58:01 or is it 4? 03-21-101 19:58:20 that's 15 so far 03-21-101 19:58:34 Must be the new math. 03-21-101 19:58:36 I might stop by latter ....nite all...have a good week....I came from a family of 11----9 kids 2 parents 03-21-101 19:58:55 :-) nite Blackbird 03-21-101 19:58:57 OK, not. 03-21-101 19:59:02 nite, that is. 03-21-101 20:01:13 StevenL, did you catch those lines about a dozen back on the old IDE's I have? 03-21-101 20:03:08 Now I did... 03-21-101 20:03:17 Yes, you can do the copy thing... 03-21-101 20:03:31 You have to pay attention to drive lettering, but other than that, it should just be 03-21-101 20:03:40 a matter of plugging in cables. 03-21-101 20:04:03 Those are on Warp3... make any difference? 03-21-101 20:04:20 A disk drive is a disk drive is a.... 03-21-101 20:04:54 Do to want the Warp3 boot to be available? 03-21-101 20:05:12 No need for the boot. 03-21-101 20:05:42 Then it's just data... 03-21-101 20:06:06 You can use the drives folder to copy or you can use xcopy from the command line. 03-21-101 20:06:21 This actually sounds simple (something that can be accomplished with one pot of coffee). 03-21-101 20:06:47 Great, gee, that really sounds good to me. 03-21-101 20:08:09 Well, I'll let you know how it all went next week. Thanks for going over all that with me. 03-21-101 20:09:36 My pleasure... 03-21-101 20:09:57 You are just copying data files. You will still need to reinstall the applications. 03-21-101 20:10:12 Once I have a backup Internet connection ( a second box ) perhaps my confidence will grow a little bit. 03-21-101 20:10:40 Yes, but I won't need any of those old apps. They were installed on here when I got this system. 03-21-101 20:12:19 I think I'm going to stick with Warp4 FP15 and SWC for a while. I have one other computer at my Dad's and I'm going to play with LINUX on it. 03-21-101 20:12:52 That's the best way... 03-21-101 20:13:12 I've never been a big fan of bootmanager setups... 03-21-101 20:13:26 I'd rather dedicate a machine to the job, if possible. 03-21-101 20:14:53 We've talked before of my interests and I just wish I could become expert in some area with computers. I like everything from programming to setting up systems. 03-21-101 20:16:22 Well, I'm going to call it a nite here. Thanks, StevenL, dallas and Blackbird and have a Great evening. 03-21-101 20:16:52 Well, keep playing. That's the way to learn... 03-21-101 20:16:55 See you next time. 03-21-101 20:17:04 *** Chip has left #scoug [20:17:04] 03-21-101 20:26:45 I'm calling it a night too. 03-21-101 20:26:47 See ya.