*** Snapshot of #scoug at 06-07-99 19:42:36 *** Bot is absent SCOUG=Southern California OS/2 Users Group Yep i know bbiab going too bring some more people in Monday night 08:00pm (PDT) help session Wednesday night 08:00pm (PDT) Internet SIG meeting Correction on the times. The SCOUG chats start at 7pm PT. Oops, my fault... (I really did know that, just goofed) 08:00pm (PDT is the "official" ending time *** Be (baron@ppp02-129.algx.iadfw.net) has joined #scoug [18:25:38] i thought u were saying ppl r coming in? *** VMan (VManOfMana@ has joined #scoug [18:26:02] hiya hi VMan ;) hi lurker fine! no hi to me then hi Be hi Be lol Now you cannot complain :) hi Be hehe hello guys What the $^#@!%#@$&^@%$ is going on with the e-zine!? 7 days already!! i don't know I have not been to ezine lattely *** VMan is now known as VMan[HTML *** Be is now known as SOeB hehhehe so be it ;) This is a good pun Need to scan? Get inSANE with OS/2!!! hey come on Tinka get you butt in here *** VMan[HTML is now known as VMan-HTML err Timka hehe i just hope this dont crash. * SOeB playing mp3 on a alpha mp3 player hmmm get the other ornerys to move is something Try lighting a fire hmmm that might work * Sector hands os2lurker a flamethrower heh thanks be right back i hope u dont burn ur own # down =) As long as there's a "firewall" it should be fine... lol heh, that's a good way to get ppl moving lurker rofl omg man, this pisses me off What does¨ *** Blackbird (poznan@ has joined #scoug [18:49:34] stupid mp3 player i think Fuzy is away and Exovede hmm he is strang err strange where is stafff? Longstaff is away at an IBM meeting for the next 3 days hmm.. sounds fun hi Blackbird i hate those snoopy #os/2 ppl on the undernet anyways who needs em hehe we have quality ppl here ;) can i copy and paste that? =) hi all still watching the VOICE channel naaahhh don't do that j/k ok *** Signoff: SOeB (Baxter v0.45 -- ) [18:52:32] you get ban in there if you did, so don't take a chance hope he don't , ive warned him hehehehhehehehe VOICE speakup is on tommorow ? hmmmmm VOICE speakups are scheduled for Monday nights at 08:00pm (EDT), when there is one (like tonight) oic And once upon a time Saturday speakups have been tried. hmmmmm *** StevenL (steve53@pool678-cvx.ds38-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net) has joined #scoug [19:00:54] Welcome Hi stevenl Hi. The boss told me to get my rear over here. Anyone helpless? Because the boss has to leave to a meeting this evening. Bye. *** Signoff: VMan-HTML (Leaving) [19:02:00] *** SteveS has left #scoug [19:02:11] is that voice meeting over ? It's breaking up at the moment (ie: There dropping like flies) *** GloriaH (ghuang@cc640608-a.slbch1.occa.home.com) has joined #Scoug [19:02:41] Steve last week we talked about FI and my Java 1.1.7 upgrade *** StevenL has left #scoug [19:03:25] Nice timing *** DaveWgt (dwatson@ts027d32.lax-ca.concentric.net) has joined #scoug [19:03:46] *** StevenL (steve53@pool229-max3.ds36-ca-us.dialup.earthlink.net) has joined #scoug [19:04:08] hi DaveWgt ;) wb StevenL ;) Ok now he's back I'm back. Tooo many 0's. good turnout on the voice speakup! Popular guest. hmmm i wish it was going on i would been there too oooo well my mistake Hmmm, soso, had more, had less Just wish they'd stop promising 2.3 and deliver it . Gloria and Lurker - welcome - we don't see you often enough! Blackbird, welcome back StevenL just an update on last week...FI and java problem...remember Yes. StevenL invited me and #os/2Warp on the undernet here, i funneling them in here from our channel too Not a good idea to undelete without a reboot....locked files ... no delii, I guess he's gone to Phoenix OK. Did you get past that. ? What's in Phx? A bird Had to go to maint part and load old config I've begun trying to promote undernet and voice (and efnet and dalnet) on my grand unification os2 chat page. No, it's not a bird, it's a Delii Compared to a catessen? I think Delii has some work there, will keep him there several weeks, with no isp connection Java still came back saying it did not install Good for him. Hope he doesn't melt. it's a dry heat... Let's back up a sec. FI is OK? Riiight. I've been there. It's just plain hot. Also I very frequently get a trap 000e error on reboot....can take 3 trys before it will boot Trap E's are usually hardware. Any idea which driver the IPE is occuring in? Not sure how to tell I hope my harddrive is not going south again Let's leave that for now. Can't work too many problems at once. Is FI OK? * Sector takes Blackbird's harddrive North Sector, check the cables while you are at it. Pull all cards you don't need, put em bck in one at a time FI runs java install up to the very last error Check the install log. If the failure is in the clean up routine you can ignore it. It happens on some machines. Look in \os2\install\wpinstal.log... just about to ask... If there's a line near the end 01-20-1999 2:47:13 PM **NULLID** :: Exception -1073741819 returned to instthr It's a install bug. **NULLID** :: Exception -1073741819 returned to instthrd.c 726l There's an echo in here. how do you know this man..... S....t happens. That's funny, there's an echo in #voice as well So it's ok Anyway. Do a java -fullversion form the command line. What's it report>? Something like: JAVA.EXE full version "JDK 1.1.7A IBM build o117-19990108 (JIT enabled: javax)" is fine. JAVA.EXE full version "JDK 1.1.7A IBM build o117-19981120 (JIT enabled: javax)" there's thAT DARN ECHO Hee hee. Nope, different version You should grab the patches and install them. They just unzip so you will not have to fix the broken Install Objects that I didn't tell you about yet. patches¨ so this is monday help night and weds internet sig ? Yes, they are on most any update CD (SCOUG, WarpUP etc.) yes Correct same time same station same duration ? yes good i well put that in my dmi rexx script and post it as a topic in my channel ;) SCOUG is near LA, so we're on pacific time, 7-8 is nominal schedule Thx. ok bb got to update my rexx script coool does undernet have scheduled events? please let ppl know too the #os/2warp on the undernet exist too, i would apperciate that ;) I have pointer to you on my web page. If you have scheduled activities, I'll promote that on our mail list and web site. I'm been complaining these should be easily discovered links off the SCOUG main page. We shall see. I have the fall 1998 Scoug cd are the patches on it Hmmm, probably not the latest ones Those are probably the same level as you already have. You can get the patches from DuaneC's WarpUP site. Dave has a URL (thanks Dave). I have that url The latest patches are on the new SCOUG CD, but these are hard to come by :). I lied...I can't find it Hold on. It here somewhere... brb. http://duanec.indelible-blue.com/fixes/LatestWarp4.html For FTP I use: ftp://ftp.hursley.ibm.com/pub/java/fixes/os2/11/117/ Thx S. DaveWgt thanks ;) bbiab Thx S and S Hey, did somebody turn out the lights? The latest fixes on the http page points to the ftp page that has the complete runtime.exe again Hold on let me check. StevenL, we're starting to get some useful data interspersed in our Monday Help sessions. Think we should start posting th elogs? If I remember to turn it on we could. *** Be (Baxter@ppp01-621.algx.iadfw.net) has joined #scoug [19:34:37] *** Be is now known as SOeB I didn't log this one. Anybody has logs, mail them to me (dave@scoug.com) and I'll post em I'll start logging. Thx. I'll be on the road this and next Wed, and next Monday. But I'll try to attend from afar. OK. hi Blackbird, runtime.exe is just patches. ok thx I gotta early airplane tomorrow, gotta go do some work. See you all soon. Bye Dave. ciao, ya'all nite Dave *** DaveWgt has left #scoug [19:36:54] runtime .exe 5,540,519 r... 5-13-99 21:27:50 toolkit .exe 2,364,719 r... 5-13-99 20:30:14 samples .exe 1,805,824 r... 5-13-99 20:21:06 read .me 3,165 r... 5-13-99 19:49:40 fixes .lst 7,901 r... 5-13-99 19:49:08 The above are the patches for the latest SCOUG CD. Tiny compared to full Java. Just check hursley. These are still the newest. Blackbird, do you know how to install these? How do you know that one runtime.exe is patches and the other is the full meal deal runtime.exe is always patches. The full java I got from IBM was about 9meg this file is about 6meg