04-07-99 18:50:58 *** Log Activated #scoug (D:\APPS\GTIRC\#scoug.log) 04-07-99 18:51:12 Same here 04-07-99 18:51:25 Good evening, early birds! 04-07-99 18:51:39 We wanted the worm 04-07-99 18:52:03 Think we'll pick up some extra with the new night? 04-07-99 18:52:26 What happened to the message for our SCOUG channel? It was displaying last night. 04-07-99 18:52:47 *** delii (Dallasii@user20.kincyb.com) has joined #scoug [18:52:47] 04-07-99 18:52:57 Howdy. 04-07-99 18:53:03 Hi htere 04-07-99 18:53:10 Welcome. 04-07-99 18:53:17 Hi Dallas. Steve, what message? 04-07-99 18:54:00 There is a channel message that can be set that displays everytime you login to the channel. 04-07-99 18:54:00 The one thats not there of course 04-07-99 18:54:18 It also shows up in the list of channels 04-07-99 18:54:31 It said something like "SCOUG Inet Sig chat ... " 04-07-99 18:54:44 Mine said "SCOUG Mode is +" 04-07-99 18:55:06 I was thinkin of that Monday - we need to get control of some of the admin features. Like motd 04-07-99 18:55:09 You can set it with /topic (if you have channel operator status). What happens sometimes is if one of the servers disconnects after the channel topic is set, it doens't get reset on that server 04-07-99 18:55:29 motd is on the server itself 04-07-99 18:56:23 * Sector thought when this channel was originally setup DaveWgt could request chanop status from the bot 04-07-99 18:56:26 I came in on irc.calif2.webbnet.org. Did any one else use a different server? If so, was a message displayed when you joined the #SCOUG channel? 04-07-99 18:57:04 DaveWgt is on a different server, the rest of us are on calif2 04-07-99 18:57:08 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [18:57:08] 04-07-99 18:57:24 I'll brush up on my notes, propose to our hosts, maybe get op status... 04-07-99 18:57:46 seems like monday, I used the main webbnet server irc.webbnet.org 04-07-99 18:57:50 Why did the bot go away? 04-07-99 18:57:53 Okay, I never saw the bot sign off. Something about to happen?? 04-07-99 18:58:14 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [18:58:14] 04-07-99 18:58:14 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 18:58:52 Looked like the server the bot is on, got disconnected 04-07-99 18:59:17 The bot came back to life. 04-07-99 18:59:35 Yup, the server reconnected 04-07-99 18:59:42 ... it is aliiveee 04-07-99 18:59:56 that makes one of us 04-07-99 19:00:26 someday they'll run the world for us. 04-07-99 19:00:48 My clock says 7PM 04-07-99 19:00:53 They'de probably do a better job (depending on who controls the bots of course) 04-07-99 19:01:00 6:59pm 04-07-99 19:01:07 Now it's 07:00pm 04-07-99 19:01:36 I've been reading about artificial life lately. Fascinating. They tend to extend themselves beyond their initial programming REAL QUICK. 04-07-99 19:01:58 Sector, you are behind the time.... 04-07-99 19:02:13 Nope, DaveWgt is just ahead of his time 04-07-99 19:02:38 It's only government time anyway, since Sunday morning when we lost "real time." 04-07-99 19:02:58 True 04-07-99 19:03:34 Based on radio station KFWB, a local all news broadcaster, that has time signals on the hour ever hour, I set my watch and computer to exact time this morning at 9am. 04-07-99 19:03:41 I read that some of the states in Mexico are rebelling. I think they're just starting DST. 04-07-99 19:04:10 7:03:40 04-07-99 19:04:10 The time right now, give or take a few seconds due to server lag, is 7:03:45. 04-07-99 19:04:24 I use OS2_NTPD which keeps teh computer synced to NTP servers 04-07-99 19:04:29 ... according to Time Warner cable 04-07-99 19:04:48 My server lag seems to be just about instantaneous 04-07-99 19:04:54 Should have also included PT to indicate Pacific Time. 04-07-99 19:05:12 PDT for now 04-07-99 19:05:16 *** CTCP PING (Sector) 04-07-99 19:05:19 anyone else use the 'daytime' freeware from Rommel in .de? 04-07-99 19:05:25 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [19:05:25] 04-07-99 19:05:28 Does my client post my messages on my screen before sending, or do I get my own echo from the net? 04-07-99 19:05:56 sector pings, and we lose the bot! 04-07-99 19:06:08 What's daytime? 04-07-99 19:06:37 I use henway from NC 04-07-99 19:06:41 They are displayed from the server your connected to and it sends the message out to other servers 04-07-99 19:06:53 Sector, yes you can use PDT, but then you have to know that you are in daylight time. If you just use PT, then that references the Pacific Time Zones current daylight or not status. 04-07-99 19:06:55 Pacific Daylight Time or Pacific Standard Time depending 04-07-99 19:07:02 a pretty simple tool to coordinate your PCs clock with some time server/service 04-07-99 19:07:25 Paul demo'd some apps that get atomic clock time from the web 04-07-99 19:07:29 I run it everytime i make my ppp connection automaticly 04-07-99 19:07:31 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [19:07:31] 04-07-99 19:07:31 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 19:07:39 Note that Dave's e-mail message said that the chat would start Wednesday night at 7pm PST. So we are really an hour late getting started to night. 04-07-99 19:07:58 Darn. Meant PDT, of course.. 04-07-99 19:08:15 Sometimes I don't know my s from a hole in the ground 04-07-99 19:08:46 I posted some topics on the web site this time. anybody looked? 04-07-99 19:08:53 Motion to approve? 04-07-99 19:09:11 OS2_NTPD synchronizes your computers clock to time servers using the Network Time Protocal automatically whenver your online and calculates drift and corrects while offline. 04-07-99 19:09:22 I know you didn't expect a web site update. It's been a month... 04-07-99 19:09:41 Of course it's more current than some of our other sigs. 04-07-99 19:10:03 Yep, looked at the web page. Even surffed the web pages you linked. 04-07-99 19:10:19 Kind of like a dirt test on my car. Don't update, see if anybody complains 04-07-99 19:10:40 I'm hoping to get a few minutes on the agenda next SCOUG and pitch the web/irc services again. 04-07-99 19:11:09 I hated to put up the tax thing. Gotta get to it, though. 04-07-99 19:11:25 IRS really does have a useful site, though. 04-07-99 19:11:46 I am sure that the SCOUG program chair can fit you in a the next meeting. 04-07-99 19:11:59 I asked him, no reply yet. 04-07-99 19:12:09 Maybe he's "swamped." 04-07-99 19:12:31 If he can't fit you in, get a new program chair 04-07-99 19:12:32 My taxes have almost been done for a month. Still have not done the one more thing needing to be completed. 04-07-99 19:12:53 * Sector has already gotten refund back 04-07-99 19:13:08 Monday some of the folks (delii?) suggested it might be useful to demo the INSTALL, which might be scaring some folks off. 04-07-99 19:13:12 Should be throw him a snorkel???? 04-07-99 19:13:34 He's sort of heavy. Might need a LOOOOONNNNGGG snorkel 04-07-99 19:13:56 Install of what? Missed the subject of the previous reference. 04-07-99 19:14:06 IRC client 04-07-99 19:14:11 install IRC clients. Some folks worry about installing new sw 04-07-99 19:14:37 I know, it sounds lame. What else could be keeping them from joining their friends. 04-07-99 19:14:41 * Sector would worry to if it was mickysoft windoze 04-07-99 19:14:49 Can't even get a good crowd on RAINY DAYS 04-07-99 19:15:05 * SteveS has to learn to type. Previous message should be "Should WE throw..." 04-07-99 19:15:18 No rain here 04-07-99 19:16:02 Maybe we could poll the club some more, see if the install is something holding them up. 04-07-99 19:16:08 Lots of rain here... 04-07-99 19:16:33 When did I demo -- Oct? Polled and got about 20 hands interested. 04-07-99 19:16:41 Or if maybe it's just a bad perception of IRC 04-07-99 19:17:02 Interesting Really Cool 04-07-99 19:17:12 * SteveS wonders why 20 hands don't show up. 04-07-99 19:17:15 Ted and Paul came first few times. 04-07-99 19:17:22 maybe poll again and ask why they haven't here if they are intrested 04-07-99 19:17:22 Gloria comes now and then 04-07-99 19:17:56 I think we need a pull. I'm going to start spending my SIG allowance for raffle prizes. 04-07-99 19:18:02 Where are they. and SteveL. I have a lot to fill him in on. 04-07-99 19:18:16 First one right after SCOUG. 04-07-99 19:18:30 Wed, 21st, first big ISIG Raffle! 04-07-99 19:18:34 use the carrot AND the stick. 04-07-99 19:18:49 stick... hmmm... 04-07-99 19:18:51 Don't forget the whip 04-07-99 19:19:03 we're not that kind of channel! 04-07-99 19:19:08 that too! :-) 04-07-99 19:19:25 Maybe that should be stickEY so they'll stick around 04-07-99 19:19:37 SteveL comes on Mondays, regularly. We're doing some good on that session. 04-07-99 19:19:50 Attendence better than Tuesdays 04-07-99 19:20:15 We're only that kind of channel when S&M are present 04-07-99 19:20:19 Mandie said they're starting a Saturday general chat, to get europeans 04-07-99 19:20:32 Haven't seen details, yet. but that's the sort of thing we need. 04-07-99 19:20:48 More meetings, more topics, eventually they get the idea it's useful. 04-07-99 19:20:53 And no whips 04-07-99 19:21:01 Didn't get much European participation during the Saturday REXX speakup a little while ago 04-07-99 19:21:01 *** GloriaH (~ghuang@ has joined #Scoug [19:21:01] 04-07-99 19:21:11 I think a good international perspective would be great. 04-07-99 19:21:19 * Sector agrees 04-07-99 19:21:19 *** GloriaH has left #Scoug [19:21:19] 04-07-99 19:21:22 Hi, glo, we were just talking about you 04-07-99 19:21:34 ...and Paul and Ted and SteveL 04-07-99 19:21:40 Thats why Gloria stepped out 04-07-99 19:21:42 come back GloriaH... 04-07-99 19:22:13 My ISP hung up on me a moment after I logged in the first time tonight. 04-07-99 19:22:56 Oh, maybe it was a speakup Mandie was refereing to. She thought they liked it. 04-07-99 19:23:19 I think I'll go ahead and join VOICE. 04-07-99 19:23:21 Rarely a problem with my ISP. 04-07-99 19:23:27 GloriaH is still connected to IRC but appears to be a ghost 04-07-99 19:23:36 Rarely a prob with deltanet, either, but occasionally wierd. 04-07-99 19:23:45 What is a ghost? 04-07-99 19:23:56 Maybe she can't det her client figured out. 04-07-99 19:24:01 What is a ghost in IRC terms? 04-07-99 19:24:03 I frequently have problems with the phone lines with weather like this. 04-07-99 19:24:18 A user who has been connected, but lost there connection, while the server still thinks the connection is valid 04-07-99 19:24:37 I'm on the verge of checking out my phone system capability to go DSL. 04-07-99 19:24:49 Does the server time out on a ghost connection? If so, how long does it wait? 04-07-99 19:25:01 Paul checked, he was a little too far from CO, I think, lines not good enough for speed. 04-07-99 19:25:11 What happens if the user reconnects before the server times out the original login? 04-07-99 19:25:18 Normally the server will autotime out, usually doesn't take very long 04-07-99 19:25:47 I've hung up, logged in, was told I couldn't use that name cause already in use. 04-07-99 19:25:55 You just change your name it lets you in. 04-07-99 19:25:59 Most IRC clients will see the nick already in use and change it (typically adding a number to it) 04-07-99 19:26:06 *** CTCP VERSION (Sector) 04-07-99 19:26:13 In the protocol, the server periodicly 'pings' the clients, their 'sposed to 'pong' back ASAP 04-07-99 19:26:23 Ahh. Now I remember that. 04-07-99 19:26:27 What if they don't have paddles? 04-07-99 19:26:52 You got to do it by hand. 04-07-99 19:26:53 One of my clients shows those. Haven't seen any tonight. 04-07-99 19:27:10 virtual paddles 04-07-99 19:27:25 I did some experimenting with logging in with Kermit/2. can be done. 04-07-99 19:27:40 We didn't get an OS2 tax app this year did we? 04-07-99 19:28:04 DaveWgt to have it GTIRC autochange use Options/Preferences and check Automatic Nickname Resolution 04-07-99 19:28:27 I use a spread sheet, bought store bought apps a few times to try them out. 04-07-99 19:28:41 GTIRC will then add a number to your nick if it's already in use 04-07-99 19:28:49 Auto Nick is checked. 04-07-99 19:29:19 Was that what you where using when it wouldn't let you on due to nick being in use? 04-07-99 19:29:25 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [19:29:25] 04-07-99 19:29:56 Who is 'you' Sector? 04-07-99 19:30:20 DaveWgt 04-07-99 19:30:28 Thanks. 04-07-99 19:30:36 No problem 04-07-99 19:30:41 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [19:30:41] 04-07-99 19:30:41 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 19:31:15 *** DaveW (Username@ts009d02.lax-ca.concentric.net) has joined #scoug [19:31:15] 04-07-99 19:31:46 I havent' used my inet adv for a while. Thought I'd dust it off. 04-07-99 19:31:51 I had a similar problem Mon. when I tried to rejoin with EZirc. it did like useing a nick with a period in it. (delii.ez vrs deliiez) 04-07-99 19:31:55 Tha'ts DaveW 04-07-99 19:32:50 I think I like Gamma Tech better. Is 1.5 the current Inet Adv? 04-07-99 19:33:32 Let me check on InetAdventure and see what my latest update is. 04-07-99 19:34:01 I have 301 Demo of GT, I like it. 04-07-99 19:34:15 * SteveS checking download area. 04-07-99 19:34:29 Does "our" vendor have an IRC client? 04-07-99 19:34:33 Yep, Inet Adventure latest release was v1.5 04-07-99 19:34:35 * Sector has GTIRC 2.07 registered 04-07-99 19:35:49 Dave, who are you referring to when you say "our vendor"? 04-07-99 19:36:05 HEADS UP -- Webfoot needs help. Any chance we can lend a hand? 04-07-99 19:36:44 PLEEEEEZZZ send some notes on cool sites you run across. I hope we can keep that column going. 04-07-99 19:36:54 * SteveS Quack, Quack... 04-07-99 19:37:06 Randell 04-07-99 19:37:29 You saying Randel is a quack? 04-07-99 19:38:07 Have you watched his video from the open house? He flaps his wings a lot. 04-07-99 19:38:07 I still need to clean up my webpage. I'll probably find some cool stuff therewhen I get it done. 04-07-99 19:38:26 No he was saying Randell is quack (or was that a quack quack¨) 04-07-99 19:38:59 His presentation was great. I've been trying to get h im to turn it into a column in the newsletter. 04-07-99 19:39:22 Programmers hate to document their work, I guess 04-07-99 19:40:12 The web is getting lots of press lately. 04-07-99 19:40:31 First melissa, then they catch the guy, then the MAtrix 04-07-99 19:40:41 I hear mostly good buz from matrix 04-07-99 19:40:44 What is the Matrix? 04-07-99 19:41:01 New movie. couple hundred years in future. 04-07-99 19:41:10 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [19:41:10] 04-07-99 19:41:20 somekind of Gibsonesque cyberpunk story 04-07-99 19:41:43 Maybe this bot smokes. Has to keep stepping out for a toke. 04-07-99 19:42:34 Not the bot, the server keeps disconnecting (maybe it got infected by the mickysoft windoze virus or something), thats one of our OS/2 based servers 04-07-99 19:42:54 The Matrix web site home page looks gross. 04-07-99 19:43:12 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [19:43:12] 04-07-99 19:43:12 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 19:44:27 They're cultivating a quirky kind of audience, I think. 04-07-99 19:44:46 I guess the web site is indicative of the mood of the film. 04-07-99 19:45:08 Nobody here has seen it, huh? 04-07-99 19:45:15 before anyone signs out for the night, but after all the important stuff is discussed I have an off topic (Mon. night type) question. 04-07-99 19:45:15 I'll fill you in next week. 04-07-99 19:45:25 Not me 04-07-99 19:45:37 Nope, do not expect to see Matrix. 04-07-99 19:45:47 OC Reg. had an interview with the directors last week. Strange guys. 04-07-99 19:45:51 bummer. Going to the beach, sector? 04-07-99 19:46:14 I bet Melanie wants to see it... 04-07-99 19:46:19 Now why on earth would I do that, got plenty of sand around here 04-07-99 19:46:24 *** mandie (judymc@dyn1-tnt13-81.detroit.mi.ameritech.net) has joined #scoug [19:46:24] 04-07-99 19:46:31 Eek 04-07-99 19:46:37 hi folks :) 04-07-99 19:46:43 Okay, straighten up everybody... 04-07-99 19:46:44 Hello there 04-07-99 19:46:45 hello. 04-07-99 19:46:59 :) 04-07-99 19:47:10 I thought this wan't that kind of channel..... 04-07-99 19:47:25 Dave: much of a turnout earlier? 04-07-99 19:47:25 Sector, delii: hiya :) 04-07-99 19:47:42 We were just talking bout Matrix. Seen it yet? 04-07-99 19:48:18 I'm thinking that's an internet sort of movie, should boost attendance on VOICE and friends. 04-07-99 19:48:31 *** CTCP PING (mandie) (#scoug) 04-07-99 19:48:31 eww, lag 04-07-99 19:48:31 *** Signoff: mandie (Changing servers) [19:48:31] 04-07-99 19:48:32 *** mandie :No such nick/channel 04-07-99 19:48:44 We had one other... for about 5 seconds. Don't know where she went. 04-07-99 19:48:46 That would be good 04-07-99 19:49:31 mandie = judy?? 04-07-99 19:49:40 No longer on WEBBnet 04-07-99 19:50:42 Any ideas on other subjects to support a chat session? 04-07-99 19:50:46 *** mandie^ (judymc@dyn1-tnt13-81.detroit.mi.ameritech.net) has joined #scoug [19:50:46] 04-07-99 19:50:52 hmm 04-07-99 19:50:52 Welcome back 04-07-99 19:51:03 thanks for coming back mandie. 04-07-99 19:51:06 faster, I hope? 04-07-99 19:51:10 thx 04-07-99 19:51:18 Must have been that ping... 04-07-99 19:51:28 Any topics for chat mandie? 04-07-99 19:51:50 *** mandie (judymc@dyn1-tnt13-81.detroit.mi.ameritech.net) has joined #scoug [19:51:50] 04-07-99 19:51:51 *** Signoff: mandie (Read error: 0 (Success)) [19:51:51] 04-07-99 19:52:04 Well. 04-07-99 19:52:30 Maybe mandie isn't talking to us¨ 04-07-99 19:52:56 maybe she is having wet phone line connection problems. 04-07-99 19:53:07 Sector, Please explain to me the upside down question mark. 04-07-99 19:53:16 So, we have a Monday, and a Wednesday. What's prospects for a weekend session? 04-07-99 19:53:32 Whats there to explain? 04-07-99 19:53:34 I'd participate when I'm home. 04-07-99 19:53:58 Why is the question mark upside down? Mine are all right side up. 04-07-99 19:54:23 Thats why we need more folks. One of us is away, we lose 25% 04-07-99 19:54:27 Are they rightside up or are they really upside down and mine are rightside up¨ 04-07-99 19:54:44 I guess they're upside down in Australia? 04-07-99 19:54:44 In espanol, the upside down one is supposed to be in front of the sentence. 04-07-99 19:55:06 Do they speak spanis in Australia? 04-07-99 19:55:13 *** Signoff: mandie^ (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [19:55:13] 04-07-99 19:55:13 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [19:55:13] 04-07-99 19:55:56 She is fast. Seemed to sign off without joining... 04-07-99 19:56:26 mandie^ stuck around when mandie vanished 04-07-99 19:56:31 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [19:56:30] 04-07-99 19:56:31 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 19:56:51 Okay, I'll keep plugging. Planning to keep it up till end of May, see if we can get us some friends. 04-07-99 19:57:08 Goal -- average 15 people per week in May 04-07-99 19:57:21 anything I can do to help, as VP of marketing? 04-07-99 19:57:36 *** Friend0 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:36] 04-07-99 19:57:36 *** Friend (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:36] 04-07-99 19:57:38 *** Friend2 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:38] 04-07-99 19:57:42 *** Friend4 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:42] 04-07-99 19:57:48 *** Friend6 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:48] 04-07-99 19:57:50 *** Friend3 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:50] 04-07-99 19:57:51 *** Friend7 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:51] 04-07-99 19:57:53 *** Friend8 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:53] 04-07-99 19:57:54 *** Friend5 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:57:54] 04-07-99 19:58:06 Howdy, friends! 04-07-99 19:58:07 Is that better? 04-07-99 19:58:08 *** Friend1 (friend@04-200.015.popsite.net) has joined #scoug [19:58:08] 04-07-99 19:58:15 I think we are getting spammed by friend at popsite.net 04-07-99 19:58:22 15 exactly. 04-07-99 19:58:27 Plus the flaky bot. 04-07-99 19:58:53 11 fakes, four flakes? 04-07-99 19:59:26 Wouldn't that be 10 fakes¨ 04-07-99 19:59:37 Sector has multiple personalities. 04-07-99 19:59:41 I judge by your continued participation, you also feel we can make something of this. Please give some thought how we can get others to feel the same. 04-07-99 19:59:59 Hmmm, could be 04-07-99 20:00:03 *** Signoff: Friend1 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:03] 04-07-99 20:00:09 *** Signoff: Friend5 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:09] 04-07-99 20:00:11 *** Signoff: Friend8 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:11] 04-07-99 20:00:11 daveW is fake, too... 04-07-99 20:00:12 *** Signoff: Friend7 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:12] 04-07-99 20:00:13 *** Signoff: Friend3 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:13] 04-07-99 20:00:15 *** Signoff: Friend6 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:15] 04-07-99 20:00:16 *** Signoff: Friend4 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:16] 04-07-99 20:00:18 *** Signoff: Friend2 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:18] 04-07-99 20:00:19 *** Signoff: Friend ((**Poof**)) [20:00:19] 04-07-99 20:00:20 *** Signoff: Friend0 ((**Poof**)) [20:00:20] 04-07-99 20:00:31 Just a clone 04-07-99 20:00:35 *** DaveW has left #scoug [20:00:35] 04-07-99 20:01:43 * SteveS time is 8:01pm PT 04-07-99 20:01:43 As usual, a great pleasure chatting with you. 04-07-99 20:02:05 See you next Wednesday, 7PM PDT. 04-07-99 20:02:28 Know anything about IDE hardware channels anyone? 04-07-99 20:02:41 What about them? 04-07-99 20:02:50 Yes, what do you need to know? 04-07-99 20:03:17 2 per motherboard, usually 04-07-99 20:03:45 After exerimenting with the VMB and DOS CD-rom drivers Monday, after the chat t here, one of my cd-roms bombed out. 04-07-99 20:03:55 Primary and Secondary channels, each channel supports 2 devices (Master and Slave) 04-07-99 20:04:12 Where's your CD, on pri or sec? 04-07-99 20:04:23 mast or slave? 04-07-99 20:04:50 btw, what sort of CD do you have? Older ones don't support all the protocols. 04-07-99 20:04:50 The old one, with a dedicated proprietary interface board. I want to use the slot for a sound card, maybe one with an IDE channel for cdrom. 04-07-99 20:05:20 IDE CDs are real cheap. 04-07-99 20:05:42 I have 3 cd roms. 2 ATAPIs on channel 2 of my main i/o card. 04-07-99 20:05:48 The last IDE CDROM I got was $8.97 for a 40x 04-07-99 20:06:03 I get the slowest cheapest I can find. Never got down to single digits though! 04-07-99 20:06:22 Will my computer handle another IDE channel on the sound card? 04-07-99 20:06:27 I've paid 40 with a 20 rebate, I think. 04-07-99 20:06:31 Is that possible? 04-07-99 20:06:32 Yes. 04-07-99 20:06:45 You have a 486, don't you? 04-07-99 20:07:02 so that I have 2 ide channels on the main I/O card on the MB, and another on the sound card? 04-07-99 20:07:17 Some sound cards support an IDE channel. 04-07-99 20:07:24 almost a 486. 386 DX40 with math co proc. 04-07-99 20:07:36 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [20:07:36] 04-07-99 20:07:38 I do intend to put a 486 together soon. 04-07-99 20:07:40 That was more like $69 at Office Depot, who matched Staples price of $49.99 plus an additional 10% off, then a $30.00 rebate from Digital Research 04-07-99 20:07:40 If you have both on the IO card in use, you can't enable the one on the sound card. 04-07-99 20:07:45 Dallas, get a new computer.... 04-07-99 20:07:58 They use IRQs, 13 and 14, I think 04-07-99 20:07:59 Forget about a 486. 04-07-99 20:08:29 How about a job, so I can get some money first, to pay for all this stuff? 04-07-99 20:08:37 So if you have two channels on your io card, you should be able to support 4 IDE devicees. 04-07-99 20:08:48 I havbe a 486 MB. 04-07-99 20:09:08 I don't have any Pentium mb. 04-07-99 20:09:12 How many hard drives do you have? 04-07-99 20:09:44 Most IO cards require a driver to enable the second IDE channel, if I recall. 04-07-99 20:09:47 one hard drive, one atapi zip, 2 cd roms on main i/o card ide channels. 04-07-99 20:10:26 this one works ok as is. the old cdrom with dedicated card seems to have died. 04-07-99 20:10:37 So you're maxed out on IDEs. 04-07-99 20:10:48 So what is the issue at this time? 04-07-99 20:10:51 this frees up one slot on the mb, and the case. 04-07-99 20:10:56 How many CDs do you need? 04-07-99 20:11:29 one to listen to music on. one to do real work. another in reserve is nice. 04-07-99 20:11:43 Forget about the reserve. 04-07-99 20:12:22 So a 3rd ide channel is out of the question? 04-07-99 20:12:28 So what did you need the slot for? 04-07-99 20:12:39 Yeah, the limiting factor is interrupts. 04-07-99 20:13:14 it was a dedicated proprietary card for an old cd-rom. gonna put a sound car d there, is the idea. 04-07-99 20:13:25 If you have a spare irq, and your io lets you select other than 14 and 15, you might can add another. I don't think so though. 04-07-99 20:13:32 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [20:13:32] 04-07-99 20:13:32 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 20:13:33 Wide SCSI can support 16 devices on one IRQ (but that would cost you some money) 04-07-99 20:14:00 getting rid of the prop. card will free up a IRQ. 04-07-99 20:14:34 maybe I should put a scsi car instead? 04-07-99 20:14:47 I have an old single speed with proprietary card you can have if you want. 04-07-99 20:14:56 Well, you would also need devices that support it. 04-07-99 20:15:17 And now you are talking about some real dollars. 04-07-99 20:15:22 * Sector has an old single speed with proprietary card sitting on a shelf in the closet 04-07-99 20:15:22 scsi can be faster, but costs much more. 04-07-99 20:15:31 I might take the old cd-rom. 04-07-99 20:15:41 Not faster with a 386.... 04-07-99 20:15:55 Less CPU overhead with SCSI 04-07-99 20:16:16 What kind was it? 04-07-99 20:16:32 phillips, I think. 04-07-99 20:16:36 os2 drivers. 04-07-99 20:16:43 Sony CDU 535A, external 04-07-99 20:17:29 What speed. Occasionally I found this old one could read some cds the newer faster one couldn't. 04-07-99 20:17:49 150 (1x) 04-07-99 20:18:19 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [20:18:19] 04-07-99 20:18:21 Some games and such demand 4x 04-07-99 20:18:49 the two ides i have are 16x 04-07-99 20:18:52 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [20:18:52] 04-07-99 20:18:52 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 20:19:04 Also, the older ones don't support some of the protocols needed by some CDs 04-07-99 20:19:28 lots of CD formats these days. 04-07-99 20:19:47 When all this started mon. night, I did some experiments on the stuff I was discussing with Sector and SteveL. 04-07-99 20:20:20 So it's all emacs fault¨ 04-07-99 20:20:50 I tried to install the driver for the 16x s under VDM, and things seemed to hang, i think it got confused and tried to install on the mitsumi propietary. 04-07-99 20:21:21 I get the impression cd-roms have some limited write cycle cmos type memory that the drivers write to. 04-07-99 20:21:41 Yes this and a whole lot more is emacs fault!!!! :-) 04-07-99 20:22:08 Did you at least get emacs to use short filenames under OS/2? 04-07-99 20:22:20 I had another fail after playing around with the driver. 04-07-99 20:23:08 not under os/2. I tried undr dr/open - dos 7.01. the NWCDEX.EXE couldn't doe do it, but putting in mscdex.exe it ran there. 04-07-99 20:23:38 Hmmm, mscdex.exe can be run under OS/2... 04-07-99 20:24:04 does it need the driver installed? I would think so.... 04-07-99 20:24:17 I can definitly try it. 04-07-99 20:24:18 *** Signoff: SCOUGbot (irc.us.webbnet.org irc.mi.webbnet.org) [20:24:18] 04-07-99 20:24:32 Not sure never had a need for running it under OS/2 myself. 04-07-99 20:25:24 *** SCOUGbot (~scougbot@ has joined #SCOUG [20:25:24] 04-07-99 20:25:24 *** #SCOUG Mode change: +o SCOUGbot 04-07-99 20:25:44 Need to check resource tool, whats the name, and see if it gives the cd-rom handles. 04-07-99 20:25:53 keep plugging. You'll get it running. 04-07-99 20:26:07 dave@scoug.com, out