08-09-99 18:58:23 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC30\#scoug.log) 08-09-99 18:58:23 I've never done it. I do not know off the top of my head. 08-09-99 18:58:43 Hello all! 08-09-99 18:58:44 Welcome DaveW 08-09-99 18:58:48 Howdy daveW 08-09-99 18:58:49 Dallas, you back home? 08-09-99 18:58:55 no........ 08-09-99 18:59:10 oh well, glad you found a connect! 08-09-99 18:59:40 Hi dave check it out 'm not goig to log off 08-09-99 18:59:41 PC tech put together a machine from swag parts for my use 08-09-99 19:00:03 *** Ironhead Tom p216.amax5.dialup.sfo1.flash.net (Momoism forever!) 08-09-99 19:00:03 *** Channels: #SCOUG #VOICE 08-09-99 19:00:04 *** irc.in2.webbnet.org [ns1.dynasty.net] Evansville, Indiana WEBBnet Cli 08-09-99 19:00:04 *Ironhead* is Away auto away after idling [15 min] [Log:ON] .gz. 08-09-99 19:00:05 #SCOUG Ironhead G Tom@p216.amax5.dialup.sfo1.flash.net (Momoism forever!) 08-09-99 19:00:22 I had Debian cds with me, and have spent some time after work getting it running 08-09-99 19:00:45 *** Ironhead=-Tom@p216.amax5.dialup.sfo1.flash.net 08-09-99 19:00:54 *Ironhead* is Away auto away after idling [15 min] [Log:ON] .gz. 08-09-99 19:00:55 *** VERSION (Ironhead): OpenChat/2 1.07 :GemZ/2 v3.12 (%3.28#1) 08-09-99 19:01:38 http://www.rbdc.com/~abelmcc5/wupass.jpg \\ that pic might come in handy sometime. ;-) 08-09-99 19:02:03 Ironhead, great. I just figured out we can probe other participants' chat app with the version cmd 08-09-99 19:02:26 * Sector wonders what took Dave so long to figure that one out 08-09-99 19:02:35 *** lmaxson (lmaxson@slip-32-101-176-42.ca.us.ibm.net) has joined #scoug [19:02:35] 08-09-99 19:02:54 Well I tryed to look that up? 08-09-99 19:03:09 Got to go eat 08-09-99 19:03:28 Where's Butka? 08-09-99 19:03:58 *** CTCP VERSION (Blackbird) 08-09-99 19:04:07 *** CTCP PING (Blackbird) 08-09-99 19:04:21 sounds like things have picked up since the last time I was here.... 08-09-99 19:04:42 Gonna call him Mr. In and Out. 08-09-99 19:05:11 Are people away? 08-09-99 19:05:24 Ok...I've got a question.. 08-09-99 19:05:33 Fire away. 08-09-99 19:06:12 * Sector has an answer (Maybe, Possibly, Perhaps, Could Be) take your pick 08-09-99 19:06:53 system is set up....fixpak is installed to ...no matter....if I now install something else from the instillation cd....do you need to reinstall the fixpak 08-09-99 19:07:15 What else would you be installing? 08-09-99 19:07:29 that's not the question.... 08-09-99 19:07:52 maybe I want voice type now... 08-09-99 19:08:22 Unless the fixpack has changed something your installing no. If your installing drivers off the CD that the fixpack has changed, you may overwrite something with older versions. 08-09-99 19:08:35 You only need to reinstall the fixpak if your change affected one of the updated modules. 08-09-99 19:09:26 *** GOPO (rstrader@ppp-206-170-68-19.irvn11.pacbell.net) has joined #SCOUG [19:09:26] 08-09-99 19:09:59 I guessed that ...but how do you know what moduals are changed 08-09-99 19:10:20 Look just reapply the fixpak. It is not a blind operation. 08-09-99 19:10:34 It only installs unmatched modules. 08-09-99 19:10:56 It will not reinstall an existing updated module. 08-09-99 19:11:00 See this is what I wanted to know... 08-09-99 19:11:16 Thus the install time should be significantly less. 08-09-99 19:11:48 *** psycho (bkell@ppp40.york.jymis.com) has joined #SCOUG [19:11:48] 08-09-99 19:11:54 So the best answer is to apply the fixpak again just in case there is something that needs updated... 08-09-99 19:11:56 Install time isn't that much anyway, it only took me 5 minutes to install Fixpack 11 from the harddrive 08-09-99 19:12:10 Reinstalling the fixpack shouldn't hurt anything 08-09-99 19:12:14 blackbird, yes. 08-09-99 19:12:21 thanks 08-09-99 19:12:49 Next question? 08-09-99 19:13:05 *** rollin (rwhite@cc228605-a.slbch1.occa.home.com) has joined #scoug [19:13:05] 08-09-99 19:13:20 * Sector starts making plans to expand the room 08-09-99 19:13:21 why the hell did both my tape backups screw me... 08-09-99 19:13:33 Ohoh, we have a heavy hitter onboard. 08-09-99 19:13:39 Blackbird - were you able to get a working restoration? 08-09-99 19:13:44 no 08-09-99 19:13:49 gotta reboot -- brb 08-09-99 19:13:54 -------------- 08-09-99 19:13:54 had to do a scratch install 08-09-99 19:13:57 *** Log Terminated. 08-09-99 19:21:07 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC30\#scoug.log) 08-09-99 19:21:09 You need to del the files so that future updates will install 08-09-99 19:21:31 Psycho, just use the Java uninstall object. 08-09-99 19:21:44 ok dave so what is ctcp? 08-09-99 19:21:49 Will that clean the files 08-09-99 19:22:05 Yes. 08-09-99 19:22:13 It should also clean the config.sys and the .ini's. 08-09-99 19:22:28 deletes log* files from fp's? 08-09-99 19:22:42 Client-To-Client-Protocal 08-09-99 19:22:45 cosmic transport control protocol? 08-09-99 19:23:05 Pyscho, what's that got to do with Java 1.0.2? 08-09-99 19:23:32 the question was - how to commit an fp (Fixpack) 08-09-99 19:24:07 You can't commit the 1st FP, but you can commit the subsequent FP's. This erases the Backups. 08-09-99 19:25:15 the question was - how to commit an fp (Fixpack) 08-09-99 19:26:04 I must have commited a fp (faux pas). 08-09-99 19:26:24 Blackbird - in the fp readme, near the bottom, it talks about reclaiming disk space. 08-09-99 19:26:42 stevenl, has given the correct response. 08-09-99 19:26:58 I've read all that....it does'nt say HOW to COMMIT 08-09-99 19:27:33 Oh, it's there somewhere. Just change :SERVICE to :COMMIT. 08-09-99 19:27:47 IBM believes you should WANT TO WORK for your upgrades 08-09-99 19:27:56 This will commit it. Commiting is just making it so that you can't go back. 08-09-99 19:28:07 If you are running SERVICE, it's on the menus. 08-09-99 19:28:17 Thanks 08-09-99 19:28:43 anybody want to troubleshoot a sound card? 08-09-99 19:28:51 Who us? 08-09-99 19:28:57 What model? 08-09-99 19:28:57 whoever 08-09-99 19:29:05 only if it is SUPPOSED to work under OS/2 08-09-99 19:29:08 no...that's what got me into all my problems 08-09-99 19:29:17 :) 08-09-99 19:29:19 installed lots of cards, never a prob 08-09-99 19:29:44 put in a card where I had to dl drivers, I forget what. didn't work 08-09-99 19:29:57 took everything out of config.sys, removed card 08-09-99 19:30:02 What card? 08-09-99 19:30:19 don't remember. must have been an ess 08-09-99 19:30:31 It does matter :) 08-09-99 19:30:33 clean config, install 8 bit sound blaster 08-09-99 19:30:43 it shouldn't matter after i remove it? 08-09-99 19:30:51 Did you clean MM2PM.INI? 08-09-99 19:31:00 ah. 08-09-99 19:31:15 Did you say it didn't matter? 08-09-99 19:32:04 wow. that's a pretty ugly file 08-09-99 19:32:41 it was interesting, I install the sb, reboot, go back to selective install, says searching for sound, finds ess again 08-09-99 19:32:57 so how do I clean the mmpm2.ini? 08-09-99 19:33:11 Unimaint. 08-09-99 19:33:24 It's a text file. Most folks uninstall MM2PM to change cards. 08-09-99 19:33:24 bbiab... 08-09-99 19:33:25 or an ini editor 08-09-99 19:33:37 Unimaint. 08-09-99 19:33:47 it's a text file 08-09-99 19:33:55 whats the ini editor for? 08-09-99 19:34:13 and how to uninstall mmpm2? 08-09-99 19:34:15 For non-text files. 08-09-99 19:34:22 just delete and reboot and it heals itself? 08-09-99 19:34:30 (i hope) 08-09-99 19:34:49 lmaxson, that's what I thought 08-09-99 19:35:13 If it is a non-text ini use Unimaint. 08-09-99 19:35:33 If it is text, use your editor. 08-09-99 19:35:52 stevenl said "uninstall mmpm" 08-09-99 19:36:32 stevenl has been giving good advice this evening. 08-09-99 19:36:36 consistently. 08-09-99 19:37:01 yes, we love him 08-09-99 19:37:15 but he leaves when I come on with a question? 08-09-99 19:37:27 oh well 08-09-99 19:37:37 He knows to quit when he is ahead. 08-09-99 19:37:39 i just used selective uninstall for multimedia base 08-09-99 19:37:50 Did it hurt? 08-09-99 19:38:18 If I were your system, I would sue on the basis of computer abuse. 08-09-99 19:38:51 mmpm2 still ugly. 08-09-99 19:39:04 Old and ugly. 08-09-99 19:39:13 i think I'll rename it and try reinstall mm, see if it builds a new one. 08-09-99 19:39:40 Meanwhile the rest of us will function as a help desk. 08-09-99 19:39:56 Does anyone have a question? 08-09-99 19:40:52 Does anyone not have a question? 08-09-99 19:41:02 Rollin? 08-09-99 19:41:05 I'm upgrading to JAVA 1.1.8 gonna break my DB2 stuff? 08-09-99 19:41:12 No, not at the moment :) 08-09-99 19:41:32 is that gonna break the DB2 stuff? 08-09-99 19:41:56 I don't see why it would. The DB/2 java stuff is just classes in the classpath. 08-09-99 19:42:21 You have a backup just in case, yes? 08-09-99 19:42:46 of the db2 and java directories yes. absolutely. 08-09-99 19:42:56 *** Signoff: Sector (Changing Servers) [19:42:56] 08-09-99 19:43:07 dose java 118 install mess whithnetscape? 08-09-99 19:43:23 Feature Installer. 08-09-99 19:43:29 *** Sector (andreww@01-032.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:43:29] 08-09-99 19:43:35 FeatureInstall is the deal now. 08-09-99 19:43:51 I hear it does... I guess I am gonna find out if 118 messes it up. 08-09-99 19:44:30 I think you are probably safe. 08-09-99 19:44:43 What is the best way to use my cd burner to backup my system....¨ 08-09-99 19:45:08 Just make sure that you use the -di -ov switches when unzipping 08-09-99 19:45:26 I'm back. For good I hope. 08-09-99 19:45:41 did u try removing them from the installed features list? I just saw this. No!!! 08-09-99 19:45:45 BB, I zip my partitions, then burn those. 08-09-99 19:45:48 * Sector thought we covered the CDR backup question Saturday 08-09-99 19:46:09 Don't bring that up while BB's here. 08-09-99 19:46:16 psycho > I used javainst -d 08-09-99 19:46:31 i don't think I posted saturday's logs yet. sbt. will do tonight 08-09-99 19:46:48 and It is taking forever .... 08-09-99 19:46:56 This was in the #voice channel anyway... 08-09-99 19:46:56 Warphoss > -di -ov as per instructions 08-09-99 19:47:12 Voice log is up . 08-09-99 19:47:29 So what is a good zip util...¨ 08-09-99 19:47:32 That part though was after the log... 08-09-99 19:47:36 I try not to get ahead of you 08-09-99 19:47:48 anything else will not install correctly. It might install but you will have problems 08-09-99 19:48:05 ok I'll stop it and redo it. 08-09-99 19:49:32 WH - if you are doing the Swing stuff, don't use the .zip files... use the .exe files. 08-09-99 19:49:41 psycho You got 118/ 08-09-99 19:50:14 okay, i renamed mmpm2.ini, uninstalled multimedia base, installed soundblaster, creates new mmpm2.ini, nice and clean 08-09-99 19:50:34 Part. Can't stay connected to their server for the toolkit or Swing. 08-09-99 19:50:35 however, still comes up with ess card in selective install default. 08-09-99 19:50:45 perhaps i need to reboot? 08-09-99 19:50:54 didn't say to. 08-09-99 19:51:18 DaveW, don't forget to reinstall the latest FP after installing MM2PM. 08-09-99 19:51:39 Then reboot. 08-09-99 19:51:51 i HAD fp9. reinstall mmpm2 trashes that, i suppose? 08-09-99 19:51:54 DaveW...I tried what your are doing last wed. still recovering from the system crash 08-09-99 19:51:56 Otherwise you will be using base MM2PM with FP'ed Warp. 08-09-99 19:52:18 DaveW, it doesn't trash it. It just backlevels MM2PM. 08-09-99 19:52:45 blackbird, what kind of crash? 08-09-99 19:53:31 stevenl, so it should still run? 08-09-99 19:53:39 Ironhead - tonight I can't even connect to the site at all. 08-09-99 19:53:57 *** Signoff: WarpHoss (Ping timeout) [19:53:57] 08-09-99 19:54:16 system...wouldn't boot....I had tried to reinstall mm and all hell broke loose 08-09-99 19:54:41 DaveW, I would not guarantee it. 08-09-99 19:54:42 ISP dropped - am I still here? 08-09-99 19:54:56 Yes. 08-09-99 19:55:03 no(if you can read this) 08-09-99 19:55:06 *** psycho has left #SCOUG [19:55:06] 08-09-99 19:55:15 You really did it now. 08-09-99 19:55:42 I can screw anything up...lol 08-09-99 19:56:19 psycho IO got it but i had problems? 08-09-99 19:57:06 BTW SteveL that SIOCADDRT error is was getting.....setup.cmd file made no difference....had to do a TCPIP configuration 08-09-99 19:57:43 Same thing. I just tend to take the direct route. You were running 4.0x? Right? 08-09-99 19:58:46 yes...haven't got 4.1 in yet....but when I tried to make the changes to the file...the same error happened at startup 08-09-99 19:59:40 Must have been 2 route commands there. Unless you had a 2nd interface to nowhere configured. 08-09-99 19:59:56 with config of tcpip it cahanged file and I left route in....seems ok...that's the way I'm running now 08-09-99 20:00:35 Interesting. I'd have to see the SETUP.CMD. 08-09-99 20:00:37 that may have been it...my 2nd NIC ... 08-09-99 20:00:49 not set correct 08-09-99 20:01:19 *** WarpHoss (WarpHoss@abelmcc5.rbdc.com) has joined #SCOUG [20:01:19] 08-09-99 20:01:29 He's back 08-09-99 20:01:36 okay, I'm gonna try reboot. If I don't make it back, somebody send me a log? 08-09-99 20:01:42 what does netstat -r look like? 08-09-99 20:08:11 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC30\#scoug.log) 08-09-99 20:08:18 --------------- 08-09-99 20:08:24 okay, reboot worked fine 08-09-99 20:08:42 *** The topic for #SCOUG is: Help Desk 08-09-99 20:09:10 So what address should I set my second NIC too....to connect to the W98 machine.. 08-09-99 20:10:25 drat. still no sound. selective install still defaults to ess card 08-09-99 20:11:28 I was using NIC) and (W98 NIC) 08-09-99 20:12:50 Are all the servers down .... 08-09-99 20:12:55 mmpm2 is all sound blaster. config.sys is all sound blaster. where is selective install getting ess? 08-09-99 20:13:35 DaveW, ingore the Selective Install selection. Did you install FP9? 08-09-99 20:13:52 wait. I have sound. speakers were turned off... 08-09-99 20:14:24 great... 08-09-99 20:14:54 BB, the address is fine... 08-09-99 20:15:06 so, my observation is, delete mmpm2.ini, uninstall multimedia, reinstall new sound card reboot, will clear up conflict with previous sound card 08-09-99 20:15:18 You need to not worry if the W98 box is off and you get the message. 08-09-99 20:15:50 DaveW, you didn't need to do anything to MM2PM.INI, the uninstall would have done it. 08-09-99 20:16:11 Then there would be nothing there to conflict with :) 08-09-99 20:16:34 noted 08-09-99 20:16:53 You didn't say if you installed the FP? 08-09-99 20:16:59 seems like sound card install should clean up before install 08-09-99 20:17:09 no, i'm still on munged fp9 08-09-99 20:17:23 multimedia is base warp4 08-09-99 20:17:25 MM2PM is not. 08-09-99 20:17:45 i'll go ahead and up to fp11 later 08-09-99 20:17:55 If you want to avoid some problems. Install FP9 again to update MM2PM. 08-09-99 20:18:27 StevenL it's MMPN2 ...not MM2PM....???? 08-09-99 20:18:45 No of us can spell :) 08-09-99 20:18:51 * Sector wonders what MMPN2 is 08-09-99 20:19:05 M2 08-09-99 20:19:18 mmpm2.ini has sound init stuff 08-09-99 20:19:23 A sequel to the M1 chip? 08-09-99 20:19:36 it's in c:\mmos2 08-09-99 20:19:54 Just to be consist. 08-09-99 20:20:00 what is MMPN.ini for 08-09-99 20:20:20 Duuno. I don't have one of those :) 08-09-99 20:21:08 MMPM.INI appears to have the system sounds setup and stuff like that. 08-09-99 20:21:16 mine installed when I installed multimedia with new sound card install 08-09-99 20:21:40 It's part of MMPM2, so that makes sense to me. 08-09-99 20:22:01 Betcha, you don't have a SBAWE32.INI. 08-09-99 20:22:42 no 08-09-99 20:22:42 is there such an animal? 08-09-99 20:22:47 * Sector has one 08-09-99 20:22:49 nope... I have a CRYSTAL chip set 08-09-99 20:23:04 I do too. I am not creative enough to just make this stuff up. 08-09-99 20:23:44 Oh yah....tell someone who hasn't been around you 08-09-99 20:24:56 Who me? 08-09-99 20:25:00 I was trying to put in a CRYSTAL awe37 when all hell broke loose 08-09-99 20:25:18 Never did ask. Did you have some other card installed? 08-09-99 20:25:54 who you asking... 08-09-99 20:25:59 BB. 08-09-99 20:26:07 yes... 08-09-99 20:26:29 a crystal 16 bit I guess... 08-09-99 20:27:01 *** lmaxson has left #scoug [20:27:01] 08-09-99 20:27:03 wanted the crystal 32 bit....bad move.....greedy 08-09-99 20:27:05 That probably was the start of it all. You uninstall MMOS2 drivers, but you have to know how to check that the uninstall was successful... 08-09-99 20:27:19 If not, it's easier to do what we did with DaveW. 08-09-99 20:28:33 yep...the reinstall of MM didn't finish properly...and that's all see wrote.. 08-09-99 20:28:41 she 08-09-99 20:28:52 Girls are like that. 08-09-99 20:29:52 I'm not going to try anything by myself ever again....I'll wait until Monday nigth to ask the experts 08-09-99 20:30:14 Off topic: did anyone see the copy of Colorworks that sold for almost $200 on ebay? 08-09-99 20:30:37 Now there's another and the price is up to $65 already. 08-09-99 20:31:10 is there a new colorworks? 08-09-99 20:31:12 * Sector only paid $19.95 for his copy (maybe I should have bought several copies and auctioned the rest off¨) 08-09-99 20:31:18 Not for OS/2 08-09-99 20:31:50 DaveW, this is the old version2 with the big book. Yes for OS/2. 08-09-99 20:32:21 Sector, which OS were they for? 08-09-99 20:32:22 i bought that in close out of what-was-that-local os2 store? $50 I think 08-09-99 20:32:26 will the old colorworks work on warp4? 08-09-99 20:32:56 They switched development to mickysoft windoze, I don't know where it went after that... 08-09-99 20:32:56 Sure, they were selling it up to about 18 months ago, or maybe less. 08-09-99 20:33:11 something like that 08-09-99 20:33:33 I got mine from J3 computer technologies (which no longer exists) +$10.00 shipping 08-09-99 20:33:44 AFAIK, they are still out there selling the WinXX version. 08-09-99 20:34:11 What was the retail price? 08-09-99 20:34:14 yeah, I got mine at j3, too. they were having close out sale or something 08-09-99 20:34:28 Hey got that one finally....AFAIK 08-09-99 20:34:38 :) 08-09-99 20:34:50 msrp of the big book version was $150? 08-09-99 20:35:55 help desk topic - anybody have ideas for displaying or promoting help desk activities at Expo? 08-09-99 20:36:20 *** The topic for #SCOUG is: anybody have ideas for displaying or promoting help desk 08-09-99 20:36:21 activities at Expo? 08-09-99 20:36:23 No. I'll be busy. 08-09-99 20:36:26 BBIAB...be back in a ??? 08-09-99 20:36:33 bit 08-09-99 20:36:46 or maybe byte... 08-09-99 20:36:53 stevenl, wasn't trying to "volunteer" you. Just looking for ideas 08-09-99 20:37:11 what...second not goog enough...I know I didn't make the rules...lol 08-09-99 20:37:14 I should be mentioned on the handout, of course. 08-09-99 20:37:43 i haven't seen any production of the handout yet. 08-09-99 20:37:50 I -> It. 08-09-99 20:37:57 Maybe too soon. 08-09-99 20:38:07 i wonder if we'll have anything displayable for warp doctor by then? 08-09-99 20:38:36 Hard to say. It's really been slow. 08-09-99 20:38:51 You fly me down...I'll man a booth... 08-09-99 20:39:01 Fly yourself down 08-09-99 20:39:27 You buy my gas....I'll fly myself... 08-09-99 20:39:45 DaveW: have we tried to take Kendall Bennett into showing up? 08-09-99 20:39:49 cant delete a directory. No files in it, an no attributes are set? any ideas? as to why? sys0016 08-09-99 20:39:55 blackbird - where are you? 08-09-99 20:40:08 WarpHoss, what directory? 08-09-99 20:40:22 maybe hidden file? 08-09-99 20:40:24 *** CTCP VERSION (Ironhead) 08-09-99 20:40:27 edmonton , ALBERTA 08-09-99 20:40:31 Is it the currenty directory anywhere? Any spaces in the directory name? 08-09-99 20:40:49 F:\java118dwld 08-09-99 20:40:53 blackbird - long trip 08-09-99 20:41:11 WarpHoss, do a dir /a 08-09-99 20:41:20 Let me check that syntax... 08-09-99 20:41:39 taht's right syntax and there is nothin there. 08-09-99 20:42:08 dir /ah maybe? 08-09-99 20:42:22 Then it must be the current directory of some session. What did you do last? 08-09-99 20:42:28 Use Filestar...it get's rid of everything.. 08-09-99 20:42:41 ZtBold here :) 08-09-99 20:43:06 *** Signoff: Sector (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [20:43:06] 08-09-99 20:43:13 Filestar says current directory .... theres nothin usin that directory. 08-09-99 20:43:42 Here's one....when I do my xcopy refresh of C:....should I delete the old xcopy first... 08-09-99 20:43:55 BB, yes. 08-09-99 20:44:04 WarpHoss, how do you know? 08-09-99 20:44:34 Tried that without Filestar installed....big mistake 08-09-99 20:44:51 *** Sector (andreww@11-128.028.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [20:44:51] 08-09-99 20:46:16 I deleted the files in that dir. 08-09-99 20:46:42 Still could be current directory for whatever. Netscape, WPS, who knows :) 08-09-99 20:47:21 What the last thing you used to put files into the directory? 08-09-99 20:49:23 *** CTCP PING (StevenL) (#scoug) 08-09-99 20:50:25 filestar was deleting files there. 08-09-99 20:50:45 What put the files into the directory? 08-09-99 20:50:54 *** Mok (Mok@mok.cts.com) has joined #SCOUG [20:50:54] 08-09-99 20:51:08 Netscape did two days ago. 08-09-99 20:51:19 Did you shutdown Netscape since then? 08-09-99 20:51:31 yup, have even rebooted system. 08-09-99 20:52:18 Does it have subdirectories? 08-09-99 20:52:42 nope. 08-09-99 20:53:37 Odd. Assuming it's not something normal, it could be marked read only. Can you see the directory attributes? 08-09-99 20:55:36 How do you put attribes on a directory....? 08-09-99 20:55:48 Same way as with files :) 08-09-99 20:55:48 attrib java118dwld D F:\java118dwld 08-09-99 20:56:08 *** GOPO has left #SCOUG [20:56:08] 08-09-99 20:56:15 Sill question... 08-09-99 20:56:17 WarpHoss, check using the drives object. 08-09-99 20:56:18 silly 08-09-99 20:59:17 hmm brb gonna reboot the other machine and this one is workin of that machines modem ... 08-09-99 20:59:24 *** WarpHoss has left #SCOUG [20:59:24] 08-09-99 21:01:17 Anybody using the new TNT drivers yet? 08-09-99 21:01:55 Nope I have a G200 08-09-99 21:02:36 Nice card. I've been trying to buy some on ebay. May have to settle for new. 08-09-99 21:03:07 * Sector has a G200, Mystique, CL5422, S3 Trio 64V+, Trident 9680, Trident 8800, Trident 9000 08-09-99 21:03:21 They have a sale on them on there site,,,MATROX... 08-09-99 21:03:52 Looking... 08-09-99 21:05:36 I can do better than $119 :) 08-09-99 21:05:46 *** WarpHoss (WarpHoss@abelmcc5.rbdc.com) has joined #SCOUG [21:05:46] 08-09-99 21:05:54 that did it . 08-09-99 21:05:59 Ooops. Says out of stock. 08-09-99 21:06:10 WarpHoss, what was it? 08-09-99 21:07:22 had to be left over crap from previous dive when Filestar hung. 08-09-99 21:07:35 They were about $89...a couple weeks ago...special over I guess 08-09-99 21:07:46 it's gone now. 08-09-99 21:07:53 BB, Apparently. 08-09-99 21:08:13 Good, makes sense if you had a phantom Filestar session. 08-09-99 21:08:24 bbiab. 08-09-99 21:08:42 bbias 08-09-99 21:08:53 get it correct 08-09-99 21:09:01 javainst -di -ov \\ rite? 08-09-99 21:09:30 correct... 08-09-99 21:10:12 much faster from fullscreen session. 08-09-99 21:11:05 Try it from a hidden session 08-09-99 21:11:24 done. 08-09-99 21:11:27 well I have to go turn my turbo back a bit in the saab... 08-09-99 21:12:13 see you wed. if tcpip4.1 installs OK 08-09-99 21:12:28 And if it doesn't we'll see you Monday¨ 08-09-99 21:12:33 Ok bye. 08-09-99 21:13:06 bye and thanks again...soon I'll learn.... 08-09-99 21:13:20 Good, then you can teach me. 08-09-99 21:13:32 TWBTD 08-09-99 21:13:40 got that one.... 08-09-99 21:13:41 :) 08-09-99 21:14:00 *** Blackbird has left #scoug [21:14:00] 08-09-99 21:14:53 Now what? Ten minutes til dinner. 08-09-99 21:14:55 Now servering number 3 08-09-99 21:15:00 stevenl, I have a new "quest" for Saturday mornings 08-09-99 21:15:08 We started on benchmarks 08-09-99 21:15:16 OK. 08-09-99 21:15:31 lynn wanted to move it to diagnostic tools 08-09-99 21:15:45 I'm trying to collect and review all the diags I can find 08-09-99 21:15:57 I'm going to set up a diag web page this week. 08-09-99 21:16:01 Hardware software or both? 08-09-99 21:16:11 it will be linked from the chat page 08-09-99 21:16:21 looking at software for now 08-09-99 21:16:25 Another ? What the hell is Feature Installer for If I have to unzip these 7 files by hand? 08-09-99 21:16:34 my "quest" is to knit them together. 08-09-99 21:17:06 WarpHoss, unzipping is not a feature of FI. 08-09-99 21:17:25 found something that isn't feature installer aware? 08-09-99 21:17:32 DaveW, how do see this happening? 08-09-99 21:17:46 ok. so now that I have unzipped the javainst how do I run Feature Installer? 08-09-99 21:17:49 No, just complaints from the gallery... 08-09-99 21:18:04 i hope to convince a developer to do an app 08-09-99 21:18:44 WarpHoss, you don't run FI directly. It's a NS plugin. Just run install.exe which should be there. 08-09-99 21:18:57 another way would be to build a query interface on the web that would ask user questions, download an applet to probe the system, and send back info for review 08-09-99 21:19:02 You would think tats all one would need to do, unzip? may be a small cmd file to up date config? 08-09-99 21:19:25 the result would be recommended configs at first, ultimately the app would ask permission, then go ahead and fix it 08-09-99 21:20:16 Fill me in. What's javainst.exe. Swing? 08-09-99 21:20:33 ya be sure tep dir is sup of FI 08-09-99 21:20:45 Huh? 08-09-99 21:20:51 ya be sure temp dir is sup of FI 08-09-99 21:21:10 That doesn't matter. 08-09-99 21:21:33 I've heard comments that the Swing install is odd, but haven't done it here yet. 08-09-99 21:21:47 maybe it instralled for me but I had problems 08-09-99 21:21:51 Would someone tell me what javainst is for? 08-09-99 21:22:00 Java package upgrade. 08-09-99 21:22:39 That javainuf.exe, IIRC. 08-09-99 21:23:07 Are we talking patches or a full install? 08-09-99 21:23:42 For non-unicode, it's javainrt.exe. 08-09-99 21:23:45 Hmm. You're right -- might be a full install. 08-09-99 21:23:51 08-09-99 21:23:52 Of what? 08-09-99 21:23:58 java118 full install 08-09-99 21:24:20 Where did you get it? 08-09-99 21:24:31 ftp at boulder.. 08-09-99 21:24:38 Type fast my dinners is calling... 08-09-99 21:24:46 How big is it? 08-09-99 21:24:47 FI reports I gotta reboot. 08-09-99 21:24:55 It's working then? 08-09-99 21:25:31 11109050 bytes 08-09-99 21:25:48 That's probably just the runtime renamed. 08-09-99 21:26:40 783032 46 firunpkg.zip 160204 46 javacomm.zip 483 0 javadownload.txt 4307821 42 javainrm.exe 7448000 42 javainsr.exe 11109050 42 javainst.exe 15273452 08-09-99 21:26:55 I remember seeing that filename, but damned if I can remember where. 08-09-99 21:27:16 That's swing and the Warp extensions... 08-09-99 21:27:21 Oh -- would that be runtime, samples and toolkit combined? 08-09-99 21:27:26 You need the base 1.1.8 install first. 08-09-99 21:27:32 15273452 42 javaintk.exe 20805936 42 javainuf.exe 1165812 46 secma.zip 08-09-99 21:27:55 javainsr.exe is swing, IIRC. 08-09-99 21:28:06 those are the 7 files the readme said get. 08-09-99 21:28:12 Define "swing". 08-09-99 21:28:30 The Swing components are the "new" GUI for Java. 08-09-99 21:28:57 javacomm.zip javainrm.exe javainsr.exe javainst.exe javaintk.exe javainuf.exe secma.zip 08-09-99 21:29:04 Ooops. Times up. Gotta go for now. I check back in an hour in case anybody's still here. 08-09-99 21:29:06 Bye. 08-09-99 21:29:07 ^^^^^ those 7. 08-09-99 21:29:08 Hmmm. I've downloaded Java 1.18 but haven't installed it yet. 08-09-99 21:29:10 *** StevenL has left #scoug [21:29:10] 08-09-99 21:31:48 *** Mok has left #SCOUG [21:31:47] 08-09-99 21:32:14 there goes there help so I guess I am gone also... gotta reboot. 08-09-99 21:32:29 Will you return? 08-09-99 21:32:50 Thanx folks fer your patience.... Probably... Unless you tell me not too ;-) 08-09-99 21:33:09 * Sector wouldn't do that 08-09-99 21:33:11 anyone here have any actual, hands on experience with the Rexx to c translation program? 08-09-99 21:33:25 hehe ;-) 08-09-99 21:33:29 brb; 08-09-99 21:33:30 let me know if it works ill find a test 08-09-99 21:33:44 *** WarpHoss has left #SCOUG [21:33:44] 08-09-99 21:45:17 *** Signoff: Sector (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [21:45:17] 08-09-99 21:45:43 *** Sector (andreww@03-117.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [21:45:43] 08-09-99 21:45:48 *** WarpHoss (WARPHOSS@abelmcc5.rbdc.com) has joined #SCOUG [21:45:48] 08-09-99 21:45:59 any one else have 118? 08-09-99 21:46:04 reboot successful. 08-09-99 21:46:17 javainuf is next. 08-09-99 21:46:17 *** Signoff: rollin (Leaving) [21:46:17] 08-09-99 21:48:16 WarpHoss when you finnish try this. http://busview.its.washington.edu 08-09-99 21:48:52 ok ... 08-09-99 21:52:09 is that a benchmark? or what? 08-09-99 21:53:07 no its an app that may crash netscape. I used 202 08-09-99 21:53:20 hmm... 08-09-99 21:53:32 dallas, what rexx to c program? 08-09-99 21:53:45 (short answer - "no, i haven't") 08-09-99 21:54:06 Subject: Re: See Java 1.1.8 Crash... Author:GORDON NILSEN Group Group: comp.os.os2.apps Message-ID:<4pkRIGO2WdeK-pn2-dQVvMXOhnQ4o@a2a02338.smarttadsl.bconnected.net> 08-09-99 21:54:41 (long answer - "no, I haven't but am interested in finding out about it")... 08-09-99 21:55:12 just wonder if it was my set up/ Most other folks had no problems. 08-09-99 21:56:19 dallas good hearing from you again. everyone - thanks for coming. 08-09-99 21:56:54 javainuf -di -ov succesfull and FI reports reboot ... brb 08-09-99 21:57:04 I gotta leave. someone email me a log if anything interesting happens? I'll post this one tomorrow. 08-09-99 21:57:11 *** WarpHoss has left #SCOUG [21:57:11] 08-09-99 21:57:20 What if nothing interesting happens? 08-09-99 21:57:30 goodnight dave 08-09-99 21:57:31 I'll be seeing you guys 08-09-99 21:57:40 *** dallas has left #scoug [21:57:40] 08-09-99 21:58:00 *** The topic for #SCOUG is: Next Meeting Wed 7PM PDT, Internet SIG 08-09-99 21:58:37 *** Log Terminated.