01-15-100 09:06:05 *** Log Activated #scoug (E:\COMM\GTIRC\#scoug2.log) 01-15-100 09:38:15 *** DaveWez (dwatsondel@ts045d22.lax-ca.concentric.net) has joined #scoug [09:38:15] 01-15-100 09:38:30 Love, from LA... 01-15-100 09:38:56 no, that's "LIVE" from LA 01-15-100 09:39:03 but we love you anyway 01-15-100 09:39:23 Hmmmm 01-15-100 09:39:37 * Sector was wondering when you where gonna be "live"... 01-15-100 09:40:29 *** Hoss (hoss@abelmcc5.rbdc.com) has joined #scoug [09:40:29] 01-15-100 09:40:31 How's the meeting going¨ 01-15-100 09:40:33 HiHoss 01-15-100 09:40:54 we have great donuts 01-15-100 09:41:33 Brent just took the stage 01-15-100 09:41:39 giving background 01-15-100 09:41:56 he wanted to come here (from Minn) to see T-wolves game 01-15-100 09:42:07 turns out he read the schedule wrong 01-15-100 09:42:13 they're in MN 01-15-100 09:42:20 he's happy to be here anyway 01-15-100 09:42:23 Hey, pass out them donuts... 01-15-100 09:42:52 sector, i keep forgetting to put GTIRC on this laptop 01-15-100 09:43:01 *** VERSION (DaveWez): EZirc Client Version 1.2o 12/26/97 for OS/2 01-15-100 09:43:01 =DaveWez= VERSION EZirc Home Page : http://www.gryn.org/ezirc/ 01-15-100 09:43:01 would you send me a log later? 01-15-100 09:43:04 Sure 01-15-100 09:43:11 * Sector had a feeling that was comming... 01-15-100 09:43:33 what's the command to list who's on the channel? 01-15-100 09:44:19 he's talking about microsoft tape format 01-15-100 09:44:29 it's not microsoft's, it's seagate's 01-15-100 09:44:53 ba2000 has rexx i/f 01-15-100 09:44:59 new hot start 01-15-100 09:45:08 starting to describe features 01-15-100 09:45:18 if you have questions, pass em to me 01-15-100 09:45:19 DaveWez: /names 01-15-100 09:45:23 thx 01-15-100 09:45:27 np 01-15-100 09:45:58 we have about 50 ppl at the meeting 01-15-100 09:46:25 same features as old ba versions 01-15-100 09:46:37 adjustable buffers, priorities 01-15-100 09:46:47 *** Signoff: Hoss (Read error: 0 (Success)) [09:46:47] 01-15-100 09:47:08 adj buffer is important for really fast drives 01-15-100 09:47:16 old buffer 2 megs 01-15-100 09:47:21 new is 4 megs 01-15-100 09:47:31 server version larger 01-15-100 09:48:16 *** Hoss (hoss@abelmcc5.rbdc.com) has joined #scoug [09:48:16] 01-15-100 09:48:43 talking about shoeshining 01-15-100 09:48:52 the tape goes back and forth 01-15-100 09:48:53 Hello again Hoss 01-15-100 09:49:05 the buffer prevents that 01-15-100 09:49:22 Good, shoeshining isn't good for the tape 01-15-100 09:49:25 ANY QUESTIONS FOR BRENT? 01-15-100 09:49:33 or about backup in general? 01-15-100 09:49:59 brb - gotta run out in the hall to replenish my donuts 01-15-100 09:50:09 Bring us some while your at it 01-15-100 09:53:38 okay, i brot you grapes, strawberries and a bagel w/ sun dried tomato 01-15-100 09:54:06 ba2000 same look and feel as ba pro 01-15-100 09:54:22 dmo is laptop with scsi tape 01-15-100 09:54:28 2 tapes 01-15-100 09:54:56 anybody had a data failure and did NOT have good backups? 01-15-100 09:54:59 bummer 01-15-100 09:55:04 happens from time to time 01-15-100 09:55:29 my clients always get "religion' after they get burned 01-15-100 09:59:15 they changed the naming of their file naming 01-15-100 09:59:29 they have containers to organize the dat files 01-15-100 09:59:58 w/ ba2 pro, you give a path name 01-15-100 10:00:42 now you name your container and it names your files within that contahieri 01-15-100 10:01:28 logistics, because of phone line placement, i'm sitting at a little podium behind the speaker 01-15-100 10:01:45 i'm right up on stage with the star of the show 01-15-100 10:01:47 ! 01-15-100 10:01:57 trying to type quietly 01-15-100 10:04:24 Next time, you could bring a long RJ11 cord... 01-15-100 10:05:07 we have a couple hundred feet 01-15-100 10:05:17 i just wanted to be on stage,,, 01-15-100 10:05:37 heard of new "acree" tape format? 01-15-100 10:05:42 Oh, so you wanted to be the star 01-15-100 10:05:46 * Sector hasn't 01-15-100 10:05:50 it's 8mm 01-15-100 10:06:01 up to 60-some gigs 01-15-100 10:08:30 incremental update easier than old version 01-15-100 10:08:40 How so¨ 01-15-100 10:08:54 buttons at top for full, incremental 01-15-100 10:10:04 he's running a full backup now 01-15-100 10:11:29 we have several members who are big backup users 01-15-100 10:11:53 they're discussing archive bits structures 01-15-100 10:12:43 worried that someone will click the wrong button (eg full) and not get all their data 01-15-100 10:12:56 they do lots of surveys, still get confusion 01-15-100 10:13:04 full backup is not full backup 01-15-100 10:13:08 * Sector runs BA/2 Pro 01-15-100 10:13:33 brent says "hopefully they'll read the manual" 01-15-100 10:13:37 lots of laughs 01-15-100 10:14:01 brent says hopefully they'll stick to the hot start menu, not the detailed menus, if they don't understand what they're doing 01-15-100 10:14:19 getting lots of questions from the audience 01-15-100 10:14:35 sure would like to hear questions from you folks! 01-15-100 10:15:20 So, what's the advantages of BA/2000 over BA/2 Pro¨ 01-15-100 10:16:13 good question - i'll ask that at the wrapup 01-15-100 10:16:38 let me stick with in-context questions 01-15-100 10:16:52 also, he might offer us a discount. 01-15-100 10:16:57 any takers? 01-15-100 10:17:20 i'll let you know if he makes us a good offer 01-15-100 10:24:22 i'm going to hang up for a moment and move to the back of the room, get set up for the sit-down after the meeting 01-15-100 10:24:24 brb 01-15-100 10:24:30 *** DaveWez has left #scoug [10:24:30] 01-15-100 10:28:45 *** DaveWez (dwatsondel@ts046d13.lax-ca.concentric.net) has joined #scoug [10:28:45] 01-15-100 10:28:53 i'm back 01-15-100 10:28:58 in the back of the room 01-15-100 10:29:15 Hello again DaveWez 01-15-100 10:30:00 he has a crash rocovery program 01-15-100 10:32:01 schedule change 01-15-100 10:32:15 brent will finish his presentation about 11 01-15-100 10:32:33 Ok 01-15-100 10:32:47 we'll have some time for him to talk with the users during break, sell stuff, etc, probably get him to a keyboard about 1130 01-15-100 10:32:57 gmt-8 01-15-100 10:33:20 he's demoing restore operations now 01-15-100 10:33:35 can select partitions, drives, directories to restore 01-15-100 10:35:51 there's an interesting bug in warp 4 mouse drivers 01-15-100 10:36:12 they get mouse trails using the warp 4 mouse drivers that they didn't have in waro 3 01-15-100 10:36:41 you can put in mouse.sys, mousepoint.sys (sp) from warp3 on warp 4 it fixes it 01-15-100 10:37:00 brent is moving from the presentation to a q&a mode 01-15-100 10:37:11 I never had a moust trails problem with BA/2 01-15-100 10:37:17 manual is in pdf 01-15-100 10:37:20 on cd 01-15-100 10:38:00 no more paper manuals 01-15-100 10:38:19 workstation product, server, autoloader support module 01-15-100 10:38:43 works w/ wseb, warp4 01-15-100 10:39:43 he likes la cie drives 01-15-100 10:39:52 scsi 2 connector 01-15-100 10:40:06 costs more than acree drive 01-15-100 10:40:19 couple drives coming on the market next couple months 01-15-100 10:40:28 new standard 01-15-100 10:40:38 onstream coming out with low price 70 gig 01-15-100 10:40:43 likes acree better 01-15-100 10:40:55 he likes travan 01-15-100 10:41:25 seek times long, couple minutes vs seconds, but way cheaper 01-15-100 10:41:41 travan 4 and up best price performance 01-15-100 10:41:59 drives last 3 years 01-15-100 10:42:12 consumer oriented 01-15-100 10:42:33 Hmmm, my tape drive has lasted more then three years already... 01-15-100 10:43:55 os2 support "labor of love" 01-15-100 10:44:05 they intend to continue supporting os2 01-15-100 10:44:15 also 95/98/nt 01-15-100 10:45:11 And we appreciate the continued support 01-15-100 10:45:13 rumor - next service pack will make warp 4 an aurora client 01-15-100 10:45:23 not smp 01-15-100 10:45:35 might not be free 01-15-100 10:45:41 end rumor 01-15-100 10:46:30 question - restore catalogs 01-15-100 10:46:41 don't need catalog for emergency resrore 01-15-100 10:46:45 restore 01-15-100 10:47:14 he's demoing restoring catalogs 01-15-100 10:47:26 lots of tapes, not sure where file you need is 01-15-100 10:47:30 50 catalogs 01-15-100 10:47:35 drove you nuts 01-15-100 10:47:50 library search feature 01-15-100 10:48:58 search window searches catalogs, displays list 01-15-100 10:49:12 with creation dates, etc, pick the one you want to restore from 01-15-100 10:49:30 doesn't know why they didn't include it long time ago! 01-15-100 10:49:34 his favorite feature 01-15-100 10:50:27 software includes features not enabled yet 01-15-100 10:50:48 so you'll probably get some really small patches with big new features 01-15-100 10:51:25 sector, i'll ask your question in a moment 01-15-100 10:51:30 all - any other questions? 01-15-100 10:51:52 save some to ask him when he's online 01-15-100 10:52:58 they don't offer boot disk based recovery 01-15-100 10:53:52 BA/2 Pro has this feature 01-15-100 10:54:25 no fat32 api under the os2 version 01-15-100 10:54:45 * Sector wishes we had more here for the online session (and this as well) 01-15-100 10:54:59 Ok, but lots of people don't use fat32... 01-15-100 10:57:50 cross platform 01-15-100 10:57:55 more maintainable 01-15-100 10:58:28 they've never charged for maintenance 01-15-100 10:58:54 special deal - 01-15-100 10:59:07 how many interested? 01-15-100 10:59:09 couple 01-15-100 10:59:29 the're hemming and hawing on price... 01-15-100 10:59:50 normally 99 01-15-100 10:59:54 today 39 01-15-100 11:00:02 anybody want one for $39? 01-15-100 11:00:19 Maybe, have to find something in it usefull over BA/2 Pro for me 01-15-100 11:00:33 Any extra discount for upgrades¨ 01-15-100 11:00:54 brent has rented a harley 01-15-100 11:00:58 for his stay here 01-15-100 11:02:09 now we're starting the raffle 01-15-100 11:02:13 people milling around 01-15-100 11:02:23 last minute registrations for the raffle 01-15-100 11:02:37 * Sector registers... ;> 01-15-100 11:02:50 here's a list of reasons to buy 2000 01-15-100 11:02:55 has rexx if 01-15-100 11:03:00 can limit log files 01-15-100 11:03:08 catalogs 1/3 size 01-15-100 11:03:20 text based editing pre-post 01-15-100 11:03:25 backup commands 01-15-100 11:03:29 displays drive info 01-15-100 11:03:33 erase options 01-15-100 11:03:39 * Hoss registers 01-15-100 11:03:42 command line - more features 01-15-100 11:03:45 Ummm, you can erase in BA/2 Pro 01-15-100 11:03:49 library search 01-15-100 11:03:56 workstation version 01-15-100 11:04:04 server version backs up more formats 01-15-100 11:04:49 a line is forming for brent 01-15-100 11:05:44 wow. people all over the room writing checks 01-15-100 11:05:52 filling out credit card slips 01-15-100 11:06:07 he might be a little while 01-15-100 11:06:44 That's ok, we don't mind 01-15-100 11:07:48 they do go after companies who pirate their product 01-15-100 11:08:09 so, are you guys going to talk to brent?? 01-15-100 11:08:40 Sure 01-15-100 11:09:03 whay is it so quiet today? 01-15-100 11:09:12 nobody on voice, even 01-15-100 11:09:20 Not many here, don't know why... 01-15-100 11:10:20 starting the raffle 01-15-100 11:10:24 15 items 01-15-100 11:10:37 lack of advertising. 01-15-100 11:10:53 about 15 people in line with brent still 01-15-100 11:11:12 gonna pay for his harley 01-15-100 11:11:22 ed 01-15-100 11:11:45 gary 01-15-100 11:11:58 kim 01-15-100 11:12:24 yuji 01-15-100 11:12:44 carla 01-15-100 11:13:11 tony a 01-15-100 11:13:26 dave w (not me) 01-15-100 11:13:34 (the other davew) 01-15-100 11:13:36 sheridan 01-15-100 11:13:46 randell 01-15-100 11:14:04 dallas 01-15-100 11:14:08 our dallas!! 01-15-100 11:14:16 dick b 01-15-100 11:14:26 brian 01-15-100 11:14:43 david a 01-15-100 11:15:00 (we have lots of davids today) 01-15-100 11:15:11 larry 01-15-100 11:15:16 Guess so 01-15-100 11:15:29 congrats 01-15-100 11:15:35 break, then sigs 01-15-100 11:15:55 brent still doing business 01-15-100 11:16:58 DaveW I'd like like a copy of the program... 01-15-100 11:17:09 which version? 01-15-100 11:17:22 the $39$ one. 01-15-100 11:17:25 You said $39 is that for the workstatin or server¨ 01-15-100 11:17:28 :) 01-15-100 11:17:31 workstation, server, windows 01-15-100 11:17:48 ohhh server. i'll go get in line 01-15-100 11:18:06 danke. 01-15-100 11:18:17 anybody else want's one, leave me a note 01-15-100 11:18:21 I don't want winders... 01-15-100 11:18:25 Don't know yet, I might 01-15-100 11:20:11 wh, he wants 79 for warp server 01-15-100 11:20:16 38 for workstation 01-15-100 11:20:18 the $39. 01-15-100 11:20:23 39 01-15-100 11:20:26 ok. workstation, 01-15-100 11:20:44 Webpage shows server works on OS/2 Warp, Warp Server or Warp Server for e-Business 01-15-100 11:21:24 no winders stuff though. 01-15-100 11:21:49 Eeee, keep any of that away from me 01-15-100 11:21:59 me too. 01-15-100 11:22:04 I dun use it. 01-15-100 11:30:15 *** Blackbird (poznan@ has joined #scoug [11:30:15] 01-15-100 11:30:27 Hi Blackbird 01-15-100 11:30:37 Hi Sector 01-15-100 11:30:58 Have much activity 01-15-100 11:31:33 The main session is over but the speaker will be here in a bit.. 01-15-100 11:31:44 Want BackAgain/2000 Workstation for $39.00¨ 01-15-100 11:31:57 Canadian 01-15-100 11:32:21 US 01-15-100 11:33:15 i'm back 01-15-100 11:33:38 So how did the chat work out.... 01-15-100 11:33:49 U still have the address us sent the banner to DaveWez? 01-15-100 11:33:49 It worked, could have used more participants though 01-15-100 11:34:30 yah thats the tough part as usual 01-15-100 11:35:10 I didn't get a chance until now ...even to get on line 01-15-100 11:37:07 hoss, email me your address again 01-15-100 11:37:15 i'll mail your cd tomorrow 01-15-100 11:39:37 dave@scoug.com 01-15-100 11:39:55 will do. 01-15-100 11:40:09 brent still has a gaggle around him 01-15-100 11:40:19 hopefully he'll come down and talk with us in a moment 01-15-100 11:42:56 how many people are at the meeting ¨ 01-15-100 11:43:21 About 50 01-15-100 11:44:06 Sector do you ever get a chance to attend ¨ 01-15-100 11:44:09 okay, we have Brent here 01-15-100 11:44:17 say hello to brent 01-15-100 11:44:22 HI 01-15-100 11:44:33 brent is from CDS, makers of Back Again 2000 01-15-100 11:44:46 folloowing inputs will be from brent 01-15-100 11:44:57 From the land of the Great White North....also the Alberta Clipper 01-15-100 11:45:02 Only time I was down there was for WEW 01-15-100 11:45:06 hello blackbird 01-15-100 11:45:09 Hi Brent 01-15-100 11:45:27 Does anyone have questions for me (brent) 01-15-100 11:46:16 Sure, can't the bootable recovery be added without support for fat32¨ 01-15-100 11:46:17 Does BA2000 work with cd rom burners¨ 01-15-100 11:47:16 We recommend that you use our Win98 product if you need support for fat32 01-15-100 11:47:38 There are really no IBM supported APIs for FAT32, so we can restore the data but you 01-15-100 11:47:41 may loose some attributes 01-15-100 11:47:57 BA/2000 should work with CDRs, however, you need to make sure you have an IFS 01-15-100 11:48:12 such as RSJ in order for it to work. 01-15-100 11:48:31 Ok, Dave mentioned that there wasn't support for bootable recovery disks anymore. Maybe he just meant it doesn't support fat32 that way¨ 01-15-100 11:49:13 There is support for a disk based disaster recovery in our OS/2 and Winnt product, but 01-15-100 11:49:33 we dont support a boot disk recovery on our Win95/98 product. You can still do a complete 01-15-100 11:49:50 restore, but you need at least a bootable system. 01-15-100 11:50:14 Ok, guess it was a miscommunication with Dave then. I know BA/2 Pro has this feature and that's why I was asking 01-15-100 11:50:47 Our BA/2000 product for OS/2 has a MUCH enhanced disk based recovery program. Infact, 01-15-100 11:50:58 we now support bootos2 created boot disks. 01-15-100 11:53:18 So, whatall does BA/2000 offer over BA/2 Pro¨ 01-15-100 11:53:30 BA/2000 has a lot of new features... Here are a few: 01-15-100 11:53:46 Library search: You can locate any file for restore across any catalog 01-15-100 11:54:10 Cross platform format: You can restore a tape or disk backup created with our OS/2 product on 01-15-100 11:54:36 NT or 98, etc. 01-15-100 11:55:24 Hot Starts: This is a new EASY to use interface for backup and restore... Now your father can make backups! 01-15-100 11:55:45 *** VMan (VMan_of_Ma@dt03q3n8b.elp.rr.com) has joined #scoug [11:55:45] 01-15-100 11:55:52 Hello VMan 01-15-100 11:55:59 hi 01-15-100 11:56:33 REXX Interface: We added in interface for REXX, so command line backups can be easily controlled via another application. 01-15-100 11:56:48 Do you need more features? 01-15-100 11:56:51 Hmmm, think I'de rather make my own backups... 01-15-100 11:57:29 Just trying to find a reason to upgrade from BA/2 Pro... 01-15-100 11:58:06 the library search and smaller catalog help. 01-15-100 11:58:35 The fact is, we have supported our BA/2 Pro product line for almost four years and we have 01-15-100 11:58:35 * Sector likes BA/2 Pro 01-15-100 11:58:38 *** Signoff: VMan (1 hour time limit expired) [11:58:38] 01-15-100 11:59:04 never charged an upgrade fee, even though we have released nine updates.. Some fixes, some features... 01-15-100 11:59:11 *** VMan (VMan_of_Ma@dt03q3n8b.elp.rr.com) has joined #scoug [11:59:11] 01-15-100 11:59:21 Hello again VMan 01-15-100 11:59:34 re 01-15-100 11:59:35 The BA/2000 product is much easier for CDS to support long term, as it shares a lot of the 01-15-100 11:59:38 We appriciate the support 01-15-100 11:59:43 smae features of our cross platform products. 01-15-100 12:00:02 We will comeout with at least one more update for BA/2 Pro, however, after a few months, 01-15-100 12:00:13 we will consider it a mature product... 01-15-100 12:00:31 It's a good product now 01-15-100 12:01:09 I am glad you like it.. If you like BA/2 Pro, you should love BA/2000. 01-15-100 12:02:11 I have about 5 more mins.. before I have to go.. Any other questions regarding BA/2000? 01-15-100 12:02:40 I would guess it has support for additional tape backup units¨ 01-15-100 12:03:11 Will it work with my old Colorado Jumbo 250 Drive 01-15-100 12:03:23 That's correct... BA/2000 is the product that we will continue to support long term... 01-15-100 12:03:39 (sorry for ignorance) any type of media supported besides tape drives? 01-15-100 12:03:59 All our backup products support virtually all SCSI and ATAPI/IDE tape drives, however, we do not support any floppy or parallel port attached tape drives. This includes your Jumbo 250 drive. 01-15-100 12:04:38 BA/2000 support tape, logical devices (anything that has a drive letter.. like a hard/network drive), removable media (Zip Jaz, Orb, etc.). 01-15-100 12:05:58 Well, I have to go.. Thanks for having me take part of this chat! Best Regards, Brent Bowlby 01-15-100 12:06:20 thanks for stopping in! 01-15-100 12:06:52 Thanks for the chat 01-15-100 12:07:06 Ummm, any additional of the $39 for upgrading from BA/2 Pro¨ 01-15-100 12:07:08 You said it supports Orb. What ever happened to the OS/2 drivers for the Orb? 01-15-100 12:08:13 hm. still beta 01-15-100 12:09:13 Have a nice lunch....hopefully on Scoug... 01-15-100 12:14:51 yes, his lunch is on SCOUG! 01-15-100 12:14:55 thanks for coming 01-15-100 12:15:04 let me know what you think of this forum 01-15-100 12:15:11 we'll try to do it again 01-15-100 12:15:22 maybe we can get POSSI to start broadcasting their meetings 01-15-100 12:15:48 I think i have logs, but sector, if you send me a copy of yours that will be good insurance 01-15-100 12:15:59 Sure, no problem 01-15-100 12:16:07 * Sector likes this forum 01-15-100 12:16:24 i'll spend a little time on the maintenance 01-15-100 12:20:03 thanks to all who came 01-15-100 12:20:11 keep those cards and letters coming 01-15-100 12:20:21 Thank you for making it possible. 01-15-100 12:20:26 dave@scoug.com 01-15-100 12:20:32 Thanks for you're hardwork Dave 01-15-100 12:20:33 *** DaveWez has left #scoug [12:20:33] 01-15-100 12:21:02 *** Signoff: VMan (no windows left) [12:21:02] 01-15-100 12:21:13 Crowd's thinning out... 01-15-100 12:22:21 Ok guys see you Monday as usual.... 01-15-100 12:22:52 *** Blackbird has left #scoug [12:22:52] 01-15-100 12:23:08 I guess we be done here...