11-15-99 19:10:30 Also NS2.02 will not install....looked at everything as STEVENL suggested......so I started my M.P. and installed it no sweat....now I run it from my standard booted drive C: 11-15-99 19:10:36 anybody used any good cron utils? 11-15-99 19:11:37 If you want to autodial and start GTIRC, you will want to use PPP directly... 11-15-99 19:11:41 Avoid the PM interface. 11-15-99 19:12:16 BB, as usual, that's odd. 11-15-99 19:12:25 As well stupid RA keeps deleting the "Resolv" file that I copy from resolv2 11-15-99 19:12:37 StevenL u don't have to... unless slippm fails. 11-15-99 19:12:38 stevenl, my objective is to turn on the computer, go get a sandwich, and come back with it connected 11-15-99 19:12:54 to #scoug 11-15-99 19:12:56 * Sector thinks BB is always odd 11-15-99 19:12:59 Injoy will do that DaveW. 11-15-99 19:12:59 That's why you want to use PPP. 11-15-99 19:13:14 StevenL, did you ever learn exactly what version of software Blackbird is using? 11-15-99 19:13:15 Injoy will work too. 11-15-99 19:13:21 I think he was talking about Dave.....lol 11-15-99 19:13:22 No. 11-15-99 19:13:33 What's the problem? 11-15-99 19:13:34 DOIP will work also unless the connection fails. 11-15-99 19:14:15 Blackbird, what software version of OS/2 are you using? 11-15-99 19:14:15 DOIP will work if the connection fails, if you use PPPDIAL.CMD. 11-15-99 19:14:24 fp12 11-15-99 19:14:26 :) 11-15-99 19:15:06 Blackbird, fp12 is an incomplete answer. It does not tell me what software base you started from. 11-15-99 19:15:43 how does ppdial.cmd know if i have a connection? 11-15-99 19:16:05 It's smart. 11-15-99 19:16:37 It understands PPP's built-in REXX interface. 11-15-99 19:16:47 SteveS we would have to go back years....lol.... you haven't been around through the trials and trivulations that Sector and StevenL and warphoss .... 11-15-99 19:17:12 Blackbird, you also keep referring to MP. There are only two production products of SMP OS/2. One is Warp Server for OS/2 SMP version. The other is Warp Server for eBusiness. 11-15-99 19:17:12 ppp.exe has a rexx i/f? 11-15-99 19:17:16 schedb2.zip from hobbes is nice. 11-15-99 19:17:19 BB, I think the answer he wants is you installed FP12 over a fresh Warp4 install. 11-15-99 19:17:34 where is ppp documented? 11-15-99 19:17:56 Sorry my fault.....M.P.>>>>>>>>maitainence partition 11-15-99 19:17:59 tcphelp has the command line arguments... 11-15-99 19:18:06 A non production version of SMP support for OS/2 is the beta code for WSeB. 11-15-99 19:18:09 I've never found the REXX interface spec. 11-15-99 19:18:19 What Warp server is based on Warp4 so that fp12 is applicable? 11-15-99 19:18:42 Not true, Lynn. 11-15-99 19:19:24 Wait a minute. Let me check that. 11-15-99 19:20:42 I'm back... 11-15-99 19:20:53 FP12 is Warp4 or WSOD only... 11-15-99 19:21:01 WSeB has it's own set of fixes. 11-15-99 19:21:47 SteveS did not intend to make a mountain out of a mole hill......I have a very basic Warp4 system that seems to screw up more than any other system 11-15-99 19:21:50 The Warp4 Advanced Server is Warp3-based. 11-15-99 19:22:04 StevenL, you just reminded me that I need to apply the JFS fixes to Dick Brainard's system that is downstairs. Thanks. 11-15-99 19:22:17 Your welcome. :) 11-15-99 19:22:27 Your -> You're. 11-15-99 19:23:29 *** PING (lmaxson): 1 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:29 =Sector= Another day, another ping 11-15-99 19:23:29 *** PING (dallas): 1 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:29 *** PING (Sector): 1 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:29 *** PING (Blackbird): 1 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:30 *** PING (DaveW): 2 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:30 *** PING (WarpHoss): 2 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:31 *** PING (Monitor): 3 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:31 *** PING (SteveS): 3 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:31 *** PING (SCOUGbot): 3 Seconds 11-15-99 19:23:49 It's quiet in here. 11-15-99 19:23:53 Since Blackbird has so many difficulties, a different suggestion than my first one, is to back up data files needing to be saved and start all over again with a format of the partition. 11-15-99 19:23:54 yep I'm still here StevenL 11-15-99 19:24:32 OK, so how did you get NS2.02 to install to your production partition? From the MP boot? 11-15-99 19:24:55 *** CTCP PING (Sector) 11-15-99 19:24:56 SteveS, been there done that, with a long format. 11-15-99 19:25:07 No no no......I've done that and still have to start all over with installing ever bit of software and all the fixes....and ....and.... 11-15-99 19:25:09 I suspect marginal MB or memory. 11-15-99 19:25:43 Remember, Glen's trials at the help desk... 11-15-99 19:25:47 I second StevenL's suggestion. Hardware is marginal. 11-15-99 19:26:14 They are gone after much compenent swapping. 11-15-99 19:26:51 Hey, I got a Peer question... 11-15-99 19:26:59 Anyone running IP08412? 11-15-99 19:27:30 StevenL....I knew you would ask that question.....I didn't install it to my production partition....I installed it to the M.P. and I just run it from the production one... 11-15-99 19:27:49 OK, does BACKACC work? 11-15-99 19:29:16 Not using peer that much, so have not run BACKACC on the peer systems. Have run it on the Warp Server. 11-15-99 19:29:51 Two many systems to recall if any have IP08412 on them. 11-15-99 19:30:24 *** Ironhead (Tom@p146.amax3.dialup.sfo1.flash.net) has joined #scoug [19:30:24] 11-15-99 19:30:43 Now I have a question that needs solving. 11-15-99 19:31:13 We're waiting 11-15-99 19:31:30 The issue is about installing two 3COM ethernet adapters of the identical type in one system and getting them both to operate. 11-15-99 19:31:44 been there done that... 11-15-99 19:32:07 took one 3com card out and put in a kingston..... 11-15-99 19:32:52 There was a discussion as to how to set there respective IRQ's though... 11-15-99 19:33:08 just don't remember what ti intailed 11-15-99 19:33:34 Both adapters are 3com XL 3C905. 11-15-99 19:34:10 I have been able to force each PCI adapter to a specific IRQ by using the BIOS configuration for PCI slots. 11-15-99 19:34:19 that was what I was using as well....one for the cable modem the other for my lan... 11-15-99 19:35:06 Then in the MPTS adapter definitions, I specify the slot number for that definition to use. 11-15-99 19:35:14 Yep you have to set them and not let them auto configure....that should have worked... 11-15-99 19:35:18 Am I on the right track so far? 11-15-99 19:36:22 * Sector thought Blackbird only had one computer... what LAN¨ 11-15-99 19:36:23 At the moment, both adapters are connected to the same lan segment, each has its own unique IP address. 11-15-99 19:36:52 That should be ok....the problem IIRC is being able to figure out the slots... 11-15-99 19:37:35 Independently, I can get each adapter to communicate on the lan with other hosts, but when both are configured can not get both to respond. 11-15-99 19:38:01 Yep, the slot designations where a problem that took a while to resolve. 11-15-99 19:38:08 Sector....my wife's W98 machine and my OS/2 system....so that we can both get on the net together through the cable modem using INJOY Gateway... 11-15-99 19:38:31 StevenL, are you still awake??? 11-15-99 19:38:42 Yep. 11-15-99 19:38:44 Why? 11-15-99 19:38:54 You were doing a fine job. 11-15-99 19:38:59 No comments from you yet on my issue. 11-15-99 19:39:02 He needs your help 11-15-99 19:39:08 Which one? 11-15-99 19:39:24 Maybe I misread. 11-15-99 19:39:35 Independently, I can get each adapter to communicate on the lan with other hosts, but when both are configured can not get both to respond. 11-15-99 19:39:52 The only problem I have submitted for assistance, the 2 lan adapters of idendical type in the same system and getting them both to work. 11-15-99 19:40:17 OK. I was confused. I thought you were explaining how you resolved it. (: 11-15-99 19:40:24 at the same time.... 11-15-99 19:40:29 *** Rumple (driepon@slsdn27p19.ozemail.com.au) has joined #scoug [19:40:29] 11-15-99 19:40:49 Define respond. To a ping from a 3rd machine? 11-15-99 19:40:53 I building the foundation of what I had done and what had worked. 11-15-99 19:41:03 * Sector doesn't count Wanything machines 11-15-99 19:41:12 Boy he even fixes things without even trying....lol 11-15-99 19:41:23 StevenL, yes when both adapters are configured concurrently. 11-15-99 19:42:08 What addresses did you select? 11-15-99 19:42:37 Addresses of and 82. My lan segment is 192.168.4.x 11-15-99 19:43:09 What's the 3rd address? 11-15-99 19:43:11 Not only that Sector I don't consider it a LAN.... 11-15-99 19:43:47 Other addresses are or 1 or and thing else from 1 to 254 possible. 11-15-99 19:44:12 I'm trying to understart where you are pinging from and where you are pinging to. 11-15-99 19:44:39 ping from to 11-15-99 19:44:56 ping from to 198.4.82 11-15-99 19:45:12 The 1st works iff .82 is not configured? 11-15-99 19:45:16 ping from to 11-15-99 19:45:35 One of the addresses responds the other does not. 11-15-99 19:45:45 All on same segment? 11-15-99 19:45:53 Each address responds when the other adapter is not defined in MPTS. 11-15-99 19:45:59 All on the same segment. 11-15-99 19:46:24 .81 and .82 are in the same box? 11-15-99 19:46:38 Yes that is correct, both in the same system. 11-15-99 19:47:00 Have you tried IPTRACE? 11-15-99 19:47:07 No. 11-15-99 19:47:22 *** lmaxson has left #scoug [19:47:22] 11-15-99 19:47:27 I wonder if the stack expects the NIC's to be one different segments. 11-15-99 19:48:10 IPTRACE would allow you to see where the packets are getting lost. 11-15-99 19:48:21 one -> on. 11-15-99 19:48:21 I will make that my next configuration for testing. I can break the lan into two segments. 11-15-99 19:48:58 Can't see why they could not be one the same segment... 11-15-99 19:49:10 The routing algorithms should be able to handle it... 11-15-99 19:49:16 one=>on 11-15-99 19:49:20 That is what I initially thought, but since it is not working.... 11-15-99 19:49:55 Might be be something simple, like the default route. 11-15-99 19:50:07 Can you direct a ping to a specific lan adapter? 11-15-99 19:50:13 *** Signoff: Rumple (Read error: 0 (Success)) [19:50:13] 11-15-99 19:50:35 That I don't know. 11-15-99 19:50:45 You can direct it to a specitic port. 11-15-99 19:51:03 Ok, how do you direct ping to a specific port? 11-15-99 19:51:53 I thinks it's -p. 11-15-99 19:52:14 Maybe not. Try n.n.n.n:p 11-15-99 19:52:24 -p is not listed as an option on my ping help 11-15-99 19:52:32 Nor mine 11-15-99 19:53:14 In the n.n.n.n:p case, what is the specific resolution of the :p portion? 11-15-99 19:53:23 Is it :lan1 ? 11-15-99 19:54:01 Usually it's a port address. 11-15-99 19:54:10 Don't know if it applies here. 11-15-99 19:54:19 Blackbird, you have any input? You have gotten quite. 11-15-99 19:54:42 * Sector thinks Blackbird must have fallen asleep 11-15-99 19:55:08 * Blackbird thinks he will listen and learn 11-15-99 19:55:34 It's alive! 11-15-99 19:55:51 I suspect I am wrong. 11-15-99 19:55:51 No it's a stupid computer... 11-15-99 19:56:06 [C:\]ping ping: unknown host 11-15-99 19:56:12 Same here. 11-15-99 19:56:14 :) 11-15-99 19:56:23 That's why I suspect I am wrong... 11-15-99 19:56:30 :) 11-15-99 19:56:40 There are some contexts where :p is correct syntax for a port number. 11-15-99 19:56:53 I will make two lan segments so I can create an actual route for each lan adapter. 11-15-99 19:57:00 *** Voyager (os2user@ppp-192-216-194-126.tstonramp.com) has joined #scoug [19:57:00] 11-15-99 19:57:01 You'll see it on the NS status line at times. 11-15-99 19:58:12 When I create the two lan segments, then I will have to keep runing up and down the stairs to use the other computers to drive the tests. 11-15-99 19:58:28 Why not test with IP trace 1st? 11-15-99 19:59:40 Will do the IPTRACE test first. I just have never use IPTRACE before. Not strong on IP support. I am a netbios/netbeui person. 11-15-99 19:59:50 Not that hard. 11-15-99 20:00:00 Start it with IPTRACE... 11-15-99 20:00:03 Let it run... 11-15-99 20:00:11 Do a ping... 11-15-99 20:00:17 Kill IPTRACE... 11-15-99 20:00:21 Run IPFORMAT... 11-15-99 20:00:52 As long as the network traffic is only the ping, should be easy to see where the packets get lost. 11-15-99 20:02:19 I can control the network traffic. 11-15-99 20:02:32 I just checked past logs.....rollin was having this exact problem 11-15-99 20:02:52 How did Rolling solve the problem? 11-15-99 20:02:58 Both NIC's on same segment? 11-15-99 20:03:33 that i didn't find.....it was not spoken of directly... 11-15-99 20:04:25 #scoug-- Whenever I've tried to put two cards in one computer, I've always had troubles when they are the same brand/model. The opposite of what I'd expect. 11-15-99 20:05:04 #scoug-- The magic was to specify the PCI slot number (which was gleaned from the diags) and then everything worked well. I didn't expect that much trouble from the 3com card and drivers. 11-15-99 20:06:04 BB, your assumptions are unrealistic... 11-15-99 20:06:21 PC's are basically designed for one card of each type... 11-15-99 20:06:31 Try putting to video cards in a box. 11-15-99 20:06:41 to -> two 11-15-99 20:07:27 StevenL please look CLOSELY at the text.....this is from my logs.... 11-15-99 20:08:02 StevenL, Blackbird was posting Rollin White's comments from a previous chat. 11-15-99 20:08:03 I understand. I knew that the slot number was required to get the NIC to co-exist. 11-15-99 20:08:13 *** cacuzza (dnapier@ip29.torrance13.ca.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #scoug [20:08:13] 11-15-99 20:08:27 It's the equivalent of specifying the port/irq for ISA cards. 11-15-99 20:08:57 I will check with Rolling and find out how everything is working for him. 11-15-99 20:09:05 SteveS...thats all rollin said as to how he got it to work..... 11-15-99 20:09:15 My guess, is he's got the NIC's on separate segments. 11-15-99 20:09:46 In the production mode, each lan adapter will be on a different segment. 11-15-99 20:10:18 Makes sense... 11-15-99 20:10:23 I am just testing the setup to get it working. GUess I should do it the way it needs to work in production. 11-15-99 20:10:33 I understand that. 11-15-99 20:10:44 I'd like to know where it's failing. 11-15-99 20:11:28 *** cacuzza has left #scoug [20:11:28] 11-15-99 20:11:34 It should work with both on the same segment. I could be useful to have a NIC for failover. 11-15-99 20:11:42 I -> It. 11-15-99 20:11:47 I'm trying to remember where I heard someone say to always use different card brands. 11-15-99 20:11:59 Old wives tales. 11-15-99 20:12:22 Tell that to someone who's setting up a real server with multiple NIC's. 11-15-99 20:12:47 Right, SteveS? 11-15-99 20:13:03 I would if I could remember who it was. :-) 11-15-99 20:13:14 I've heard too... 11-15-99 20:13:22 and disagreed every time it was said. 11-15-99 20:13:26 My multiple experience has been with token ring. 11-15-99 20:13:57 Or ethernet on Netware servers. 11-15-99 20:14:04 Same rules apply. It's easier to administer a system if all the NIC's are the same brand. 11-15-99 20:14:47 And it was easier when each card was manually jumpered. 11-15-99 20:15:04 Dunno. Just different. 11-15-99 20:15:07 *** Signoff: Voyager (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.tx.webbnet.org) [20:15:07] 11-15-99 20:15:15 Wouldn't that be nice if they where still jumpered 11-15-99 20:15:34 I've seen plenty of flailing with jumpers... 11-15-99 20:15:42 The solution is to understand the problem. 11-15-99 20:16:01 I had to pull out an internal modem to get the software to configure a NIC, then reinstall the modem. 11-15-99 20:16:37 But sometimes the problem is trying to understand the solution.....:) 11-15-99 20:16:45 * Sector has never used an internal modem 11-15-99 20:16:45 Well, I had to turn on PnP BIOS so that the VGA got off IRQ 9 so that the time code card could use IRQ 2. :) 11-15-99 20:17:13 Sector has led a sheltered life. 11-15-99 20:17:34 No, I happen to prefer external modems... 11-15-99 20:17:44 Dallas, and that was just this last Sunday. :) 11-15-99 20:18:25 I'm just kidding. I do too. Problem is finding a serail port for the 3rd one. 11-15-99 20:18:35 I've got 2 externals and 1 internal here. 11-15-99 20:18:39 The kermit center at Columbia U. strongly recommends external modems. They're just about guarenteed to not be Winmodems. 11-15-99 20:19:07 * Sector has two computers with four serial ports 11-15-99 20:19:32 How is PnP turned on and off....you mean the bios settings PnP 11-15-99 20:19:38 Yep. 11-15-99 20:20:03 so you run with that normally OFF 11-15-99 20:20:11 I do 11-15-99 20:20:16 I didn't say that... 11-15-99 20:20:36 I know...I was infering... 11-15-99 20:20:38 This box was pulled from another site and shipped to Oz for reinstallation... 11-15-99 20:20:58 Part of the upgrade was to replace the CRT's with LCD screens... 11-15-99 20:21:33 The LCD screens are unhappy with the S3 cards we usually use and the Cirrus card wanted IRQ9 by default... 11-15-99 20:21:50 It's OK.......here is the real question.....do you suggest that PnP be set to OFF in the Bios.... 11-15-99 20:21:51 Everything worked fine until they started swapping in the new parts... 11-15-99 20:21:56 Just another day in the park. 11-15-99 20:22:09 * Sector has always had PnP set to off 11-15-99 20:22:11 I suggest, it depends. 11-15-99 20:22:35 Sector also has No PnP devices... 11-15-99 20:22:53 Also, you have to differentiate between the PnP BIOS setting and the PnP OS setting. 11-15-99 20:22:59 Well, technically my Modem is but the PnP is disabled on it and being an external anyways... 11-15-99 20:23:19 PnP external? 11-15-99 20:23:44 Dunno about that one. 11-15-99 20:24:34 There is such an option in it. Probably something to do with autoconfiguration of mickysoft windoze stuff 11-15-99 20:24:51 Ok now I'm confused......the Bios setup lets you turn on ....???? 11-15-99 20:25:55 Sector, that's is odd. Almost should like a marketing thing. Who knows? 11-15-99 20:26:01 *** Voyager (os2user@ppp-192-216-194-126.tstonramp.com) has joined #scoug [20:26:01] 11-15-99 20:26:06 Blackbird, your confused? Maybe this is why your system gets confused!!! 11-15-99 20:26:08 BB, try that question again. 11-15-99 20:26:40 *** Signoff: Voyager (Read error: 32 (Broken pipe)) [20:26:40] 11-15-99 20:27:10 In the Bios setup...aka at boot up DEL key to enter.....you can set PnP....what is this.... 11-15-99 20:27:12 * Sector would much rather put things where I want them, not where some OS wants to put them 11-15-99 20:27:24 PnP = Plug and Play... 11-15-99 20:27:38 *** Voyager (os2user@ppp-192-216-194-126.tstonramp.com) has joined #scoug [20:27:38] 11-15-99 20:27:54 The exact settings available are BIOS dependent. 11-15-99 20:28:00 yes I know PnP but what is the setting for....On or OFF of what 11-15-99 20:28:16 Like it say, of PnP. 11-15-99 20:28:20 OK... 11-15-99 20:28:44 If you turn off the PnP BIOS, the BIOS will not configure the devices... 11-15-99 20:28:47 but you were saying Also, you have to differentiate between the PnP BIOS setting and the PnP OS setting. 11-15-99 20:28:53 Something else has to do it... 11-15-99 20:29:28 BB, that is true if the BIOS supports both options. 11-15-99 20:30:50 ok so if I just have the Bios PnP setting and I turn this Off....what would I use as a program to set a PnP device.... 11-15-99 20:31:24 The OS 11-15-99 20:31:31 Or the device itself. 11-15-99 20:31:36 Though some cards come with a program that can do it 11-15-99 20:32:02 question while all the people are here: anyone know of any OS/2 software for the Franklin Rex? 11-15-99 20:32:06 *** Signoff: Voyager (Leaving) [20:32:06] 11-15-99 20:32:11 Of course, when you do that you are effectively bypassing the card's PnP capabilities. 11-15-99 20:32:34 Dallas, what? An emulator? 11-15-99 20:32:57 dallas, my eyes aren't good enough any more for a rex 11-15-99 20:33:21 it's a card sized PDA thingy. saw four on sale at Office Max tonight for $17.00 (regular $139). 11-15-99 20:33:22 Isn't that an Rx? 11-15-99 20:33:41 Must have been big sellers. :) 11-15-99 20:33:49 Time to me to go and put the helpfull solutions to the test. Bye. 11-15-99 20:33:59 very cool. 11-15-99 20:34:02 I never paid much attention to them, the included software was for Windoze. 11-15-99 20:34:05 Let us know what happens. 11-15-99 20:34:06 it's an lcd on a pc card 11-15-99 20:34:21 *** SteveS has left #scoug [20:34:21] 11-15-99 20:34:22 Maybe the software will work under WinOS/2. 11-15-99 20:34:33 i bet it has a 16 bit app 11-15-99 20:34:42 It's about the right age. 11-15-99 20:34:55 I could try, $17 gamble. 11-15-99 20:35:13 What, not returnable? 11-15-99 20:35:27 not at that discount! :-) 11-15-99 20:35:48 Doesn't hurt to try. My dad is famous for that kind of stuff. 11-15-99 20:37:35 didn't say anything about win 3.1 on the package, but maybe being single threaded app would help? 11-15-99 20:38:07 Check the copyright dates. Almost has to be Win3.1 software. 11-15-99 20:38:22 There's always a web search. 11-15-99 20:38:58 doin' that on another virtual console, here. 11-15-99 20:39:33 *** Voyager (os2user@ppp-192-216-194-140.tstonramp.com) has joined #scoug [20:39:33] 11-15-99 20:39:43 dallas, i'll give you $20 for one 11-15-99 20:40:11 lookin at their web site, they have a link to mac and linux apps, no warp 11-15-99 20:40:56 what url are you looking at, DaveW? 11-15-99 20:41:04 watching a tape of this afternoon's tv shows, they say they'll have parachuting penguins at comdex tomorrow morning 11-15-99 20:41:12 I didn't see any mac or linux stuff/ 11-15-99 20:41:32 www.starfish.com/tsdn for the linux 11-15-99 20:41:49 let me take a look.... 11-15-99 20:41:52 Starfish? 11-15-99 20:42:03 I'd forgetten the relationship. 11-15-99 20:42:07 http://www.franklin.com/support/questions/rex/default.htm 11-15-99 20:42:22 for the links 11-15-99 20:44:02 has anybody tried one of the 2-line modems yet? 11-15-99 20:44:50 Who makes 'em? 11-15-99 20:45:14 I see the page now. Really want one DaveW? 11-15-99 20:45:14 dunno, have seen them advertised at frys a couple times recently 11-15-99 20:45:33 WinModems? 11-15-99 20:45:39 dunno 11-15-99 20:46:06 I am trying to install Java 118 I have Netscape 4.04 with Feature Installer 1.2.3 - this combination does not work 11-15-99 20:46:08 dallas, don't go out of your way, but if you happen to have one Saturday i'll cover you. 11-15-99 20:46:36 Voyager, bad choices. :) 11-15-99 20:46:40 what doesn't work 11-15-99 20:46:47 Get FI 1.2.5 like the readme says. 11-15-99 20:46:51 Feature Installer 1.2.4 says to uninstall 1.2.3 but I can not figure out how to do the uninstall 11-15-99 20:47:01 Ignore that. 11-15-99 20:47:16 It's talking about the developer's kit which you do not have... 11-15-99 20:47:25 All you have is the runtime. 11-15-99 20:47:26 OK, DaveW, we're in it together! :-) 11-15-99 20:48:02 I smell trubble. 11-15-99 20:48:05 :) 11-15-99 20:48:12 If they can do LINUX, should be able to do something with EMX... 11-15-99 20:48:13 Smoke even, maybe. :) 11-15-99 20:48:33 It's all about free choice. :) 11-15-99 20:49:12 if I download FI 1.2.5 will it install over 1.2.3 or does it also require the uninstall 11-15-99 20:49:59 Doesn't matter. 11-15-99 20:50:13 For best results... 11-15-99 20:50:19 Delete FI.INI. 11-15-99 20:50:24 how do i find what ver i have? 11-15-99 20:50:27 Run FISETUP /NORESTARTSHELL 11-15-99 20:50:36 Shut down and reboot... 11-15-99 20:50:39 Install Java. 11-15-99 20:50:50 syslevel.fia. 11-15-99 20:51:02 That's for you, Dave. 11-15-99 20:52:26 Hey....that's what I was looking for when I was trying to install NS2.02......?norestartshell......to bad it was for FI.... 11-15-99 20:52:46 :-) 11-15-99 20:53:17 You never did tell me how you got it to install, BB. 11-15-99 20:54:06 yes I did.....you just missed it..... 11-15-99 20:54:21 I've been doing that today. 11-15-99 20:55:06 Installed it on the MP then run it from the real one 11-15-99 20:55:10 I did not install it to drive C:....I installed it to the MP and just run the program from the e:directory(which is my MP) 11-15-99 20:55:47 OK, but then you don't get a proper set of icons. 11-15-99 20:55:50 java does'nt work...but ....oh well 11-15-99 20:55:57 That too. :) 11-15-99 20:56:38 Maybe we can work it next Monday, when you get your new hardware in place. 11-15-99 20:57:33 don't laugh....I was wondering about doing that.......what's a good MB.....I use Asus...is Impresion any good 11-15-99 20:58:51 Note BB needs a Slot-1 11-15-99 20:59:14 My definition of a good MB is one that does not crash. 11-15-99 20:59:26 and you use...?????????? 11-15-99 20:59:26 This leaves lots of room for variety. 11-15-99 20:59:33 I've got a Maxtium that I haven't had any problems with 11-15-99 20:59:34 I prefer Asus... 11-15-99 20:59:55 Others have success with IWill, Tyan, ABit etc etc. 11-15-99 21:00:09 http://www.maxtium.com.tw/main.htm 11-15-99 21:00:38 There new PBF or whatever comes after the P2B....is it any good...or have you heard 11-15-99 21:00:57 Think of motherboards as smart tin cans that care about small dents. 11-15-99 21:01:24 A tin works just fine with some dents. Motherboards are usually not so resilient. 11-15-99 21:01:28 My current MB is a P2B... 11-15-99 21:02:03 That's a good board. I'm tying through a P3B-F... 11-15-99 21:02:12 with the 440BX 11-15-99 21:02:22 Problem is broken is broken... 11-15-99 21:02:40 And with MB's the chances of finding and fixing a problem are slim. 11-15-99 21:02:46 Yep. 11-15-99 21:03:22 SO do you really think I have a MB problem....or memmory...or....or... 11-15-99 21:04:36 My first Slot-1 board developed a bad interupt controller and tended to crash... 11-15-99 21:05:15 I always suspect the MB 1st. It's got more movable parts. 11-15-99 21:05:48 Sector, how did you know it was the PIC that was bad? 11-15-99 21:06:03 Ok but how the heck do you verify a MB problem... 11-15-99 21:06:18 Swap in another MB. 11-15-99 21:06:32 I tried that already 11-15-99 21:06:36 Either that or have a frient with some very fancy tools. 11-15-99 21:06:53 as well as memory...as well as PS...as well as CPU .... 11-15-99 21:06:54 OK, what didn't you swap yet? 11-15-99 21:06:59 *** Signoff: Voyager (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.tx.webbnet.org) [21:06:59] 11-15-99 21:07:07 I could manage to crash it almost everytime I triggered certain interupts 11-15-99 21:07:36 Oh, like ATH1 -> crash. 11-15-99 21:08:56 What's left to swap....????? 11-15-99 21:09:24 You tell me. 11-15-99 21:09:47 Video card, RAM, CPU, modem. cables... 11-15-99 21:10:00 There's no limit on what can fail. 11-15-99 21:10:03 No no no.....that's not how we play this game......I'm the dumby your the expert... 11-15-99 21:10:19 I just do things step by step. 11-15-99 21:10:44 I have done them alll.....no detectable difference... 11-15-99 21:10:52 PowerSupply¨ 11-15-99 21:10:57 yep 11-15-99 21:11:08 OK, if you take all the parts you swapped in and use them, do they work? 11-15-99 21:11:14 maybe time to try them all over again.... 11-15-99 21:11:22 i.e. as a separate system. 11-15-99 21:11:22 Tried it withough any extra cards¨ 11-15-99 21:11:31 You did say you swappped everything. 11-15-99 21:12:15 yes to all of the above 11-15-99 21:12:37 So, does the 2nd box work without problems? 11-15-99 21:13:17 I have a very good computer store serviceman....he lets me try all this stuff with his mew parts... 11-15-99 21:13:45 * Sector can do that too 11-15-99 21:13:51 OK, my guess it there's something you have not swapped yet. 11-15-99 21:13:57 it -> is. 11-15-99 21:13:59 But I just swap parts from another system if I suspect something 11-15-99 21:14:09 Exactly. 11-15-99 21:14:19 Known good parts, hopefully. 11-15-99 21:14:24 Only problem now is my system is obsolete....parts to swap out are harder....ie..MB 11-15-99 21:14:27 Capatible parts, hopefully/2. 11-15-99 21:14:31 Of course 11-15-99 21:14:33 *** Voyager (~os2user@ has joined #scoug [21:14:33] 11-15-99 21:14:46 Capatible -> Compatible. 11-15-99 21:14:50 re fi, i just installed 125 over 123 without uninstalling anything. seems okay 11-15-99 21:15:06 I've never seen it fail, Dave. 11-15-99 21:15:44 It would be a trick to uninstall FI in any case... 11-15-99 21:15:51 it did on my system....but we won't get into that one again.... 11-15-99 21:15:53 The pieces to to lots of places. 11-15-99 21:16:21 BB, the install didn't fail. The restart did. 11-15-99 21:16:30 to to -> go to. 11-15-99 21:16:44 symmantics....symmantics... 11-15-99 21:16:55 Must be dinner time. My typing is getting worse than normally bad. 11-15-99 21:17:07 BB, don't they make software? 11-15-99 21:17:21 yes they do as well 11-15-99 21:17:29 re mb's, i've always used whatever is on sale at frys, had few probs. got a new one couple months ago, a soyo, had probs with some chipset drivers, got thru that, worked okay for a while, then it decided to not power up anymore 11-15-99 21:17:51 I can't install FI 1.2.4 - a window pops up then goes away - nothing changes - will try 1.2.5 11-15-99 21:17:56 That's what I call the QA 101 feature. 11-15-99 21:18:21 Voyager, how do you know it did not install? 11-15-99 21:18:28 currently dead, awaiting time to troubleshoot, but about the first mb prob i've had 11-15-99 21:18:33 Always used what's on sale at Fry's¨ Hmmm, Fry's hasn't been around Orange County all that long... 11-15-99 21:18:46 syslevel still says 1.2.3 11-15-99 21:19:06 How did you invoke FISETUP? 11-15-99 21:19:08 i work near manhattan beach, and moved here from san jose 11-15-99 21:19:21 Ahhh ok 11-15-99 21:19:22 been near frys for a long time 11-15-99 21:19:28 Also, what did you use to unzip the package? 11-15-99 21:19:30 *** Signoff: Ironhead (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.in2.webbnet.org) [21:19:30] 11-15-99 21:19:32 *** Ironhead (Tom@p146.amax3.dialup.sfo1.flash.net) has joined #scoug [21:19:32] 11-15-99 21:19:49 I've never been too picky about motherboards. The one time I was is the one that developed a bad interupt controller... 11-15-99 21:19:50 using the SCOUG CD double click on the icon 11-15-99 21:19:59 davew used zip control 11-15-99 21:20:29 I'd have to look at the CD to see what it's doing... 11-15-99 21:20:36 Try this... 11-15-99 21:20:45 Open a command line session.... 11-15-99 21:21:01 cd to the directory containing FISETUP... 11-15-99 21:21:08 actually, the one i just described that seems to have failed (might be ower supply, i suppose) replaced one that the keybd controller had failed 11-15-99 21:21:10 Run fisetup /norestartshell from there. 11-15-99 21:21:34 Voyager, which SCOUG CD? 11-15-99 21:23:18 Ever wondered how IT knows to grow a new nail under the one you just smashed with a hammer....i.e. your thumb.....now if computers could do this... 11-15-99 21:23:51 the October CD 11-15-99 21:24:16 still has 124 11-15-99 21:24:20 Are you sure it has 1.2.5? 11-15-99 21:24:41 The July CD has 1.2.4. What does the readme say? 11-15-99 21:24:45 124 according to readme 11-15-99 21:24:49 Duh. 11-15-99 21:25:36 125 dl is .8 meg 11-15-99 21:25:55 Same size as all the others. :) 11-15-99 21:26:05 approx 11-15-99 21:26:17 DOS hint. The 1.2.5 readme says it's 1.2.5. 11-15-99 21:26:22 after doing the fisetup /norestartshell the syslevel says 1.23 11-15-99 21:26:35 What does your readme say? 11-15-99 21:27:21 i just dl's and instlled 125, syslevel changed to 125 11-15-99 21:27:26 Duh. 11-15-99 21:27:43 i wonder why netscape doesn't declare the version in about plugins... 11-15-99 21:27:46 the readme says 1.2.4 11-15-99 21:28:23 Wonder if Rollin made a mistake building the CD? 11-15-99 21:28:41 Also, are you sure you are looking at the right syslevel... 11-15-99 21:28:50 The one in os2\install... 11-15-99 21:29:00 Syslevel will report every one it finds. 11-15-99 21:30:08 *** Voyager ~os2user (Robert Blair) 11-15-99 21:30:08 *** Channels: #scoug 11-15-99 21:30:08 *** irc.webbnet.org [] Daytona Beach, FL [USA] WEBBnet Mai 11-15-99 21:30:34 Dinner's calling. Gotta go... 11-15-99 21:30:37 mine's in c:\os2\dll\syslevel.fia 11-15-99 21:31:02 Sorry. My typo. 11-15-99 21:31:03 see you stevenl. 11-15-99 21:31:06 Bye StevenL 11-15-99 21:31:32 Voyager, we can work this Wed. if it does not turn out to be something obvious. 11-15-99 21:31:35 Bye all.