03-14-101 18:57:17 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 03-14-101 18:59:07 *** MindSet (MindSet@CBL-gwdavies.hs.earthlink.net) has joined #scoug [18:59:07] 03-14-101 18:59:32 Good evening. 03-14-101 19:00:28 Hello there 03-14-101 19:00:52 *** MindSet MindSet CBL-gwdavies.hs.earthlink.net (http://www.mindsetcentral.com) 03-14-101 19:00:52 *** Channels: #scoug #VOICE 03-14-101 19:00:52 *** irc.ca.webbnet.org Newport Beach, CA WEBBnet Hub/Client Server 03-14-101 19:01:28 *** CTCP VERSION (MindSet) 03-14-101 19:01:29 It's a bit quiet tonight. Wonder where everyone is? 03-14-101 19:02:24 I 'm over on the #voice channel. Seem to be a lot over there :) 03-14-101 19:03:06 I found you guys on the web, and thought I'd say hi 03-14-101 19:03:22 SCOUG, you mean? 03-14-101 19:03:33 Yeah 03-14-101 19:03:43 *** Chip (~Chip@ has joined #scoug [19:03:43] 03-14-101 19:03:52 I'm going to try for the meeting this weekend 03-14-101 19:03:56 Hello all 03-14-101 19:04:03 hi there 03-14-101 19:04:05 This is our regular Wed evening get together. 03-14-101 19:04:09 Hi Chip. 03-14-101 19:04:25 Mindset, looking forward to meeting you. 03-14-101 19:04:50 Yeah, me too. It should be cool 03-14-101 19:05:00 I'm looking forward to it 03-14-101 19:05:09 Jerry always does a good presentation... 03-14-101 19:05:36 We had hoped to have cable/dsl in so that we could show us his audio extravaganza... 03-14-101 19:05:41 That's going to have to wait. 03-14-101 19:06:02 I'll finally be able to talk with someone who won't give me strange looks when I say I use OS/2 :-p 03-14-101 19:06:31 There's a bunch of us... 03-14-101 19:06:35 Where do you live? 03-14-101 19:06:37 Awesome 03-14-101 19:06:44 I'm in Monterey Park 03-14-101 19:07:00 Where have you been hiding all this time? :-) 03-14-101 19:07:09 That's the home of eCS, sorta. 03-14-101 19:07:11 It'll take me about hav=lf an hour to get you you guys 03-14-101 19:07:33 We have several members out your way... 03-14-101 19:07:48 Nowhere really, I've just never put my toe in the water. So to speak... 03-14-101 19:07:58 We even have a couple that come in from further out. 03-14-101 19:08:12 Like me 03-14-101 19:08:17 How long have you been using Warp? 03-14-101 19:08:28 Chip, you count as a long time user. 03-14-101 19:08:39 I've been using OS/2 on and off since OS/2 for Windows 03-14-101 19:08:59 Which was OS/2 2.11 I think? 03-14-101 19:10:08 OS/2 users tend to be pretty independent... 03-14-101 19:10:28 I suspect there are lots of "unknown" users around. 03-14-101 19:10:37 Yeah, I think you're right 03-14-101 19:10:56 I think a lot more people use it than you would think 03-14-101 19:11:02 SCOUG's membership is about 100 at the moment... 03-14-101 19:11:10 cool 03-14-101 19:11:22 How long have you guys been around? 03-14-101 19:11:46 However, I know probably a dozen user's like you in the LA/OC area that are just not joiners... 03-14-101 19:12:21 I've used OS/2 since 2.1 and been aware/involved with it since 1.2 or so... 03-14-101 19:12:29 I emailed you guys the other day to find out if your meetings were open to the public 03-14-101 19:12:33 It took me a while to get involved with SCOUG. 03-14-101 19:12:48 Visitors are always welcome. 03-14-101 19:12:56 I got a reply, and looking forward to Saturday 03-14-101 19:13:05 I don't recall the e-mail. Which list did you send it to? 03-14-101 19:13:32 We like folks to join too, of course. :-) 03-14-101 19:13:44 I got a reply from schiffman@attglobal.net 03-14-101 19:13:47 was that you? 03-14-101 19:14:01 No, I'm Steven Levine. 03-14-101 19:14:07 ok 03-14-101 19:14:38 What kind of hardware do you run? 03-14-101 19:14:47 Stuff... 03-14-101 19:15:07 Well, this box is a PII/450 all SCSI running W4/FP11... 03-14-101 19:15:25 I just insalled warp on my new system 03-14-101 19:15:28 I've also got a Thinkpad 770X running W4/FP12... 03-14-101 19:15:54 Dell 4100, PIII 933mhz 256 ram 45gig HD 03-14-101 19:15:56 Then there's my test boxes which run different things depending on my whim and avialable time... 03-14-101 19:16:01 It was a nightmare!! 03-14-101 19:16:23 But I finally got the damn thing to work 03-14-101 19:16:31 Really? Seems like a pretty standard setup. What sort of problems did you have? 03-14-101 19:16:33 It's now running link a dream! Very fast 03-14-101 19:17:08 It just would not install. I tried from 2 days, before I got it on the HD 03-14-101 19:17:51 It helps to know which drivers to replace on the install diskettes. :-) 03-14-101 19:18:22 Yeah, That was my main problem. that and configuring my NIC 03-14-101 19:18:38 A Linksys? 03-14-101 19:18:45 Once those two were sorted out everything else just fell into place 03-14-101 19:18:53 No, 3Com 03-14-101 19:19:10 Came standard with the PC 03-14-101 19:19:19 Really, those are usually easy unless you had the old driver that traps above 500 mHz. 03-14-101 19:19:48 As it came with the PC there were no drivers for OS/2 03-14-101 19:20:12 Isn't it a 3c905? 03-14-101 19:20:13 I have to search their web site which is a maze! 03-14-101 19:20:42 no, it's a 3c905c-tx 03-14-101 19:20:59 I mean yes... :-) 03-14-101 19:21:09 I have a 3c905-tx-m... 03-14-101 19:21:13 Nice card... 03-14-101 19:21:33 This is what I was saying about the independent nature of Warp users... 03-14-101 19:21:40 You struggled... 03-14-101 19:21:40 I also got me CD burner working which is great! 03-14-101 19:22:02 One or two questions on the os2hardware list would have saved you a couple of days work. 03-14-101 19:22:12 *** dallas (dallas@nas-28-14.la.navipath.net) has joined #scoug [19:22:12] 03-14-101 19:22:17 Hi Dallas. 03-14-101 19:22:18 hello people 03-14-101 19:22:19 Yeah, most windows users would have sent the computer back, it they would have gon through what I did 03-14-101 19:22:29 HI dallas 03-14-101 19:22:37 Hello Dallas 03-14-101 19:22:39 Well, most (all?) Windows users buy preloaded systems. :-) 03-14-101 19:22:53 what's up?? 03-14-101 19:22:57 yeah, thats true 03-14-101 19:23:10 We have a new guy - MindSet. 03-14-101 19:23:30 few people (compared to using it) install Win. 03-14-101 19:23:37 So, MindSet, did you clean Windows off or are you dual booting? 03-14-101 19:23:43 That's also true 03-14-101 19:24:06 otherwise they might not think it's so easy to use 03-14-101 19:24:11 Right now I'm dual booting, but I had to do a complete reformat first 03-14-101 19:24:12 He's from Monterey Park and will be joining us on Saturday. 03-14-101 19:24:28 Dual Boot? Bootmanager? 03-14-101 19:24:36 welcome MindSet! 03-14-101 19:24:37 Yeah, bootmanager 03-14-101 19:24:51 Thanks guys! I look forward to meeting you all 03-14-101 19:25:00 This Rocks 03-14-101 19:25:04 You probably could have avoided the reformat with Partition Magic. 03-14-101 19:25:33 I have partition magic, but the version I have does not work with Windows ME 03-14-101 19:25:51 Typical. 03-14-101 19:26:06 Works great with Warp though... 03-14-101 19:26:17 BTW, are you running FP15? 03-14-101 19:26:27 Yeah, FP15 03-14-101 19:27:18 I've got too many choices. I've got FP15, MCP and eCS here and no time to play at the moment... 03-14-101 19:27:30 so I'm still sitting at FP11/FP12. 03-14-101 19:27:37 How is eCS? 03-14-101 19:27:51 It seems to be coming along... 03-14-101 19:28:07 Did you realize that Kim Cheung lives around the corner from you? 03-14-101 19:28:16 Who? 03-14-101 19:28:30 He's one of the founders of Serenity... 03-14-101 19:28:40 No way... 03-14-101 19:28:54 Also a principal of TouchVoice and last but not least a SCOUG member. 03-14-101 19:28:59 Yes, way. 03-14-101 19:29:16 Maybe he can hook me up with a freebie of eCS! ;-P 03-14-101 19:29:33 Not likely. He's got kids to feed. :-) 03-14-101 19:29:44 Just kidding 03-14-101 19:29:49 I know. 03-14-101 19:30:00 It's been interesting watching eCS evolve... 03-14-101 19:30:05 So it it work getting?\ 03-14-101 19:30:17 Is it worth getting 03-14-101 19:30:23 SCOUG has been his demo site for the last couple of years... 03-14-101 19:30:38 We got to see a lot of how eCS evolved. 03-14-101 19:30:54 Like everything, it depends... 03-14-101 19:31:14 eCS include MCP, Smartsuite 1.6, DTOC and a bunch of other stuff... 03-14-101 19:31:18 IS it just like Warp with FP15 installed? 03-14-101 19:31:25 It costs a bit more than SWC... 03-14-101 19:31:31 No, it's like MCP. 03-14-101 19:31:38 MCP? 03-14-101 19:31:58 Merlin Convenience Pak. What you get from Software Choice. 03-14-101 19:32:10 What does that include? 03-14-101 19:32:34 It's basically WSeB without the server components... 03-14-101 19:32:51 You get LVM and TCP/IP 4.3... 03-14-101 19:32:57 ok 03-14-101 19:33:01 You don't get Domino and stuff like that. 03-14-101 19:33:20 The upgrade from warp users os around $100 right? 03-14-101 19:33:36 I think so. They keep changing things. 03-14-101 19:33:54 I'll wait on it. See what happens 03-14-101 19:34:00 Check Indelible Blue for prices. 03-14-101 19:34:09 You should... 03-14-101 19:34:32 If what you have works and eCS does not have anything you want why upgrade... 03-14-101 19:34:48 Yeah, you're right 03-14-101 19:35:01 I bet the install would be easier though 03-14-101 19:35:05 Since eCS include Smartsuite 1.6, if you want that, it's a low cost way of getting it. 03-14-101 19:35:19 For you, lots easier... 03-14-101 19:35:47 Have any of you guys seen the Warpstock Europe video? 03-14-101 19:35:47 The MCP is a refreshed Warp4, so the disk driver would probably have worked out of the box. 03-14-101 19:36:09 No all of it. I think Jerry's going to have it at the meeting. 03-14-101 19:36:16 No -> Not. 03-14-101 19:36:30 I downloaded it this afternood. It's awesome! 03-14-101 19:36:54 I tried to talk myself into going. The timing was not right. 03-14-101 19:37:28 I had no idea there was so much going on with Warp, until I saw it. Amazing 03-14-101 19:38:03 Warp is far from dead. :-) 03-14-101 19:38:03 Have you heard of LookOut/2 ? 03-14-101 19:38:13 I think so. 03-14-101 19:38:24 It's in the video and it looks great 03-14-101 19:38:27 Do it watch Web sites for you? 03-14-101 19:38:30 Do -> Does. 03-14-101 19:38:55 It looks like a port of MS outlook 2000 for OS/2 03-14-101 19:39:20 very cool 03-14-101 19:40:02 Here's the url if you want to download it : 03-14-101 19:40:11 http://www.os2world.com/gallery.shtml 03-14-101 19:40:27 The video, not the app... 03-14-101 19:40:29 Thanks. I'll take a look. 03-14-101 19:40:51 Guys I gotta take off... 03-14-101 19:40:55 In general, I don't care much for MS's way of doing things, but it pays to know how 03-14-101 19:41:07 the other side is getting on. 03-14-101 19:41:15 I'll see you all on Saturday 03-14-101 19:41:16 See you. 03-14-101 19:41:20 Later... 03-14-101 19:41:29 nite MindSet 03-14-101 19:41:31 *** MindSet has left #scoug [19:41:31] 03-14-101 19:42:59 Steven, I think you suggested last week that MCP would be harder to install than eCS. Could you explain? 03-14-101 19:44:24 Well, MCP uses the standard OS/2 installer. eCS has a redesigned installer... 03-14-101 19:44:41 It's supposed to do the install in a single pass... 03-14-101 19:44:59 Insert CD. Install. Reboot and run Warp. 03-14-101 19:45:29 eCS does this? 03-14-101 19:45:37 *** Hoss (hoss@h162-039-094-239.alltel.net) has joined #scoug [19:45:37] 03-14-101 19:45:46 Hi Hoss 03-14-101 19:45:48 Hi Hoss. More hard questions? 03-14-101 19:45:58 Chip, yes. It's supposed to. 03-14-101 19:46:00 hello hoss. 03-14-101 19:46:08 http://voice.warpnet.homeip.net/search/www-gtw.cmd? 03-14-101 19:46:23 no, I will refrain from questions tonight if possible. 03-14-101 19:46:56 ehlo every1. 03-14-101 19:47:08 Steven, what's all the talk about kernal fixes, where do they apply, FP15, eCS, or MCP? 03-14-101 19:47:14 So what was the problem? I was able to invoke a php clone without problem. 03-14-101 19:47:38 Chip, all of the above... 03-14-101 19:47:46 err... php files do not like to exist in a svript aliased directory....... 03-14-101 19:47:56 Ah. 03-14-101 19:47:59 scriptaliased even... 03-14-101 19:48:20 Is that a design choice or a defect? 03-14-101 19:48:23 I knew that... I felt really stupid.. when it was poiinted out tome... 03-14-101 19:48:31 design choice. 03-14-101 19:48:54 php.exe the 'cgi' version doesn't mind... 03-14-101 19:49:01 but thatis a security leak... 03-14-101 19:49:06 I recall reading something about that, but I don't do enough Apache to be useful. 03-14-101 19:49:12 so one doesn't even need that... 03-14-101 19:49:36 the dll does it's magic with the AddHandler and so forth... 03-14-101 19:49:58 Well, I searched for Hoss... 03-14-101 19:50:04 try thwe search... and let me know what you think.. 03-14-101 19:50:04 It doesn't know who you are. 03-14-101 19:50:08 hehe 03-14-101 19:50:21 Is the lower part of the page supposed to be blank? 03-14-101 19:50:39 that site is a duplicate of www.os2voice.org 03-14-101 19:50:43 yes. 03-14-101 19:51:00 the search engine you see searchesthe site. 03-14-101 19:51:28 mostly what itsearches is the Voice Nesletter archives and the Warpcast archive. 03-14-101 19:51:42 Seems quick enough... 03-14-101 19:52:10 You might consider putting some examples in the blank area until the first search... 03-14-101 19:52:18 2000+ documents.... 03-14-101 19:52:33 I always want to know what the wildcarding and negation and logic styles are. 03-14-101 19:52:42 yes StevenL... good idea. I'll let the html folks handle that issue. 03-14-101 19:52:59 there is a link to help ... 03-14-101 19:53:16 there is also upon a successful search a link to "tune" 03-14-101 19:54:58 I saw the help link... 03-14-101 19:55:10 anyhoo I thought you folks would appreciate a preview... and I needed a 'debug' session or two ;-) 03-14-101 19:55:19 I did a search for ddk... 03-14-101 19:55:43 It's not obvious why the matches occurred... 03-14-101 19:55:59 Some of the search engines show the context that matched... 03-14-101 19:56:07 Might be something to consider. 03-14-101 19:57:15 Also, I'm not sure how 8 hits resulted in 13+ pages of links. :-) 03-14-101 19:57:19 Smaestro is abondoned Software... I have most of the source. perhaps that can be a goal... if it can be revived. 03-14-101 19:58:29 me either. but I hve begun to read through all the source. most of the front end is rexx. 03-14-101 19:59:02 the indexing can be controlled to include certain terms and exclude others.... 03-14-101 19:59:31 At least it works! I consider that a triumph of sorts, albeit small. 03-14-101 19:59:51 True. It's definitely usable as is. You did ask for comments. :-) 03-14-101 20:00:46 those 13 pages of hits aren't there... notice they aren't "links" at all ;-) 03-14-101 20:02:38 it is an "indexed" search. 03-14-101 20:02:39 I suspected something hardcoded. 03-14-101 20:03:02 the actual indexing is hardcoded c++ 03-14-101 20:03:17 and the processing of the acutal search itself. 03-14-101 20:03:30 What are you using the PHP for, just to parse args and pass them to the REXX code? 03-14-101 20:04:11 the php is just one file. everything ese is REXX. 03-14-101 20:04:24 the help is php because I saved the copied file with that exptension... 03-14-101 20:04:31 that was an accident... 03-14-101 20:04:48 and I didn't feel like changing it in 6 different files ;-) 03-14-101 20:05:00 Folks, I gotta get to bed, good night. 03-14-101 20:05:31 *** Chip has left #scoug [20:05:30] 03-14-101 20:05:51 Must have been tired. :-) 03-14-101 20:05:55 from the src it appears as watcom was used. 03-14-101 20:06:08 What did you use VAC? 03-14-101 20:06:30 I was very tired... I spent the better part of a week working on an earlier version that had a bunch of bugs... 03-14-101 20:06:56 then I was graciously passed the .91-312 version .... 03-14-101 20:07:00 The joy of learning someone else's code. 03-14-101 20:07:09 oops. .91-302 03-14-101 20:07:16 Which no one told you existed. ;-( 03-14-101 20:07:25 exactly....!! 03-14-101 20:08:13 Problem is you are not allowed to complain about code quality when you don't have to write it yourself. 03-14-101 20:08:44 the version u see is that version I found. I don't wat to use my compiled stuff publically until I get perission from the owner. 03-14-101 20:09:04 Understandable. 03-14-101 20:10:59 I will upload a version of this to the real voice site this weekend. that machine is on a 10mb link, it should appear even faster there. 03-14-101 20:11:18 I won't be able to tell with my 33.6 connection. 03-14-101 20:11:25 ;-) 03-14-101 20:11:51 I think I do this on purpose so I maintain a sense of efficiency... 03-14-101 20:12:05 DSL and cable are readily available anytime I get around to it. 03-14-101 20:12:36 I do need to focus on the 2 apps I've adopted and get them to a release point. 03-14-101 20:12:52 do you mind me asking which 2 apps? 03-14-101 20:13:00 Not at all... 03-14-101 20:13:17 This started out as a project for the SCOUG programming SIG... 03-14-101 20:13:44 I came up the the Adopt-an-App idea where we would find a couple of apps and the SIG would maintain and enhance... 03-14-101 20:14:06 The SIG sorta dropped out of the loop along the way... 03-14-101 20:14:19 I picked up NewsHarvest and PMDLL... 03-14-101 20:14:40 NewsHarvest needed a bit of work to enhance it's filtering capabilities... 03-14-101 20:14:59 What good is a binary news sucker that you can't control... 03-14-101 20:15:13 That parts done and work like I think it should... 03-14-101 20:15:39 I haven't seen that app... 03-14-101 20:15:41 Positive and negative filtering on subject ranging from simple substrings to full regex. 03-14-101 20:15:57 It's shareware. BMT used to sell it... 03-14-101 20:16:22 brb... 03-14-101 20:16:24 Ahh, another challenge.... 03-14-101 20:24:26 I'm back... 03-14-101 20:25:07 There's some other stuff that it needs... 03-14-101 20:25:29 However the code is c-ish c++, so it's missing some classes that would make 03-14-101 20:25:38 mods easier... 03-14-101 20:26:00 I've got to decide if I've done enough for now or it I want to hack away... 03-14-101 20:26:31 In some ways, I'd rather to rebuild the thing in Java with a clean design, but that 03-14-101 20:26:42 was not the point. 03-14-101 20:26:48 Let me hunt up a URL. 03-14-101 20:26:54 k 03-14-101 20:27:33 http://www.krt.com.au/index.html 03-14-101 20:28:16 Kingsley made noises about open sourcing the code, but I don't really care if he keeps it sharware... 03-14-101 20:28:49 With Paypal, it would be easy for him to handle the money. 03-14-101 20:29:00 The other app is PMDLL... 03-14-101 20:29:18 It's a PM version of chk4dll... 03-14-101 20:29:58 He did a nice job. The version on Hobbes barfs on big LIBPATH's... 03-14-101 20:30:20 The version I have has all this fixed and has some new features... 03-14-101 20:30:38 It's waiting for me to do a final build and package it up for release... 03-14-101 20:30:48 ahh 03-14-101 20:30:59 I need to change the About dialog since my helpers abandoned me. :-) 03-14-101 20:31:02 big libbpaths... mine is 395+ 03-14-101 20:31:10 That's short. 03-14-101 20:31:27 LOL, u must change theabout age! 03-14-101 20:31:30 page 03-14-101 20:31:58 Mine's 806 and it's been longer... 03-14-101 20:32:27 Actually, I consider line length limits stupid. I do some Solaris work... 03-14-101 20:32:57 I've never had to count, but I'm sure my PATH exceeds 2K characters. 03-14-101 20:34:25 Solaris is fun. I actually like solaris8. 03-14-101 20:35:10 I think that's what the box is running. It's not something I usually need to know... 03-14-101 20:35:27 I cant remember my ole warp4 path and libpaths but they were more than double my current wseb .... 03-14-101 20:35:32 I don't do the sysadmin. Just development odds and ends. 03-14-101 20:36:52 One thing I did to deal with the long paths is to write an editor script that finds 03-14-101 20:37:27 the long lines and reformats the one directory per line and visa versa as needed. 03-14-101 20:37:50 Then it's easy to optimize to search order because you see what going on. 03-14-101 20:38:47 intewaestin. 03-14-101 20:40:50 I jsut snagged newsharvest... 03-14-101 20:42:33 Let me know if you decide to use it. You're welcome to beta for me. :-) 03-14-101 20:42:58 ok,, that's a bet. 03-14-101 20:43:20 I do need to update the .inf to explain the filter additions... 03-14-101 20:43:44 right now I have way too many hats to wear to even attempt usenet. 03-14-101 20:44:06 I probably should rebuild the entire package too. There's a couple of support .exe's... 03-14-101 20:44:41 However, I may not. The work as is and I'd have to do another BCOS2 to VAC conversion. 03-14-101 20:45:59 the effort or extra effort for that may not be worth it... 03-14-101 20:46:23 Exactly. 03-14-101 20:46:48 I'm thinking about getting involved in XWorkplace once I free up some time... 03-14-101 20:46:56 WPS stuff has always been interesting. 03-14-101 20:47:07 *** MindSet (MindSet@CBL-gwdavies.hs.earthlink.net) has joined #scoug [20:47:07] 03-14-101 20:47:15 You're back!!! 03-14-101 20:47:16 Hello all 03-14-101 20:47:30 Yeah, just had to take care of some stuff 03-14-101 20:47:35 XWorkPlace is fianlly starting to gain some respect. It is working flawlessly for me.... ( at least I hope it is) 03-14-101 20:47:36 Can't keep away 03-14-101 20:48:08 Ulrich has done a very nice job... 03-14-101 20:48:27 You shold take a look at the code. It's pretty clean. 03-14-101 20:48:37 shold -> should. 03-14-101 20:49:02 One thing I would like to see though is an "autostart mecanism" in the manne of RxAutostart. 03-14-101 20:49:07 welcome back MindSet 03-14-101 20:49:14 Hi dallas 03-14-101 20:49:45 Any of you guys used SDD/2 drivers? 03-14-101 20:49:46 What do you mean? A scheduler? 03-14-101 20:50:13 Not yet. I'm still using the Maxtrox drivers. 03-14-101 20:50:21 Seems at times that stuff on boot, on a machine that does alot things tend ot fall over each other unless one is carefull with the startup folder, startup.cmd, mptstart aand all the rest.... 03-14-101 20:50:52 Yes, that problem. It does seem to thrash... 03-14-101 20:50:59 A scheduler would be a luxury... 03-14-101 20:51:00 I have it install right now, and it works great but the font sizes in Win-os2 are outta control! 03-14-101 20:51:17 I get real tired of cron. 03-14-101 20:51:23 I'm sure an enhanced startup folder is a possibility. 03-14-101 20:51:51 Take a look at RxAutostart... it does a _nice_ job. 03-14-101 20:51:57 It would be easy to subclass WPStartup and add a few options... 03-14-101 20:52:03 That's the beauty of the WPS. 03-14-101 20:52:28 I've heard of it. Just never needed it. 03-14-101 20:53:17 example stevenL -->> VOICE1 (www.os2voice.org) it has 9 programs in the startup folder.... 03-14-101 20:53:24 3 in the startup.cmd 03-14-101 20:53:40 then you add in the tcpstart 03-14-101 20:53:44 the mptstart 03-14-101 20:53:52 and the net start server 03-14-101 20:54:06 IT took me two days to get them in the right order... 03-14-101 20:54:21 so it started _every_time_ every_thing_. 03-14-101 20:54:21 My setup is not that much different. However, since I only boot once a week or so, it's never been much of an issue. 03-14-101 20:54:47 On VOICE1 it is critical... it is remotely managed. 03-14-101 20:55:01 Exactly. Different needs. 03-14-101 20:55:15 And cron is not quite to tool for that job. 03-14-101 20:55:23 Back to them d*** requirements!! hehe 03-14-101 20:55:37 Gets you every time. 03-14-101 20:55:44 I agree. I am currently using RxAutostart. 03-14-101 20:56:35 Which version of VAC are you running? I don't recall asking. 03-14-101 20:58:10 WatCom11.0 VAC 3.??? off the DEVCON CD's ... Actually VAC isn't loaded at the moment. I am awaiting my T-bird(all scsi) system. 03-14-101 20:59:28 I generally use VAC 3.08. I was thinking of installing v3.65, but may just wait for Watcom 11.0c to show up... 03-14-101 21:00:00 I kinda like watcom... and have high hopes for 11.0c. < you took the words off my kbd ;-) 03-14-101 21:00:09 I never managed to find a copy of Watcom at a price I wanted to pay. 03-14-101 21:00:41 * Hoss got really lucky.... a riend handed him the cd, and said I can't use it. here. 03-14-101 21:00:48 friend 03-14-101 21:01:21 I got a bunch of Warp licenses that way. No compilers though. :-) 03-14-101 21:01:34 He moveed entirely to windoze... 03-14-101 21:01:54 I have no less than 6 W4's around here. 03-14-101 21:01:54 *** CTCP VERSION (MindSet) 03-14-101 21:02:18 That's what my friend did... 03-14-101 21:02:32 I think sector should be here in a moment. 03-14-101 21:02:34 His partner was a Warp guy and run the shop on Warp... 03-14-101 21:03:08 Then they parted ways and Steven did not want to fight the fight to stay with Warp... 03-14-101 21:03:30 He's a Mechanical Engineer running a softball bat business... 03-14-101 21:03:36 I am beginning to waver on that issue a bit.... 03-14-101 21:03:52 Just too much Windows around him, so he succumbed. 03-14-101 21:04:16 Sector's over on #voice now. 03-14-101 21:05:00 I work with Windows all day at work, It's nice to come home to Warp. 03-14-101 21:05:04 *** Sector (andreww@c7T2-206.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [21:05:04] 03-14-101 21:05:23 SevenL ad others - til nextime. I must go and do some research.... MaBell calls early. cy'all 03-14-101 21:05:35 Later 03-14-101 21:05:54 Bye Hoss 03-14-101 21:06:05 Nite Hoss. 03-14-101 21:06:30 cu hoss 03-14-101 21:09:25 Got quiet in here... 03-14-101 21:09:51 Been quiet. We usually shut down around 8:30 or so. Tonite it's so. 03-14-101 21:10:10 Do you do this most nights? 03-14-101 21:10:32 I'm getting ready to head out myself. Got some honey-do's to do. 03-14-101 21:10:32 Every Wednesday night 03-14-101 21:10:51 ¨ 03-14-101 21:10:58 I hear ya! 03-14-101 21:11:10 Later guys, see ya Saturday... 03-14-101 21:11:42 *** MindSet has left #scoug [21:11:42] 03-14-101 21:16:59 I'm going to head on out. 03-14-101 21:17:25 I've got a customer calling. 03-14-101 21:17:27 Nite all.