07-19-99 18:55:35 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC\#scoug.log) 07-19-99 18:55:39 Is this the psychological disorders help desk? 07-19-99 18:55:58 my wife says I need help 07-19-99 18:56:06 No, thats the #voice channel. This is the Alien help desk... 07-19-99 18:56:17 No, it's the WinXX only DSL alternative solutions search engine. 07-19-99 18:57:05 No, the search is for those not limited to that... 07-19-99 18:57:27 True, but I tend to be focused :) 07-19-99 18:57:35 oohhh .. reminds me, I just saw an ad on tv for the new Time Warner cable service. I think I'll boot up my new NS4.6 and check it out... 07-19-99 18:59:44 bummer. sys3171. 07-19-99 19:01:39 bummer, can't enter one word urls. Enter "scoug" it says can't find keyword.netscape.com. 07-19-99 19:02:03 07:01pm PDT, any help questions? 07-19-99 19:02:27 trying www.socal.rr.com again, see if it crashes again 07-19-99 19:04:24 *** GOPO^ (rstrader@ppp-206-170-70-113.irvn11.pacbell.net) has joined #SCOUG [19:04:24] 07-19-99 19:04:31 NS2.02 handles it OK. Tried and true. 07-19-99 19:04:39 Hi Bob. 07-19-99 19:05:34 it crashed first time I hit the sneak peek button, this time okay. 07-19-99 19:06:03 hello 07-19-99 19:06:22 the signup page wants your operating system, lists win, mac, unix, dos, and other. 07-19-99 19:07:04 At least they've got options 07-19-99 19:07:28 doesn't list price, but I think it's 40 plus a cable box 07-19-99 19:08:14 Jerry Rash said yesterday he's just gotten DSL, loves it. 07-19-99 19:08:34 ...saturday, that is 07-19-99 19:08:49 Who did Jerry sign up with? 07-19-99 19:09:23 I think he said pac bell 07-19-99 19:10:08 I'll have to check with him. I should be able to use PB here. 07-19-99 19:10:30 depends how close you are to a central office 07-19-99 19:11:02 there's evidently a repeater tween me and my co, since I can't get 56k 07-19-99 19:11:05 If I'm close enough for Sprint... 07-19-99 19:11:06 did Paul ever get his DSL? 07-19-99 19:11:13 probably means I'll get slow dsl too 07-19-99 19:11:33 Last I asked Paul, month or two ago, he was too far from co 07-19-99 19:12:13 attenuation is bad at these freqs 07-19-99 19:13:03 True, but slow DSL is still better than fast analog. 07-19-99 19:13:17 if you're in a hurry 07-19-99 19:13:54 which is better cable or DSL? 07-19-99 19:14:08 i'd go on price 07-19-99 19:14:25 Cable can be faster, but a lot depends on the provider. 07-19-99 19:14:41 Cable was until lately cheaper, but not as available. 07-19-99 19:14:44 i think dsl is still more expensive, and slower 07-19-99 19:15:07 Cable is shared bandwidth, all users on that cable segment share the bandwidth. DSL is dedicated bandwidth 07-19-99 19:15:09 since cable is a monopoly, I'm leery 07-19-99 19:15:34 dsl is open market ,so I expect the price will come down fast 07-19-99 19:15:43 I'm in the MediaOne area but it isn"t available here yet 07-19-99 19:15:51 DSL is more open, but it's not entirely open. 07-19-99 19:16:25 me too, but promised this summer. Time Warner has an early bird signup page, promises to call when ready 07-19-99 19:16:29 it seems that everyone is offering DSL 07-19-99 19:16:43 there's a lot 07-19-99 19:17:09 like my ISP, Deltanet. I guess they just set up the lease with whoever owns the wires 07-19-99 19:17:12 I suspect a lot of the DSL providers are agents or resellers. 07-19-99 19:17:26 No cable modems or DSL available around here... 07-19-99 19:18:04 Well, there not entirely here yet either. 07-19-99 19:18:11 But it's getting close. 07-19-99 19:18:32 It's a miracle they have phones out in the desert! 07-19-99 19:19:04 Why. It's dry. No rust. 07-19-99 19:19:09 two cans and a string 07-19-99 19:19:24 2 cans and LOTS of string 07-19-99 19:19:56 Not always dry... 07-19-99 19:20:14 We use smoke signals 07-19-99 19:20:18 have you checked out the satlite transcevers? 07-19-99 19:20:50 did you hear the motorola satellite system is about to go bankrupt? 07-19-99 19:21:04 Really? Why? 07-19-99 19:21:18 losing money, not many subscribers 07-19-99 19:21:27 Why¨ Direct PC was one-way and your bandwidth could easily go down depending on weather conditions 07-19-99 19:21:34 Loral's Globalstar is about to come online 07-19-99 19:21:48 maybe that will add critical mass 07-19-99 19:22:18 someday we'll all have little comm badges like on tv, bit for now we're tied to the wires 07-19-99 19:22:18 What services did Motorola provide? 07-19-99 19:22:31 satellite phone - voice only 07-19-99 19:23:03 they just REDUCED their price to about $3/minute, I think 07-19-99 19:23:05 I can see the problem. Expensive, so they can sell to business only. 07-19-99 19:23:17 and the phones just PLUMETED to $1K 07-19-99 19:23:29 You left out the price of the phone... 07-19-99 19:23:30 You really have to need it to pay that kind of money. 07-19-99 19:23:36 That is down then 07-19-99 19:23:43 Bill Gates is setting up a voice and data satellite system 07-19-99 19:23:49 The phones where more like $5,000.00 or so 07-19-99 19:24:10 Speaking of MS, anyone hear about their potential stock spinoff. 07-19-99 19:24:14 * Sector would send up a virus, but I'm sure there's one already there 07-19-99 19:24:47 stevenl, what -- spinning off IE? 07-19-99 19:25:05 I only caught pieces of the story... 07-19-99 19:25:49 The idea was to spin off the internet businesses because they are undervalued relative to other internet stocks. 07-19-99 19:26:13 this is interesting - yahoo news listing on the yahoo home page has A with an accent where the bullet should be 07-19-99 19:26:17 As high as M/S's P/E is. In general Internet stocks are higher. 07-19-99 19:26:22 He did have an investment in one of the systems (Telstar I think, not sure been awhile). 07-19-99 19:26:34 Dave. That with 4.61? 07-19-99 19:26:41 yeah. 07-19-99 19:26:55 Gates' satellite system is Teledesic, I think 07-19-99 19:27:11 That probably the only language bug. Try selecting another encoding and then switching back to Latin-1 07-19-99 19:27:17 Yeah thats the one, I just realized that... 07-19-99 19:29:42 no go. Changed language in prefs, and char set 07-19-99 19:30:09 but back to MS spin off, spinning off internet would probably molify Janet Reno 07-19-99 19:30:13 what did the IBM release on thursday turn out to be? 07-19-99 19:30:23 new Netscape 07-19-99 19:30:36 Netscape 4.61 preview 07-19-99 19:30:40 It was a v4.61 preview. Not quite GA. 07-19-99 19:30:47 was it another beta? 07-19-99 19:30:53 yeah 07-19-99 19:30:54 Yes. 07-19-99 19:31:03 fairly clean, apparently 07-19-99 19:31:30 According to the lists, it a big step up from 4.04 even now. 07-19-99 19:31:34 I installed last night, one crash so far, couple cosmetic proba 07-19-99 19:32:13 With the MS spinoff. Making Justice happy could be part of it. I'll have to do some research. 07-19-99 19:32:21 I haven't hit all the buttons yet. Nice install, though 07-19-99 19:33:12 * Sector presses all of DaveWgt's buttons at the same time 07-19-99 19:33:39 okay, now one-word urls are working 07-19-99 19:33:51 Brrrrriinng says Dave's buttons. 07-19-99 19:34:00 Nice fix. 07-19-99 19:37:38 Hey, who turned off the noise¨ 07-19-99 19:38:00 everyone 07-19-99 19:38:02 Bring on the noise!!!!!!! 07-19-99 19:38:12 btw, I got a note from Chris Graham yesterday. Warpspeed is back up. His server died 07-19-99 19:38:36 Did he give it a good funeral? 07-19-99 19:39:13 No, he resurrected it. 07-19-99 19:39:20 whoops, maybe not. 07-19-99 19:39:30 A lot of OS/2 ISV's are having server problems. 07-19-99 19:40:20 I guess Rollin was doing okay until he decided to upgrade 07-19-99 19:40:36 is there a patern to the problems? 07-19-99 19:41:11 whatever he and Randall discussed Saturday. Series of little things, I guess. 07-19-99 19:41:14 Yep. Change hardware. System dies. 07-19-99 19:41:17 the power supply was part of the problem 07-19-99 19:41:22 I think Chris' prob was h/w 07-19-99 19:41:46 Chris got hit with multiple problems at the same time. 07-19-99 19:42:15 Rollin does not buy IBM hardware. 07-19-99 19:43:27 I haven't bought IBM hw since I got out of the service 07-19-99 19:43:48 used to buy truckloads of it 07-19-99 19:43:55 Just checked MediaOne's Road Runner. When it get's here it's going to be about $40/month. 07-19-99 19:44:08 DSL's about $50. 07-19-99 19:44:43 cable is close to 2 megs? 07-19-99 19:44:45 I think we are paying closer to $200. 07-19-99 19:44:57 dsl is by the pound 07-19-99 19:45:14 i think the $50 rate is couple hundred k 07-19-99 19:45:15 We have the same upload as download. 07-19-99 19:45:19 but you have to be a subscriber toget the modem 07-19-99 19:45:36 internet 07-19-99 19:45:47 Lynn, do you hae a business connection? 07-19-99 19:45:53 Yes. 07-19-99 19:45:58 async dsl is cheaper 07-19-99 19:46:22 Cheaper is as cheaper does. 07-19-99 19:47:06 Forrest taught me that. 07-19-99 19:47:46 my office has a 56k shared with about a thousand people. Adequate about half the time. 07-19-99 19:48:32 I leave those details up to Bob. 07-19-99 19:48:41 just got my mail. WHOLE LOT of ns4os2 list 07-19-99 19:48:46 Frame Relay? 07-19-99 19:49:35 Is that spam? 07-19-99 19:50:39 no, but a lot of it is drivel 07-19-99 19:51:14 Business DSL is always more expensive. Just because mostly. 07-19-99 19:51:21 What happened to mozilla? 07-19-99 19:51:36 It's still alpha. 07-19-99 19:52:14 i'm surprised IBM is still investing in NS 07-19-99 19:52:17 So much for volunteer labor. 07-19-99 19:52:36 Dave, it's probably a contracted item. 07-19-99 19:52:38 have you checked out jazilla.org? 07-19-99 19:52:48 No. What is it? 07-19-99 19:53:06 it is a java .org 07-19-99 19:53:28 What does it do? 07-19-99 19:53:29 mozilla for java 07-19-99 19:53:35 they are workin on a pure java browser 07-19-99 19:53:56 Mozilla is alpha, jazilla is beta? 07-19-99 19:54:34 is also open source 07-19-99 19:55:15 We have now mentioned two strikes against open source, three if you count Linux. 07-19-99 19:55:26 Huh? 07-19-99 19:55:25 sorry about that 07-19-99 19:55:26 Mozilla, Jazilla, Linux. 07-19-99 19:55:52 why "strikes"? 07-19-99 19:56:08 Linux is at least a base hit 07-19-99 19:56:13 Alpha, alpha, slightly better. 07-19-99 19:56:29 Linux is offbase. 07-19-99 19:56:41 servicable 07-19-99 19:56:51 By whom? 07-19-99 19:57:15 by people willing to invest a little in reading the books 07-19-99 19:57:32 Ah. 07-19-99 19:57:41 and putting up with limited apps 07-19-99 19:57:48 ...kind of like OS2 07-19-99 19:57:49 A little volunteer read time. 07-19-99 19:58:25 No, OS/2 is more serviceable than Linux. 07-19-99 19:58:28 actually, a lot of read time, in my limited experience 07-19-99 19:58:56 drivers is a big factor. 07-19-99 19:59:13 still kind of limited for linux, better for warp 07-19-99 19:59:13 I thought Peter had solved that one. 07-19-99 19:59:36 Lynn, you are comparing apples and oranges. Linux is very young compared to OS/2. 07-19-99 19:59:58 and considerably less funded 07-19-99 20:00:16 The funding is soft dollars. It adds up. 07-19-99 20:00:51 yeah, but they didn't have anything else to do anyway 07-19-99 20:01:21 Better than writing virii by a long shot. 07-19-99 20:01:46 ibm could have cornered the server market instead of collaborating with MS 07-19-99 20:02:08 Easy to say. Harder to know. 07-19-99 20:02:13 Steven, Linux is nine years old. 07-19-99 20:02:50 I was counting labor hours. Linux is much younger in those terms. 07-19-99 20:03:32 When you brag about having hundreds of thousands of volunteers as your labor source, not even IBM comes close. 07-19-99 20:03:54 prpbably not full time though 07-19-99 20:03:55 Not brag. Fact. Most ISV's are probably jealous. 07-19-99 20:04:19 True, but somehow things get done. 07-19-99 20:04:36 When did you ever see any programmer work full time? 07-19-99 20:04:48 Speaking of nine years. When Warp was 9 years old, I recall lots of pain getting drivers... 07-19-99 20:05:03 Lynn, I resemble that remark :) 07-19-99 20:05:05 if we can make warpicity work, it would be adopted by linux, ibm, MS et al 07-19-99 20:05:26 Yep. All it needs is proof of concept. 07-19-99 20:05:31 It's not if, it's when. 07-19-99 20:05:44 Same is true for going to Mars. 07-19-99 20:06:02 and warp speed 07-19-99 20:06:25 I'm waiting for the molecular computers to going into production. 07-19-99 20:06:31 going -> to. 07-19-99 20:06:37 to -> go. 07-19-99 20:06:40 Been reading the latest news I see. 07-19-99 20:07:01 We try to keep up. It's hard to know what to ignore until you've read it. 07-19-99 20:07:14 By then it's too late. 07-19-99 20:07:15 article on quantum computers in the papers last week, too. 07-19-99 20:07:28 isn't this a rehash of the story from afew years ago? 07-19-99 20:07:30 Missed that one. 07-19-99 20:07:32 are they related ? (quantum and molecular) 07-19-99 20:07:43 Dunno... 07-19-99 20:08:10 both advertise billions of times faster 07-19-99 20:08:10 The molecular computers where supposed to be single molecule logic circuits. 07-19-99 20:08:16 where -> were. 07-19-99 20:08:42 quantums use individual electrons 07-19-99 20:08:43 Molecular will not neccearily be faster. Chemical reaction time and all. 07-19-99 20:08:52 That's different. 07-19-99 20:09:22 The molecular computers will be suited to building parallel systems. Neural nets and such. 07-19-99 20:09:50 do you remember the theory of implanting / creating memory by doping cells 07-19-99 20:10:58 No. 07-19-99 20:11:16 Yahoo does not show anything recent on quantum computers. 07-19-99 20:11:56 when is the next meeting, Wednesday? 07-19-99 20:12:10 Yup, same time same place 07-19-99 20:12:37 Dave, is the quantum stuff the Kane proposal? 07-19-99 20:12:57 www.qubit.org 07-19-99 20:13:17 lycos has a bunch of hits on quantum 07-19-99 20:14:03 one is a los alamos crypto experiment. This would absolutely kill crypto 07-19-99 20:14:54 the article I saw was USA Today Wednesday. (I was on an airplane) 07-19-99 20:14:56 Looks like the same stuff... 07-19-99 20:15:14 Dave, do you have a topic for Wednesday? 07-19-99 20:15:17 Same problem, the only working models are 3-6 bit registers. Sorta small for real programming. 07-19-99 20:15:23 I searched USAToday and they sent me to lycos, not evern their own article... 07-19-99 20:15:38 the usatoday article predicted 20 years 07-19-99 20:16:03 http://www.physics.uq.edu.au:8001/people/toombes/Kane/index.htm 07-19-99 20:16:32 This looks like one of the foundataion articles. 07-19-99 20:16:48 Must be looking for funding. 07-19-99 20:17:21 Same olde science :) 07-19-99 20:17:31 alright, doesn't GTIRC allow cut and paste? 07-19-99 20:17:38 It does. 07-19-99 20:18:02 Why? 07-19-99 20:18:14 I select StevenL's url, ctrl-ins, doesn't get it. 07-19-99 20:18:24 Yes 07-19-99 20:18:32 the fingers aren't fast enough 07-19-99 20:18:38 Select the text, right click 07-19-99 20:18:48 It can be touchy. Use RMB->Copy. 07-19-99 20:19:45 Works for me. 07-19-99 20:19:47 thanks. Only gets one line, though 07-19-99 20:19:49 Ctrl-Ins probably does not work in scrollback. 07-19-99 20:20:04 doesn't seem to 07-19-99 20:20:08 Ctrl-Ins works fine in the entry area. 07-19-99 20:21:11 I never thought to try it. I use whatever's closest. Since you have have to select with the mouse. RMB->Copy is sorta automatic here. 07-19-99 20:21:12 If I widen my window to get the whole url on one line I can capture it 07-19-99 20:21:29 With Ctrl-Ins? 07-19-99 20:21:40 no, rmb-cvopy 07-19-99 20:21:55 Dave, wait until the log is ready. 07-19-99 20:22:00 I can select multiple lines with RMB-copy 07-19-99 20:22:00 If I widen my window to get the whole url on one line I 07-19-99 20:22:01 can capture it 07-19-99 20:22:15 Dunno. I just multiple line copied your text. 07-19-99 20:22:30 Like I say. It's touchy. 07-19-99 20:22:38 Touche. 07-19-99 20:23:04 OK, Dave, focus. Have we a topic for Wednesday? 07-19-99 20:23:17 *** The topic for #SCOUG is: More of the same 07-19-99 20:23:42 I was hoping we would experiment some more on IRC enhancements. 07-19-99 20:23:56 REXX? 07-19-99 20:23:59 you're right. Probably a ns4.6 bug. It only pastes the first line. 07-19-99 20:24:09 Wouldn't that be more of the same? 07-19-99 20:24:21 I can paste the whole two liner in the gtirc entry area 07-19-99 20:24:40 Oh that. I've never been able to paste multiple line URL's except from MR2/ICE's URL editor. 07-19-99 20:24:58 Not REXX. 07-19-99 20:25:11 And that's only after deleting the EOL characters :) 07-19-99 20:25:44 If not REXX, then what sort of enhancements are you IRC'ing of? 07-19-99 20:26:23 The ability to have a thread for each topic as well as a thread for each question. 07-19-99 20:27:14 stevenl, I think you missed Saturday morning, we tried multiple channels simultaneously, to separate threads 07-19-99 20:27:44 Oh. Yes, I was not there. 07-19-99 20:27:49 I posted all three. Anybody remember the tag to make a chile window small without controls? 07-19-99 20:28:10 chile? 07-19-99 20:28:21 scuse - child. we 07-19-99 20:28:21 Yes, like pepper. 07-19-99 20:28:42 we've been thinking about how to make a multimedia irc app 07-19-99 20:28:42 I just tell them to hush up. 07-19-99 20:29:08 Talk to the CUSEEME/2 author and make nice. 07-19-99 20:29:20 Good idea. 07-19-99 20:29:31 we considered working with GammaTech, too. I like the idea of a club project 07-19-99 20:29:46 Is GT interested? 07-19-99 20:29:51 "we" made an ftp server 07-19-99 20:30:01 ("we" = Rollin, mostly) 07-19-99 20:30:25 We "sorta" made and FTP server until interest died. I was there. 07-19-99 20:30:29 The GT interest idea was our own. 07-19-99 20:30:33 I don't know who would be interested. We're wondering what the market is. 07-19-99 20:30:59 what features would it take to make a popular communications app over low bandwidth 07-19-99 20:31:02 The market is small, but I might be worthwhile because it has not been done before. 07-19-99 20:31:19 Explain. 07-19-99 20:31:29 if i could grab a photo and one-click it to the other chatters 07-19-99 20:31:53 Lynn, were you asking me? 07-19-99 20:31:56 if I could send a short sound clip without hogging the whole channel, as does cuseeme 07-19-99 20:32:19 stevenl, yes. 07-19-99 20:32:38 even the jerky small photos in cuseeme takes too much bandwidth to allow sound 07-19-99 20:32:58 Unlike Dave I am interested in making text work efficiently and effectively. 07-19-99 20:33:35 I am not concerned with the internet's bandwidth as I am with the participant's. 07-19-99 20:33:36 unlike lynn, most folks don't relate to texe well enough to support irc 07-19-99 20:33:41 Realistically, the OS/2 market is small. For a project to succeed there has to be a compelling reason for it's existance. 07-19-99 20:34:03 So you see we are talking about different things. 07-19-99 20:34:24 I have to agree with Lynn. Pictures are nice, but only if they contribute enough to the discussion to be worth the effort to send them. 07-19-99 20:34:26 this isn't just about os2, irc is small in all systems, relative to overal internet usage 07-19-99 20:34:36 * Sector likes text, it's much more bandwidth efficient 07-19-99 20:35:01 me too, but I'm a pretty good typist, most folks aren't 07-19-99 20:35:07 We have text support. The point is making it work effectively. 07-19-99 20:35:13 I'm more a right tool for the job kind of guy. I don't care about saving bandwidth just to save bandwidth. 07-19-99 20:35:25 no, the point is getting people to communicate with 07-19-99 20:35:30 text won't get em 07-19-99 20:35:38 Increase partcipation. 07-19-99 20:35:57 Then why bother with Linux books. 07-19-99 20:36:09 A person with communication skills is not limited by his/her tools. 07-19-99 20:36:11 they have pictures 07-19-99 20:36:48 The best example I can think of is most leader types are fairly low tech wrt computer use. 07-19-99 20:37:54 Another is people watch movies, they don't communicate with them. 07-19-99 20:38:05 Dave, how many participants, active participants, make a good session from your perspective? 07-19-99 20:38:16 20 07-19-99 20:38:29 Agreed. 07-19-99 20:38:41 Are we agreed on twenty? 07-19-99 20:39:00 Yes. However, it does border on an unmanagable size. 07-19-99 20:39:04 5 or 10 active gets hard to follow 07-19-99 20:39:10 Depends on the participants, a "good session" can be had with less 07-19-99 20:39:14 20 will include 10 or 15 lurkers 07-19-99 20:39:30 Let's back up a minute. 07-19-99 20:39:39 * Sector rewinds 07-19-99 20:39:42 we five are using half the available eyeball bandwidth 07-19-99 20:39:43 IRC is low volume currently. 07-19-99 20:40:10 Not true on all channels. 07-19-99 20:40:12 if we had twice as much input, I'd have a hard time following and typing anything' 07-19-99 20:40:30 Exactly. 07-19-99 20:40:42 Some of that is esthetics of scroll jump etc. 07-19-99 20:41:17 Imagine trying to follow 5 voices :) 07-19-99 20:41:20 How do you make better sense of it? 07-19-99 20:41:43 like at parties - people take turns 07-19-99 20:41:49 If you can hear them separately, 5 is not too bad. 07-19-99 20:41:54 Big screen. Decent scrollback. Reasonable typing skills. It's not just one thing. 07-19-99 20:42:18 In reality, you can't hear them all. 07-19-99 20:42:22 How do you signal turns? 07-19-99 20:42:23 and like at parties, polite people with something interesting to say 07-19-99 20:42:39 i think people are natural at taking turns 07-19-99 20:42:49 you wait for the natural pauses 07-19-99 20:43:07 07-19-99 20:43:19 This is true. At parties, most conversation groups are 3-4 people maximum. 07-19-99 20:43:55 i think that is more due to comfort zones than bandwidth though 07-19-99 20:43:58 In taking a turn how do you introduce a new topic, a new question within a topic, and a response to an existing question as well as to the immediately preceding response? 07-19-99 20:44:15 have you been to a moderated chat? 07-19-99 20:44:37 you can enforce the protocol if needed 07-19-99 20:45:20 I have been offered a moderated chat. 07-19-99 20:45:21 This is a requirment once the number of active participants exceeds a certain level. 07-19-99 20:45:43 You should take advantage of it if the group gets large. 07-19-99 20:45:48 ...and if they won't behave 07-19-99 20:46:14 There's that. More likely it's just the problem of large numbers. 07-19-99 20:46:15 How do newsgroups do it? 07-19-99 20:46:25 asynchronous 07-19-99 20:46:33 we're real time here 07-19-99 20:46:49 the dynamics in news is handled by mailbox size 07-19-99 20:46:52 Our logs aren't. 07-19-99 20:47:09 yes, we sort of bridge newsgroups that way 07-19-99 20:47:24 if we could set up our own news server to supplement the live chats, that would be cool 07-19-99 20:47:27 The logs are just a post mortem. 07-19-99 20:47:33 another feature to consider adding 07-19-99 20:47:45 news postings are post mortem, in that sense, too 07-19-99 20:48:01 Then figure out how to have multiple contiguous chat sessions. 07-19-99 20:48:01 Setting up a group is easy. Get folks to use it is harder. Recall Warp Pharmacy. 07-19-99 20:48:33 News is more like chat with a BIG lag. 07-19-99 20:48:37 i recall pharmacy as a web site, not a news group? 07-19-99 20:49:01 we need a chat that automatically scrolls off to a posted log 07-19-99 20:49:01 You gave me the address for the mailing list. 07-19-99 20:49:13 that's warp doctor 07-19-99 20:49:27 What's the difference? 07-19-99 20:49:34 warp pharmacy is a web site with help topics organized around buttons 07-19-99 20:49:52 i think it still is posted in au somewhere, but not maintained 07-19-99 20:50:00 wasn't it at Berkly? 07-19-99 20:50:05 The mailing list is titled "VOICE-WARP PHARMACY" 07-19-99 20:50:34 i haven't gotten a posting so long i forgot 07-19-99 20:50:45 Lag error :) 07-19-99 20:51:45 www.zeta.org.au/jon/WarpPharmach.html 07-19-99 20:52:06 good night see you wed 07-19-99 20:52:12 Nite. 07-19-99 20:52:16 *** GOPO^ has left #SCOUG [20:52:16] 07-19-99 20:52:17 Nite. 07-19-99 20:52:26 i gotta go too 07-19-99 20:52:32 See ya. 07-19-99 20:52:39 So long 07-19-99 20:52:49 i'll keep the connection to log 07-19-99 20:52:55 Sector is still hanging in there. 07-19-99 20:52:57 My turn to leave soon. Any last thoughts? 07-19-99 20:53:13 Who me¨ 07-19-99 20:53:21 Marketing. 07-19-99 20:53:33 That's Dallas's job. 07-19-99 20:53:36 stevenl, the answer lies in front of us. 07-19-99 20:53:41 I'm a tech dweeb. 07-19-99 20:53:55 Then use your technical prowess. 07-19-99 20:53:59 Lynn, that's always the case :). 07-19-99 20:54:09 Then use it here> 07-19-99 20:54:13 I'm going to type up some postings for our list, comp.os.os2.announce, etc 07-19-99 20:54:20 For what? 07-19-99 20:54:29 Lynn, for what? 07-19-99 20:54:33 Advertising chats? 07-19-99 20:55:18 Use your technical prowess to resolve chat barriers. 07-19-99 20:55:42 It's a people problem not a technical problem. 07-19-99 20:56:01 It's a technical problem involving people. 07-19-99 20:56:02 Ok, put your technical prowess to work on people 07-19-99 20:56:24 Would be nice, but it does not work that way :(. 07-19-99 20:56:36 It works. 07-19-99 20:56:44 Show me. 07-19-99 20:56:54 Just look at what you have said. 07-19-99 20:57:13 A conversation group is 3-4 people. 07-19-99 20:57:24 Yes. 07-19-99 20:57:42 The same subject may exist in multiple conversation groups. 07-19-99 20:58:03 Yes. 07-19-99 20:58:26 No limit to the number of readers either listening in at the time of the conversation or listening in through logs. 07-19-99 20:58:36 Yes. 07-19-99 20:59:12 How then do you combine multiple same subject conversations and make them appear as one? 07-19-99 20:59:53 How do you guarantee no information loss based on your choice of conversation group? 07-19-99 21:00:10 You can't... 07-19-99 21:00:21 Wrong answer. 07-19-99 21:00:27 I can't. 07-19-99 21:00:35 If you have a log, you cannot lose information. 07-19-99 21:00:54 Not true. Perception is part of the information content. 07-19-99 21:01:01 The problem is to combine logs. 07-19-99 21:01:17 That just increased the volume, not the content. 07-19-99 21:01:54 Why do you have to combine logs, instead of doing a data reduction on information? 07-19-99 21:02:05 Same thing repeated 5 times is not useful. This is one of the biggest failures of the newgroups and mailing list. The infomation content is low because so much repeats. 07-19-99 21:02:23 You can only reduce what you understand. 07-19-99 21:02:34 How then do you combine information in a non-repetitive manner? 07-19-99 21:02:56 Believe me, I'm not holding out on you. If I knew, I would do it. 07-19-99 21:02:58 If you are in IT, we have been doing this for years. 07-19-99 21:03:27 In very limited arenas and small specialized areas. 07-19-99 21:04:06 Warpicity, for example, solves this in a unique manner. 07-19-99 21:05:06 If you look at the Warpicity Project section on OS2CFORUM under the thread "What's in a name?", you will have an example of the solution. 07-19-99 21:05:49 The issue is not Warpicity, but how to store, retrieve, and resuse text to support all contexts. 07-19-99 21:06:12 It's simple. 07-19-99 21:06:28 If it were simple, Relish would already do it. 07-19-99 21:06:56 Relish uses source files, so it fails to solve it from the getgo. 07-19-99 21:07:11 Warpicity does not use source files. 07-19-99 21:07:17 Relish files contain text. 07-19-99 21:07:36 Yes, but the text contains multiple sentences. 07-19-99 21:07:48 I wish it was that smart. 07-19-99 21:08:28 I have to pick someone up at John Wayne shortly. 07-19-99 21:08:40 I should go too. See you Wed. 07-19-99 21:08:50 I would like to engage further in a chat with you on this subject. 07-19-99 21:08:55 Wake up Sector on your way out. 07-19-99 21:09:02 I think you know the answer. 07-19-99 21:09:17 Bye. 07-19-99 21:09:20 I have some theories. 07-19-99 21:09:21 *** maxson has left #scoug [21:09:21] 07-19-99 21:09:22 Bye. 07-19-99 21:10:13 Humm. Must have suffered ping death. 07-19-99 21:10:20 See ya Sector. 07-19-99 21:10:25 *** StevenL has left #scoug [21:10:25] 07-19-99 21:10:34 *** Log Terminated.