02-07-101 19:12:57 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\INTERNET\GTIRC\Log\#scoug.log) 02-07-101 19:13:06 OK, I'm back. What did I miss? 02-07-101 19:27:50 I'm back too. What did I miss? 02-07-101 19:29:53 Apparently no much. 02-07-101 19:30:02 Where have all the broken systems gone? 02-07-101 19:30:50 donno.. 02-07-101 19:33:42 Have they identified the librarian yet? 02-07-101 19:33:42 :-) 02-07-101 19:34:32 Har-har-har. 02-07-101 19:35:13 I got a bit tired of folks proposing stuff without volunteering to be the personpower that implements it... 02-07-101 19:35:21 We shall see what comes of this. 02-07-101 19:35:29 just grabbed a new clutch of email, 02-07-101 19:36:05 *** SteveS (schiffman@slip-32-100-155-237.ca.us.prserv.net) has joined #scoug [19:36:05] 02-07-101 19:36:39 welcome SteveS 02-07-101 19:36:47 Hello Dallas. 02-07-101 19:36:54 maybe they explain who the librarian is in this mail. 02-07-101 19:39:19 In fact an idea for member only content to the web page - inventory of books etc. available from the club library? 02-07-101 19:39:46 I guess this would be too critical to keep members only, 02-07-101 19:40:03 but I think it would be best that way, if practical. 02-07-101 19:41:24 Hi Steve. 02-07-101 19:41:41 Hello Steven. 02-07-101 19:41:55 I don't think much of a members only page. 02-07-101 19:45:33 *** Blackbird (poznan@h24-71-117-172.ed.shawcable.net) has joined #scoug [19:45:33] 02-07-101 19:45:42 Hi there 02-07-101 19:46:17 just stopped in to show I am still alive and well 02-07-101 19:46:40 Hi BB. This is a good thing... 02-07-101 19:46:51 Could you send some heat down here. It's in the 40's. 02-07-101 19:46:54 have been playing with WsEb 02-07-101 19:47:02 Like it? 02-07-101 19:47:15 don't have any to spare...temp has dropped here as well 02-07-101 19:47:32 Darn. It was nice 2 days ago. 02-07-101 19:47:52 Wseb seems ok...haven't had a lot of time to play 02-07-101 19:48:56 My mom died Jan 28....I was the executor...had to pick me out of all nine of us....was a very short week last week... 02-07-101 19:49:38 things are getting back in order ..... 02-07-101 19:49:41 *** Signoff: SteveS (Ping timeout) [19:49:41] 02-07-101 19:51:04 and Wseb hasn't had a complete test run yet...still lots of stuff to load up and try... 02-07-101 19:51:07 I'm sorry to hear that. 02-07-101 19:51:17 Mom's are hard to lose. 02-07-101 19:51:21 hope you're recovering from the emotional strain OK 02-07-101 19:52:00 Thanks StevenL...she was 83...it was a heart attach that took her very quickly.... 02-07-101 19:52:48 king of unexpected...but then no one is ever realy ready ... 02-07-101 19:53:11 I guess quick is better. However, IMO, there's no good way. 02-07-101 19:54:39 just wanted to let you know that I hadn't abandoned ship...I will have some input next week I hope...have some questions as to how Wseb works...lots to look at..will not have any time tonight 02-07-101 19:55:31 Well, good luck with that and good luck with the executor thing... 02-07-101 19:55:44 Had the warmest January on record...also the least snow 02-07-101 19:55:48 I don't know about Canada, but in the states, this stuff tends to drag out. 02-07-101 19:56:26 It shouldn't be to difficult ...just needs to be attended to...thanks again 02-07-101 19:56:56 see you next week 02-07-101 19:57:08 nite all 02-07-101 19:57:11 Nite. 02-07-101 19:57:16 *** Blackbird has left #scoug [19:57:16] 02-07-101 19:59:26 *** Signoff: dallas (Ping timeout) [19:59:26] 02-07-101 20:02:31 *** dallas (dallas@zoot.lafn.ORG) has joined #scoug [20:02:31] 02-07-101 20:03:41 BB logout while I was gone? 02-07-101 20:04:06 Yep. 02-07-101 20:04:16 Probably wanted to watch West Wing. 02-07-101 20:06:13 I'm researching other OS/2 user groups in So. CA. *offhand* do you know any URLs for any besides SCOUG? 02-07-101 20:08:17 Let me check what I have... 02-07-101 20:08:19 brb. 02-07-101 20:10:02 http://www.trss.net/os2.html 02-07-101 20:10:33 http://home.san.rr.com/cq/sdos2ug/ 02-07-101 20:13:19 thanks.... 02-07-101 20:15:26 http://www.vcnet.com/os2-corner 02-07-101 20:15:48 Fresno PC Users' Group, OS/2 SIG 02-07-101 20:15:59 mailto:fizimble@vnet.ibm.com 02-07-101 20:16:32 Let me send you a html page... 02-07-101 20:17:12 just email it will be fine, I've got Team OS/2's CA list 02-07-101 20:17:42 which seems to have been hacked from a cursory examination. 02-07-101 20:18:51 I see where Mr. Skye gave a talk on his beloved Rexx in Camarillo 02-07-101 20:19:08 The page is coming. 02-07-101 20:19:14 How's that about Peter? 02-07-101 20:20:02 he was the speaker on Rexx at the OS/2 Corner's meeting Nov. 11, 2000, on Rexx 02-07-101 20:20:12 in Camarillo 02-07-101 20:20:32 That's what I thought you meant. 02-07-101 20:21:02 at the last web site you listed here 02-07-101 20:21:29 Oh, I didn't go to the URL. I was just pasting bookmarks. 02-07-101 20:22:56 no problem, I was just checking some of them as I bookmarked them 02-07-101 20:23:43 Now, why didn't Peter announce this to SCOUG before he did it. Or did he? 02-07-101 20:25:30 I never knew about it if he did. I can forgive if this sparked his ideas on inter-group coordination, 02-07-101 20:25:43 but if not, he should of 02-07-101 20:26:44 any leads on the South Bay group? Fred Zimble? 02-07-101 20:27:59 FZ is listed as their contact, but no email or www is listed 02-07-101 20:29:16 mailto:fizimble@vnet.ibm.com 02-07-101 20:29:30 It's on the page I sent you. 02-07-101 20:30:04 ok, that's fine, 02-07-101 20:30:10 The address suggests he's an IBM employee. 02-07-101 20:30:42 Anyway. There's tons of work for the folks that volunteer to handle the outreach program. :-) 02-07-101 20:32:12 Don't be too surprised if some of these are dead ends. 02-07-101 20:32:28 no argument there. Hate to seem like I'm just ripping off you're contact lists, but seems like I should take advantage Of Mr. KIA while I have you one line 02-07-101 20:33:07 No problem if they are dead ends, maybe us contacting them can have some beneficial effect... 02-07-101 20:33:11 It's not my list. :-) 02-07-101 20:33:21 :-) 02-07-101 20:33:38 It's published in the OS/2 Connect Newsletter... 02-07-101 20:33:56 allrightee 02-07-101 20:34:22 You should be reading it. :-) 02-07-101 20:35:29 no excuses to give, you caught me. 02-07-101 20:36:25 I was just looking at the OCIPUG home page... 02-07-101 20:36:29 It's pretty bad. 02-07-101 20:37:20 BTW, I'm waiting for a callback on CD publishing prices... 02-07-101 20:37:20 how so? unkept? 02-07-101 20:37:34 Take a look: www.ocipug.org. 02-07-101 20:37:44 OK, with your friend or what? 02-07-101 20:39:07 what->who 02-07-101 20:39:53 Yes. I talked to John today, but he doesn't do the purchasing. I need to talk with Brent... 02-07-101 20:40:07 I'll catch up with him before we need to buy anything... 02-07-101 20:40:26 I'm thinking more along the line of what WEW will need... 02-07-101 20:40:28 . 02-07-101 20:40:38 I think there's plenty of time before SCOUG commits to getting anything purchased 02-07-101 20:41:27 SteveS busy with anything tonight you're aware of? 02-07-101 20:42:26 No, unless he writing up the stuff he owes me. :-) 02-07-101 20:42:36 Probably studying. 02-07-101 20:45:17 I've got the connect page on screen now. 02-07-101 20:46:28 any idea where Ripon, CA is, out of curiosity... 02-07-101 20:49:05 are you 'up' on HTML? 02-07-101 20:49:40 I can write it as well as I need to... 02-07-101 20:49:48 I'm hardly an expert. 02-07-101 20:49:55 What do you need to know? 02-07-101 20:50:05 another quick question, probably doesn't need an expert, 02-07-101 20:50:17 Checking on Ripon... 02-07-101 20:50:20 Ask away. 02-07-101 20:50:44 you can embedd characters in URLs ang Get/Post methods..... 02-07-101 20:51:11 as hex numbers, escaped with a '%' example: '%20' for space.... 02-07-101 20:51:19 what is this called? 02-07-101 20:51:30 ang->and 02-07-101 20:51:39 Ripon is NW of Salida.... 02-07-101 20:51:50 :-) where is Salida? 02-07-101 20:51:52 Hint maps.yahoo.com is your friend. 02-07-101 20:52:02 OK 02-07-101 20:52:08 Salida is SE of Stockton. 02-07-101 20:52:54 I believe it's call URL quoting... 02-07-101 20:52:59 so it's between Stockton & Salida, foughly? 02-07-101 20:53:10 Let me check for the proper term. 02-07-101 20:53:20 OK, URL quoting sounds reasonable, 02-07-101 20:55:41 RFC2396 calls it "Escaped Encoding" 02-07-101 20:56:25 ok that sounds even better. 02-07-101 20:56:49 I'm going to disconnect for a bit and come back, my LAFN hour is almost up. 02-07-101 20:56:56 *** dallas has left #scoug [20:56:56] 02-07-101 20:58:28 *** dallas (dallas@zoot.lafn.ORG) has joined #scoug [20:58:28] 02-07-101 20:58:37 I'm back 02-07-101 20:59:14 OK. 02-07-101 20:59:44 How come no one has any question until almost 9pm? :-) 02-07-101 21:00:14 It takes me a while figure out what to ask. 02-07-101 21:00:34 I usually am just rushing here from Carl Jr.'s 02-07-101 21:00:56 and looking through my e-mail when blackbird is usually hard at it. 02-07-101 21:02:10 I see. Takes a while to recover from dinner. 02-07-101 21:02:52 that's one way to think about it. :-) 02-07-101 21:03:47 Well, if I've answered all your questions, I'm going to hang with Joan. 02-07-101 21:05:11 have a good time! She's recovering/recovered from the operation OK? 02-07-101 21:06:19 Recovering is probably the best term... 02-07-101 21:06:33 *** Sector (andreww@c7T2-031.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [21:06:33] 02-07-101 21:06:40 Sector?!? 02-07-101 21:06:54 She's been back at work for quite a while, but it's only been about 10 weeks since she got titanium plated. 02-07-101 21:06:56 StevenL was about to check out. 02-07-101 21:07:00 Hi Sector. 02-07-101 21:07:12 Done with work, I see. 02-07-101 21:07:13 Hello StevenL 02-07-101 21:07:20 Hi dallas 02-07-101 21:07:28 You just made it... 02-07-101 21:07:28 hello Sector. 02-07-101 21:07:29 Yup, for tonight anyways 02-07-101 21:07:41 Dallas an I were getting ready to go away. 02-07-101 21:07:58 I notice you are having fun with the os2hardware crew... 02-07-101 21:08:27 I really like to lurk and read the "old wives tales" that go on. 02-07-101 21:09:15 So we are gonna need a special OS/2 driver for hubs/switches/routers now¨ ;> 02-07-101 21:09:57 Yeah, right. 02-07-101 21:10:27 Then there's the newish Linksys router firmware that does not work with NS4.61... 02-07-101 21:10:35 I don't think I got to tell you about that one. 02-07-101 21:10:55 Um, nope 02-07-101 21:12:20 It happened at the SCOUG meeting where Chris Chapman, of Linksys, came in to do a demo... 02-07-101 21:13:02 He didn't have a Warp box (another long story) so we tried to use my 770X to talk to the router... 02-07-101 21:13:18 It kept stalling out... 02-07-101 21:13:39 I posted a question to the newsgroups and someone said that happened to him with the ... 02-07-101 21:13:47 Hmmm, should have tried WebExplorer... 02-07-101 21:14:08 newest firmware and that backing out to the older firmware allows NS to work again... 02-07-101 21:14:31 I ran an iptrace and it sure looked like the Linksys was forgetting to respond. 02-07-101 21:14:33 Just the 4.61 effected¨ 02-07-101 21:15:02 WebEx might have worked. However, the Linksys does heave JavaScript. 02-07-101 21:15:06 So maybe not. 02-07-101 21:15:27 Netscape 2.02¨ 02-07-101 21:15:34 I didn't really have time during the meeting to test much... 02-07-101 21:15:56 I don't think I've got either WebEx or 2.02 on the 770. 02-07-101 21:16:18 Ah well 02-07-101 21:16:19 I rarely have problems with 4.61, so I've never felt the need. 02-07-101 21:17:03 I may have Lynx installed, but I forget, not that it would do JavaScript very well eithere. 02-07-101 21:18:00 I've sometimes found you can grab the page source and cut past the JS stuff with a little ingenuity. 02-07-101 21:19:20 sometimes it's just gratuitous, may be an artifact of some web editing tool used to generate the page, my guess anyway. 02-07-101 21:21:52 No, the JS does the menu navigation.... 02-07-101 21:21:56 This is typical. 02-07-101 21:23:20 maybe in that case. I've seen things where all the JS did was just append a base address domain to a directory/file, which seems gratuitous to me, maybe there was some security reason for it. 02-07-101 21:24:13 Who ever said they needed a reason¨ 02-07-101 21:25:26 Obvously, the Web Police would! :-) 02-07-101 21:27:46 My take is it's a free country. 02-07-101 21:28:55 Now, I gotta go. There's honey-do's pending here. 02-07-101 21:28:58 Nite all. 02-07-101 21:29:02 cu SL 02-07-101 21:29:11 So long StevenL