05-16-101 19:13:17 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 05-16-101 19:13:24 OK, I'm really here now. 05-16-101 19:13:47 I didn't realize you were answering before I asked...:)....now it makes sense...lol 05-16-101 19:14:04 Why wait? 05-16-101 19:14:40 StevenL, 4 maybe 6 weeks ago we discussed MCP and you said to make certain that I replace a file... 05-16-101 19:15:18 Usually I note everything, if I did, I've lost it. Do you recall what that file was by any chance ? 05-16-101 19:16:24 Let me see if I can recall... 05-16-101 19:16:33 Do you recall the context? 05-16-101 19:17:42 Not really, I was asking about installing over my FP8. 05-16-101 19:18:02 It was either the PlugIn Pak or the Resolv file. 05-16-101 19:18:32 What ever it was, I believe it was also mentioned in the groups. 05-16-101 19:18:45 Maybe it will come to me later. 05-16-101 19:19:02 that's fine :-) 05-16-101 19:19:34 Did you get a SWC subscription Chip..?? 05-16-101 19:19:55 Yes I did BB. 05-16-101 19:20:16 I have one as well...$374.00 /2yrs..CDN 05-16-101 19:20:38 CDN ??? 05-16-101 19:20:47 Canadian 05-16-101 19:20:56 K 05-16-101 19:21:12 as oposed to USA 05-16-101 19:21:18 OK 05-16-101 19:21:24 *** dallas (~dallas@ has joined #scoug [19:21:24] 05-16-101 19:21:36 Hi dallas 05-16-101 19:21:48 Hi Dallas. 05-16-101 19:21:50 boy are the IBM poeple dumber thatn a sack of hammers... 05-16-101 19:22:25 have to tell them what they have for sale...and then maybe they can find it.. 05-16-101 19:23:09 StevenL, ready for what I think should be an easy one for you? 05-16-101 19:23:14 hello people 05-16-101 19:23:23 hello dallas 05-16-101 19:25:29 My Dad lives about 25 miles away. I've set up a system there with Warp4 and would like to be able to access that system from here. I've never used Remote Client, not even installed. But if I installed it on this system and his could I access/control his system from here? Without a NIC? 05-16-101 19:26:39 BB what were you trying to buy from IBM, that they didn't know they had :-) 05-16-101 19:27:28 swc licence...here in CDN 05-16-101 19:27:39 It's not an easy thing to do.:-) 05-16-101 19:28:00 Chip, you can use DTOC to control the system remotely... 05-16-101 19:28:02 what about using PCANYWHERE..?? 05-16-101 19:28:16 It will work over the phone lines, just not as fast as over DSL. 05-16-101 19:28:35 PCAnyWhere is OK if you are WinUgly only. 05-16-101 19:28:49 oops 05-16-101 19:29:05 I see that DTOC is going to be part of eCS, but I'm not at all familiar with what it is. 05-16-101 19:29:10 I use the Win31 version to dialin to one of my Customers. It's pretty bad. 05-16-101 19:29:35 DTOC allows you to control the remove systems via a Web Browser... 05-16-101 19:29:57 DTOC...??? 05-16-101 19:30:03 Desktop on Call. 05-16-101 19:30:35 thanks 05-16-101 19:30:41 That's separate from Warp4 out of the box, is it not ? 05-16-101 19:30:45 There are OS specfic agents, but the client can be any browser. 05-16-101 19:30:51 Correct. 05-16-101 19:31:23 Well, it is going to be included in eCS, correct? 05-16-101 19:31:28 Yes. 05-16-101 19:32:03 It's only about $40-50 dollars retail if you want it and don't get eCS... 05-16-101 19:32:30 You'll need to buy the WinXX version for the other system anyway. True? 05-16-101 19:33:05 Good, looks like they're almost ready, as soon as they get the CD's down pat. I've already purchased it. 05-16-101 19:33:39 Steven...nope the other system is Warp4...I think CHip said 05-16-101 19:34:07 Sorry, I don't understand your question about WinXX. I have absolutely no windoze stuff at all on this machine or my Dad's. 05-16-101 19:34:50 He was distracted with my pcanywhere comment....LOL 05-16-101 19:35:04 Sorry, I do have one program called "Cricket" which is a calculator which runs in Win/OS2. 05-16-101 19:39:41 BB, yep that was it. 05-16-101 19:39:55 nice to be of help 05-16-101 19:39:55 Chip, that doesn't count. :-) 05-16-101 19:40:26 Was that a PUN ? 05-16-101 19:40:40 :-) 05-16-101 19:41:26 Well it was a good one :-) 05-16-101 19:43:05 Blackbird, concerning IBM Sales. In most companies Sales is part of Marketing. But at IBM, I believe it might be in the Personnel Department :-) 05-16-101 19:44:43 Who me? pun? 05-16-101 19:45:08 Do mean it's like Customer-No-Service? 05-16-101 19:45:28 Yeh. 05-16-101 19:45:42 Actually, I've had good service from IBM... 05-16-101 19:46:00 The problem is they are so big and the sell so much stuff... 05-16-101 19:46:21 You never know if the person you are talking to even comprehends what you are asking for. 05-16-101 19:46:31 On the other hand, there are times when you can talk them into almost anything. I've had good service also. 05-16-101 19:46:45 The big customers have a sales rep to does all the running around needed to track... 05-16-101 19:47:00 stuff down. Us little guys get to do it ourselves. 05-16-101 19:47:33 You don't think they have something against the "Oilers" do you :-) 05-16-101 19:49:06 yep I agree with all that was said...except maybe the Oilers... 05-16-101 19:49:34 "Oilers", I believe that's a Badminton Team somewhere south of the Artic Circle :-) 05-16-101 19:50:24 Sorry Blackbird, would you rather talk about Janice Jones ? 05-16-101 19:50:27 Chip...you been looking at a map....you can find Edmonton...lol 05-16-101 19:50:58 I know I would! 05-16-101 19:51:29 Nah...she has 4 kids already.... 05-16-101 19:51:45 or is it 3... 05-16-101 19:52:10 If she'd only met me, aahhh. 05-16-101 19:54:59 Wow, wer 05-16-101 19:55:30 Sorry, Wow, we're really having a serious discussion this evening. 05-16-101 19:56:23 that's what I was thinking....:) 05-16-101 19:57:04 StevenL, I saw on the eCS groups that you were helping the fella from Italy with some code. 05-16-101 19:57:21 well I'm off...going to do some more installs on the WseB partition...RSJ and INJOY and ...??? 05-16-101 19:57:36 I mean volume.... 05-16-101 19:57:45 Chip, do you mean Alesandro? 05-16-101 19:57:49 Great talking with you Blackbird, have a good evening. 05-16-101 19:57:55 StevenL, yes. 05-16-101 19:57:56 See ya BB. 05-16-101 19:58:18 We were trading opinions more than anything else... 05-16-101 19:58:20 you too chip....off to the mountains this weekend again...it's been 6 weeks 05-16-101 19:58:30 He's pretty capable. 05-16-101 19:58:34 since easter 05-16-101 19:59:13 cu bb 05-16-101 19:59:29 see you all next week ...if I don't go bike riding...Ducati that is..motorcycle... 05-16-101 20:00:00 nite all 05-16-101 20:00:02 StevenL, yes, but if I knew 1/100 of what you know, I be one happy camper. 05-16-101 20:00:10 *** Blackbird has left #scoug [20:00:10] 05-16-101 20:01:12 Well, thanks... 05-16-101 20:01:47 I know a little about this and that... 05-16-101 20:02:02 However, I try to keep in mind that there's always plenty more to learn. 05-16-101 20:03:30 I understand, often I can get a finger tip on subjects but the rest is usually above my head. I seem to know just enough to be able to carry on a conversation, sometimes. 05-16-101 20:04:17 I know I always read your submissions to the groups, when I see them. 05-16-101 20:06:12 I've DL'd as many of the IBM .INF files as I could, and when you mention something in any of the groups I haven't heard of, I usually try and find something about it in the Redbooks, etc. 05-16-101 20:08:25 So, now's a good time to bring up VXREXX. Early on in the eCS groups this was mentioned as necessary for "something?". Has anyone found out where they can obtain VXREXX? 05-16-101 20:10:24 VxREXX is a development enviornment... 05-16-101 20:10:36 Kim uses it to develop some of his applications... 05-16-101 20:11:03 Unles you want to program using VxREXX you don't need anything special. 05-16-101 20:11:44 Oh, Okay, I thought they were talking about needing it to set-up eCS properly. 05-16-101 20:12:14 Nope. 05-16-101 20:13:06 Guess, I'm just interested in programming some. Seems it is very helpful in understanding what's really going on... 05-16-101 20:13:35 I've been into my old Basic books, programs, and often into the REXX INF 05-16-101 20:13:58 sorry, INF's that I have. 05-16-101 20:14:24 I'm going to take some courses here at a local college this summer. 05-16-101 20:14:57 Last course I took was DOS 5, way back when :-) 05-16-101 20:15:49 DOS5 is just fine. That's what's on the C drive of this box... 05-16-101 20:16:06 I boot to DOS maybe once every 6 months, if that much... 05-16-101 20:16:19 I could never see any reason to upgrade. 05-16-101 20:18:01 No, by then OS/2 was getting up and the command language there was comparable to say the least, ... is that an intelligent statement . 05-16-101 20:18:24 True enough... 05-16-101 20:18:37 I've always run some sort of command line enhancer... 05-16-101 20:18:54 The basic DOS and OS2 command lines are pretty lame if you want productivity. 05-16-101 20:19:54 You see, we need a command line to feel in control, it's a man thing :-) 05-16-101 20:20:27 Probably the reason I never felt anything for Windoze. 05-16-101 20:22:47 StevenL, so, have you ever used the Remote Client with Warp4 ? 05-16-101 20:23:42 No... 05-16-101 20:24:01 Actually, my productivity tools for DOS where 4DOS2 and XTree... 05-16-101 20:24:30 XTree was sufficiently graphical when I needed to see context... 05-16-101 20:24:44 On OS/2 I use 4OS2 and ZTree bold... 05-16-101 20:24:57 I use the GUI a lot for the things it's good at. 05-16-101 20:25:22 Sorry, you lost me with all of that... 05-16-101 20:25:39 What I do and want to do is this... 05-16-101 20:25:58 I handle my Dad's financials... 05-16-101 20:26:36 and I have several 123G spreadsheets in Lotus that I update daily for him... 05-16-101 20:27:13 I have these same sheets on his computer and usually update them on Sunday visits for him... 05-16-101 20:27:40 I have one sheet that is daily prices only... 05-16-101 20:27:57 the others follow his various funds... 05-16-101 20:28:47 I'd like to be able to send the prices sheet to him each evening, I know I could do this with a simple modem connection... 05-16-101 20:29:41 However, I'd also like to be able to make sure the transfer was true/complete and save his files for him. 05-16-101 20:30:12 Does he do email? 05-16-101 20:30:19 ps... He can't handle a computer. 05-16-101 20:30:30 Sounds like my Dad... 05-16-101 20:30:34 No, he does not do e-mail 05-16-101 20:30:39 I do most of his brokerage... 05-16-101 20:31:12 He's perfectly capable, just from the old school that's afraid of computers... 05-16-101 20:31:55 Anyway, you could do the transfer with DTOC... 05-16-101 20:32:01 My Dad, could touch any key and be in the system bios :-), yes he's afraid of computers also. 05-16-101 20:33:26 Do you just want to transfer files or do you need to edit them on his box? 05-16-101 20:33:31 *** DSOM_eCS (~DSOM_eCS@cuscon5421.tstt.net.tt) has joined #scoug [20:33:31] 05-16-101 20:33:35 Greetings. 05-16-101 20:33:46 Hi DSOM 05-16-101 20:34:06 hello DSOM 05-16-101 20:34:13 Well, I have the sheets set up so that they are linked... 05-16-101 20:34:45 Hi DSOM. 05-16-101 20:35:02 So, it's just a file transfer. You are linking externally? 05-16-101 20:35:23 If he opens his spreadsheet it automatically incorporates the latest data from the "prices" spreadsheet... 05-16-101 20:36:07 Does your Dad do Netscape? 05-16-101 20:36:42 So, there is only one spreadsheet I need to transfer. No Dad is not connected to the Net. 05-16-101 20:37:09 But I could get him connected easily if needed... 05-16-101 20:37:33 I have connected from his computer using my account and ISP. 05-16-101 20:38:55 "Prices" spreadsheet has to be in the active directory, hope that answers your question on linking. 05-16-101 20:43:21 Yes, it does. That's what I consider externally linked, as opposed to, cross page linked. 05-16-101 20:43:55 You got a lot of options on how to get the file to him... 05-16-101 20:44:42 The real trick is to make it so it's a one person job rather than a two person job... 05-16-101 20:45:01 Yes :-) 05-16-101 20:45:09 With a modem-modem connection, you both have to be involved at the same time... 05-16-101 20:46:14 If it were me, I'd consider getting him set up with email and teaching him how to detach the spreadsheet you send... 05-16-101 20:46:37 It that too hard for him? It would just be one message a day. 05-16-101 20:47:41 Nah, that's probably the best way, you've done my thinking for me :-) 05-16-101 20:48:08 Thank you. 05-16-101 20:48:12 'both have to be involved at the same time?' my que to jump in 05-16-101 20:50:39 OK, hop. 05-16-101 20:52:01 over a phone connection it could be scripted with kermit at both ends. 05-16-101 20:52:19 and even not over a phone connection 05-16-101 20:56:24 I suspect that's a bit beyond Chip and his Dad's capabilities... 05-16-101 20:56:56 StevenL & dallas, well, Dad has no idea what power he has in his computer, he's 80, so, it may be easiest if I get him connected, and teach him how to detach an e-mail file... 05-16-101 20:57:14 It also requires someone knowing to set up on side to auto-answer at a specific time. 05-16-101 20:57:36 Chip, I agree with this... 05-16-101 20:57:52 Yes, thank you dallas, however StevenL is correct, I know nothing about kermit. 05-16-101 20:58:02 If you write down the steps, he won't even have to remember for the next time... 05-16-101 20:58:21 All he'll have to do it remember where the cheat-sheet is. 05-16-101 20:59:23 Chip, do you have Web space available from your ISP? 05-16-101 21:00:22 StevenL, yes, I think you're correct and I'll get him connected. He knows how to bring up his spreadsheet, close it and shutdown the computer correctly. I do have Web space with my ISP, which I think is now Earthlink. 05-16-101 21:01:18 Are you thinking of the FTP transfer ? 05-16-101 21:04:55 Yes. 05-16-101 21:05:36 You could set up a simple web page. Then he would just RMB -> Save to grab the file... 05-16-101 21:06:38 Also, you (with my help) could set up a desktop object with some REXX code behind it that just goes out and grabs the file... 05-16-101 21:07:02 I've got several things like this already automated... 05-16-101 21:07:28 The only issue is protecting the file from prying eyes... 05-16-101 21:07:53 That could be handled several ways. 05-16-101 21:08:30 Haven't gotten into that yet. StevenL, you've got me into so much lately, darn, I wish you were one of my teachers early on. The REXX thing sounds great. Prying eyes would only see what's on Yahoo Financial, that would be no problem. 05-16-101 21:09:14 I know you'd like to call it a nite and I respect that... 05-16-101 21:10:03 So, if it's okay with you, could we discuss this either next week, or by e-mail during the week? 05-16-101 21:10:14 As long as all you are getting is prices, then there's no problem... 05-16-101 21:10:32 That's how I get mine, via REXX of course... 05-16-101 21:10:53 Then I dump them into a DB where I can use them as I please. 05-16-101 21:11:24 You do 123 scripting don't you? 05-16-101 21:12:32 Yes, I just place the prices under the fund heading, that's all that's in the "prices" file. RE: 123 scripting, you've got me "just" started with that. 05-16-101 21:14:12 just grabbing a file off of a site could be done with lynx -source http:... or lynx -dump http:... without even any scripting 05-16-101 21:16:03 dallas, are you speaking of Netscape in Linux? 05-16-101 21:16:24 no, i'm talking about Lynx on just about any platform 05-16-101 21:16:45 Lynx - text mode browser 05-16-101 21:17:07 you could do the same with W3M as well 05-16-101 21:17:24 it has it's uses. 05-16-101 21:20:57 Guys, I have to call it a nite, I know StevenL needs time with his family. Thanks for your help StevenL, dallas and DSOM_eCS, have a good evening. 05-16-101 21:21:01 Chip, if I gave you a script to went to Yahoo and grabbed the prices and dumped them... 05-16-101 21:21:12 good luck 05-16-101 21:21:19 have good night 05-16-101 21:21:25 to a file, you could implement the 123 code it pull the file content into the sheet... 05-16-101 21:22:04 StevenL, I'm still here... go ahead 05-16-101 21:22:07 You could run this on your Dad's machine. 05-16-101 21:22:40 Later Chip. 05-16-101 21:22:42 Think about it. If you want to go this route, let me know. 05-16-101 21:23:02 It is time to shutdown and go play with the quats. 05-16-101 21:23:15 Nite all. 05-16-101 21:23:19 StevenL, okay, I'll contacat you later this week, good evening :-) 05-16-101 21:25:25 *** Chip has left #scoug [21:25:25] 05-16-101 21:25:51 cu StevenL 05-16-101 21:28:39 * DSOM_eCS is Away. 05-16-101 21:32:17 I just thought of a contest - how many ways can we thing of to pull down a web page for Chip's dad? 05-16-101 21:32:30 thing->think 05-16-101 21:41:16 I entered the discussion late....what is he trying to do? 05-16-101 21:43:05 get a page of financial info to Chip's dad, who doesn't Internet, from what I can figure out. 05-16-101 21:54:03 Nite, for real now.